What Does OG Stand For?

OG stands for "Original Gangster." The term originated from hip hop culture in the 1970s-80s as a label used by pioneering gang members to set themselves apart as the "originals" – the first of their kind in their neighborhoods.

While OG began as a tag asserting street credibility, the definition has greatly expanded over decades of cultural evolution and internet adoption:

The Origins

Before we dive deeper into OG‘s current pop culture status, let‘s go back to its linguistic roots.

Asserting Authenticity in Street Culture

According to etymology studies of black American vernacular, using "OG" as a descriptor emerged from California‘s vibrant youth street culture in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

It was employed specifically among the "Old Gangsters" – seasoned gang members who wanted to differentiate themselves from newer inductees by labeling themselves as the "original" founders of their sets.

For instance, a gang that had been established for generations in a Los Angeles community might refer to the oldest members as the "OGs." This demonstrated their tenure and pioneering status as LA‘s archetypal gang culture developed.

Adoption in Early Hip Hop

As hip hop music exploded from an underground scene centered in New York City, "OG" as a term was popularized through hardcore rap that authentically captured the experiences of black inner city youth.

Gang affiliations and street credibility were a key part of this emerging musical culture. So the term "OG" was used by rappers and fans alike to describe figures who were "original" pioneers of the emerging hip hop movement.

For instance, DJ Kool Herc who hosted the first hip hop parties in the 70s or graffiti artists like Phase 2 who helped define visual aesthetics associated with hardcore rap.

This fresh adoption of "OG" in musical contexts referred to artists and contributors with the authenticity and tenure to be considered original trailblazers of hip hop music itself.

Evolution into Mainstream Slang & Eventual Internet Fame

While keeping its root associations with pioneering authenticity, OG as a label transcended its subculture status over the 90s and 2000s – eventually becoming a mainstream slang term and internet staple.

Entering the Linguistic Mainstream

According to slang dictionaries and experts, the widespread cultural popularity of gangsta rap through the 90s introduced the phrase "original gangster" and abbreviation "OG" into mainstream vocabulary:

"OG‘s migration into mainstream slang accelerated as gangsta rap impacted culture in the 1990s. As rappers portrayed the "OG" lifestyle, fans started labeling vintage clothing, classic albums, or anything with throwback pedigree as "OG"." (Slang.org)

The term was now adopted by the general public to describe anything or anyone with quintessential old school credibility – from clothes to music to classic cars.

By the early 2000s, you might hear someone casually describe a restaurant that had been locally famous for decades as:

"a Portland staple – total OG spot."

At this point OG had evolved from an assertion of gang authenticity to much broader descriptor signifying nostalgia, seniority, and cultural pioneer status.

The Internet Age & Gaming Adoption

The widespread cultural penetration of OG took on new dimensions in the age of social networks and online gaming.

Internet culture amplified use of slang terms, and "OG" exponentially increased in usage upon migration to forums, message boards, and eventually memes.

Certain long-running meme formats came to be known as "OG memes", honored with an iconic status earning their longevity.

Similarly, within the rapid iterations of online games, players who had been participating from the very launch came to be reverently labeled "OG gamers."

For instance, players with cherished usernames snagged in the first hour of an MMORPG launch or Call of Duty clans formed in 2003 amidst the game‘s meteoric rise to domination.

OG Culture in Gaming

As both a gamer and gaming content creator, I‘ve observed the term "OG" hold a special prestige in gaming spheres. For instance:

  • Minecraft: Players like CaptainSparklez who fueled Minecraft‘s 2010s growth with iconic viral videos
  • World of Warcraft: Former EverQuest addicts who switched to WoW in 2004 and became realm first level 60s
  • League of Legends: Founding members of acclaimed esports organizations like TSM or C9
  • Call of Duty: Players cherishing their max prestige accounts from 2007‘s cultural gaming explosion
  • Fortnite: Rare OG skins like Renegade Raider only obtainable in very early seasons
  • GTA RP: Prominent NoPixel server roleplayers around since pre-boom days

In these cases spanning massive MMORPGs to competitive shooters to open world sandboxes, "OG" confers a special recognition. It indicates that despite industry churn, these gamers or clans have remained seminal pillars of their gaming communities since their inception.

The label represents an authentic participant status that newer fans cannot obtain regardless of skill level or dedication. In gaming contexts, the "original" quality persists as the ultimate badge of honor.

What Does Calling Someone "OG" Indicate Today?

While still retaining vestiges of its street culture origins, the interpretatation of OG has become more fluid across regions and demographics:

  • For Gen X hip hop fans, it may signify status as a pioneering old school artist like DJ Jazzy Jeff
  • Among west coast skaters, it describes legendary builders who shaped sport history like Stacy Peralta
  • For New York youth, it‘s seasoned basketball court veterans who‘ve "been around"
  • Within gaming scenes, it Flexibly denotes prominent early esports pros or long-tenured guild leaders

In 2023 usage, when someone calls a person, place or thing "OG", it generally confers respect for an enduring, vintage, and authentically old school impact over time.

Despite subcultural nuance, it largely functions as positive label recognizing someone‘s credentials as an original trendsetter and community leader due to their tenure.

OG Usage Over Time

Is "OG" an Insult?

Unlike derogatory gaming terms like "noob", OG carries largely positive connotations. However, it can also be used teasingly or with irony:

  • "Oh look at Cam with his beat up Vans and spikes bracelet…OG over here!"
  • "Brandon grew that mustache ironically to meme. What an OG hipster doofus."

So while OG mainly signifies praise and respect, it can also poke fun in certain contexts.

Key Takeaways on OG

After breaking down this term‘s cultural trajectory and modern interpretations, here are the key things to remember:

  • Meaning: OG = Original Gangster
  • Origins: Used by "old school" gang members to assert seniority
  • Evolution: Adopted more widely in 90s rap before going mainstream
  • Current Usage: Label representing enduring pioneer status and credibility
  • Connotations: Largely positive, but can also be used with irony

In summary, OG is rooted in establishing status as an original trendsetter. Today, it flexibly recognizes someone or something that has attained iconic legitimacy due to their early and sustained impact over time within a space.

It remains an honorific for gamers, rappers, or anyone who can claim "I was there first…I‘m OG."

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