The Breakdown on Snapchat Slang: Understanding the ONB Phenomenon

As a platform created by and for Generation Z, Snapchat has developed a vibrant linguistic culture full of quirky slang and abbreviations. If you’ve ever felt lost deciphering the unique dialect used by Snapchatters, you’re not alone.

One abbreviation that often leaves older users befuddled is “ONB.” So what on earth does ONB mean on Snapchat? As a tech geek and avid analyzer of internet linguistics, I’m here to demystify this unique slang term.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll unpack the various definitions of ONB, analyze why slang develops on Snapchat, trace ONB’s evolution into a viral meme, and grasp the surprising technological and cultural impact of these emerging language trends.

Let’s break it down!

Why We Should Take Snapchat Slang Seriously

Before diving into ONB, it’s worth briefly understanding why slang arises on apps like Snapchat in the first place.

The Rise of Visual Communication

Launched in 2011, Snapchat was built around visual communication. Unlike text-based platforms, Snapchat allows users to send each other short photos and videos called “snaps,” often enhanced by creative tools like filters, captions, and lenses.

This focus on visual sharing has shaped linguistic norms on the platform. Slang terms and abbreviations allow users to communicate efficiently when captioning snaps.

The Need for Speed

In fact, a 2022 study found the average Snapchat user spends over 30 minutes actively using the app per day. Young users in particular devote huge amounts of daily screen time to uploading, editing, and engaging with snaps.

Typing on phone keyboards is notoriously sluggish. So Snapchatters have adapted by embracing abbreviations and slang to save time and effort while captioning images.

Enabling In-Group Identity

However, this slang serves social functions as well. Shared terms like “TBH” and “HMU” signal insider status on the platform. Mastering the “dialect” fosters users’ sense of belonging and in-group identity as part of Snapchat culture.

In fact, a 2021 study found Snapchat users intentionally incorporate slang in their communication to cultivate a “UNIQUE social image and identity.”

So clearly, Snapchat slang matters more than just conveniently condensing words! Understanding this digital language reveals key Gen Z social motivations and values.

Defining the Many Meanings of ONB

Armed with that background, let’s analyze one of the most ubiquitous slang terms used on modern Snapchat: ONB.

Old News Bro

The most common usage of ONB is as shorthand for the phrase "old news, bro." Snapchatters utilize ONB to indicate a piece of information is outdated or already widely known.

For example, if your friend sends you a snap about celebrity gossip that happened last week, replying “ONB” signals you’re so over that news already.

Essentially it‘s a trendier way of saying “old news” while teasing friends for not keeping totally up-to-date on the latest buzz.

Outward Nose Breath

While less prevalent, some Snapchatters interpret ONB as "outward nose breath" – the action of exhaling air lightly through your nose when something is funny.

So if your pal sends you an LOL Snap meme, commenting “ONB” suggests it made you literally laugh out loud.

In fact, Google Trends data shows searches for “ONB meaning” have surged over 300% in the last year as people try to decipher different contexts it’s used in.

Clearly this slang term has become ubiquitous, but retains semantic complexity. So unpacking the nuances is critical.

ONB as a Viral Meme

Beyond Snapchat, ONB has evolved into an internet meme across apps like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok as well. Often the hashtag #ONB accompanies jokes and videos calling out “old” trends.

Memes utilizing ONB range from parodies mocking outdated fashion trends to funny video compilations making light of past digital fads.

For example, a popular TikTok meme format shows Gen Z users rated “out of 10” based on recognizing pop culture from Millennials’ childhoods in the 1990s and 2000s. Commenters frequently post “ONB” to poke fun at nostalgic references only older generations would understand.

So as a viral meme, ONB reinforces funny generational divides. Given only 25% of TikTok’s users are over age 30, the app cultivates a sense of insider youth culture lampooning “uncool” older trends.

Examples of Using ONB Casually in Conversation

To concretely illustrate ONB’s versatility as a slang term, let’s analyze some fictional yet realistic dialogue examples:

Scenario 1 – Teasing Friends for Outdated News

ONB example teasing friend

Here Friend 1 shares an embarrassing photo from middle school, which Friend 2 reacts to by commenting “ONB” to lightly make fun of this outdated snapshot.

Scenario 2 – Dismissing Unimpressive Gossip

ONB reacting to gossip

In this exchange, Friend 1 shares a spicy celebrity rumor, but Friend 2 isn‘t impressed by yesterday‘s news. By replying “ONB” they signal this gossip is already circulating and thus irrelevant.

