P.E.K.K.A‘s True Meaning Revealed!

As a passionate Clash gamer and content creator, I‘m constantly scouring forums, wikis, and talking to fellow players to dig up cool backstories and trivia about our favorite troops. And if you‘ve played any Supercell Clash games before, you likely know all about the powerhouse that is P.E.K.K.A!

Officially, P.E.K.K.A stands for…drumroll please…"Perfectly Enraged Knight Killer of Assassins"! I know, it‘s quite a mouthful. This wicked awesome full name was actually chosen from a naming contest Supercell held with players back in 2013. Of over 2,500 submissions, I can see why they picked this one as it really encapsulates P.E.K.K.A‘s utterly destructive essence!

The Myth Behind the Legendary Troop Revealed

But why is this armored samurai robot so gosh darn angry?! Well sit down my friend and let me regale you with the legend behind P.E.K.K.A‘s intense hatred of assassins and knights…

Legend tells that P.E.K.K.A was once a humble sword maker, content to spend days tirelessly crafting the most elegant blades in the kingdom. That all changed when a group of evil mega knights descended on her village one fateful night. They ruthlessly attacked the peaceful villagers that P.E.K.K.A held dear. Though she fought bravely, P.E.K.K.A was ultimately defeated by the leader of the mega knights just as she prepared to unleash her finishing blow on him!

As P.E.K.K.A lay damaged on the ground, she grit her metal teeth in anger, vowing vengeance! But suddenly, a passing butterfly gently landed on her nose. Looking at its calm beauty, P.E.K.K.A‘s rage dissipated. She broke out into giggles instead at the butterfly tickling her. The remaining mega knights fled in terror from this strange display!

From that day on, P.E.K.K.A devoted herself to perfecting an enchanted suit of armor and mythic blade that allowed her to channel her righteous fury. Woe to any mega knight or sneaky assassin who crosses her path – she will stop at nothing to administer sweet justice! Some say she maintains a tiny sliver of her former innocence though – anytime P.E.K.K.A spots a wandering butterfly, she‘ll briefly revert to a fit of joyful laughter before resuming her relentless assault!


P.E.K.K.A‘s armor grants her a singular focus on destruction! (credit: Clash of Clans Wiki)

So while you may look at P.E.K.K.A and see only a mindless metallic killing machine…know that she fights with honor and purpose – to avenge her fallen villagers! Now you know the real legend behind this heavy hitter. Next time you drop a P.E.K.K.A, remember that she brings righteous fury with her on the battlefield!!

By the Numbers: P.E.K.K.A‘s Dominance Quantified

If you still doubt P.E.K.K.A‘s elite capabilities after that moving backstory, let‘s talk cold hard stats:

  • At level 5, P.E.K.K.A boasts a whopping 3,840 hitpoints, rivaling even some buildings! Good luck taking her down easily!

  • Every 2 seconds, she‘ll swing her plasma sword to smash nearby foes for 700 area damage a pop. Talk about terrifying damage per second potential.

  • Thanks to her heavy suit, she boasts an impressive ‘Fast‘ movement speed stat almost on par with troops half her weight like Valkyrie. Belying her lumbering metal frame!

  • Training costs may be steep at 55,000 gold & 16,500 elixir, but you definitely get what you pay for. One of the strongest melee troops that exists!

Simply put, no other melee ground troop has remotely the survivability AND sheer stopping power that P.E.K.K.A possesses in a single intimidating package. While her epic training costs may limit widespread usage to focused strategies, no wise battle commander leaves home without at least a few P.E.K.K.As guarding their army!

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The Fairest Warrior Maiden of them All!

Finally, we can‘t talk P.E.K.K.A without acknowledging her royal status as one of the most elegant females roaming the Clash landscape! We stan a metal queen slaying assassins with poise and skirt armor fluttering in the wind behind her.

And unlike her Mini P.E.K.K.A counterpart which Supercell confirmed is male, OG P.E.K.K.A rightfully takes her place as a glistening warrior goddess amidst troops that skew overwhelmingly male in demographic. Talk about girl power!

Between the knife-edge plasma blade pirouetting through multiple foes per swing, floating buddy butterflies, and cute pink glow weapon trail, P.E.K.K.A brings a deadly dose of femme fatale vibes to even the manliest army compositions.

So in summary, we‘ve revealed P.E.K.K.A‘s true name and motivations, seen her unmatched strength quantified, and appreciated her graceful lethality. What‘s not to love?! For my gems, she remains one of the top legendary Clash characters ever conceived. Next troop profile I create will likely feature Mr. Butterflies himself, the Magic Archer!

Let me know in the comments who you want me to cover next. And whether you‘ll think twice before enraging this steel maiden going forward knowing her vengeful backstory… 😉

Clash on!

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