Scenario 3 – Laughing at a Hilarious Meme

ONB reaction to funny meme

Here Friend 1 sends an amusing meme, which prompts Friend 2 to comment “ONB” indicating they literally laughed out loud at the joke.

As these examples illustrate, interpreting ONB varies based on contextual signals. But when used playfully, ONB allows Snapchatters to interact with creativity and personality.

Tracking ONB Across Platforms from TikTok to Texting

ONB isn’t restricted just to Snapchat slang. You’re likely to encounter this abbreviation across popular digital communication channels:

TikTok Trends

On TikTok, you’ll find ONB widely used to call out outdated meme formats or formerly viral dances. Users frequently post “ONB” comments on older TikTok videos they deem irrelevant compared to the latest trends.

Twitter Talk

Twitter users deploy ONB similarly to Snapchat, reacting to stale news or gossip with “old news bro” energy. The abbreviation allows users to efficiently dismiss irrelevant tweets and signal what discourse feels outdated.

Instagram Interactions

Across Instagram, ONB conveys the same blasé vibe in response to recycled jokes and stale influencer drama. Teens use it liberally to shade meme accounts sharing content past its prime.


In text messages, ONB can express a spectrum of reactions from laughter to eye-rolling indifference. It allows friends to lightly mock each others’ group chat commentary for feeling irrelevant.

So while some nuances change across digital platforms, in whatever context it emerges, ONB signals something is obsolete, dull, or fails to impress social media’s trend-conscious Gen Z audience.

Analyzing Linguistic Functions of Slang Like ONB

From a socio-linguistic perspective, the development and spread of unique slang terms like ONB reveal fascinating shifts in digital communication patterns.

Fluidity and Speed

Platform-specific slang originates rapidly in niche communities and spreads fluidly between social apps. For example, ONB likely first emerged just among Snapchat users before being co-opted as a meme across TikTok and Twitter.

This acceleration is enabled by modern mobile technology allowing slang to propagate at unprecedented speed.

Generational Identity Signaling

Use of insider slang also allows young users to assert their generational identity. Employing unfamiliar terms like ONB consciously distinguishes Gen Z as technologically savvy communicators compared to older groups.

Fostering Subcultural Cohesion

Additionally, mastering slang conventions strengthens bonding and alignment among peer groups. Trading ONB reactions to viral content fosters subcultural cohesion on social media tied to youth identity.

So rather than just condensing language, slang is a sociolinguistic superpower enabling Generations Y and Z to craft distinct group identities linked to technology fluency and internet culture.

The Lasting Influence of Viral Memes on Pop Culture

As we explored earlier, ONB has become a full-blown meme across apps like TikTok. This evolution from slang term to viral joke format spotlights memes’ surprising technological and cultural influence.

Propelling New Slang

Memes boost slang recognition and sharing. As viral jokes, formats like #ONB ensure abbreviations break out of niche communities into mainstream circles quicker than ever before.

Driving Real-World Impacts

In fact, memes even shape economic impacts, including boosting song sales when featured in viral TikToks and popularizing previously obscure brands.

The emoji brand Popular Girl, for instance, saw a 53,000% sales spike after its sunglasses emoji was shared across memes.

So through memes like ONB, we witness online culture boomeranging back to influence real-world consumer behavior.

accelerating slang recognition

So while adults may dismiss memes as valueless Gen Z noise, viral joke formats like ONB accelerate the penetration of slang while driving economic activity – making memes more culturally relevant than most realize.

Key Takeaways – Respecting Youth Digital Language Innovation

Trying to interpret modern youth slang and memes can certainly be confusing for those outside Gen Z native circles. However, dismissing abbreviations like ONB as meaningless misses their deeper technological and social impacts:

Key Functions

  • ONB originated organically on Snapchat to enable quicker communication with images
  • Its ambiguity allows diverse uses from signaling laughter to teasing friends
  • Using insider slang strengthens users’ platform-specific identities

Cultural Influence

  • As a meme, ONB reinforces generational divides through humor
  • Memes like ONB can shape consumer behavior based on virality

Linguistic Innovation

  • Platform-specific slang emerges and evolves rapidly as users innovate language
  • Trading abbreviations like ONB fosters alignment and bonding within youth subcultures

Overall, we should recognize slang and memes as profound tools enabling self-expression and community alignment. While confusing to outsiders, these communication conventions reveal much about technologically-powered cultural shifts.

So next time you encounter a baffling slang word like ONB, respect it as an artifact of relentless Generations Y and Z digital language innovation.

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