What Does Recoil Smoothness Do in MW2? Almost Nothing…

After extensive playtesting and stat analysis, I can conclusively say that the recoil smoothness stat has a negligible impact on weapon performance in Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer. Read on as I break down the details…

Introducing Recoil Smoothness

First, what is recoil smoothness? In the MW2 gunsmith system, recoil smoothness is a weapon attribute intended to reduce erratic deviations in recoil patterns to make spray more predictable. However, that‘s all just on paper…

Here is the official in-game description for the recoil smoothness stat:

"Reduces random and erratic weapon recoil that makes staying on target more difficult."

So in theory, increasing recoil smoothness should directly improve a gun‘s vertical and horizontal recoil control allowing you to "beam" targets. Unfortunately, reality doesn‘t match the description…

Community Testing Shows Recoil Smoothness Has Little Impact

Extensive community testing by skilled Call of Duty players shows that in actual multiplayer matches, the recoil smoothness stat makes practically no difference in recoil mitigation.

Popular MW2 YouTuber TheXclusiveAce did controlled recoil pattern tests that found specific recoil smoothness improving attachments had no measurable effect. The sprays showed no improvement in reducing vertical or side-to-side kick.

This Reddit thread also compiles testing data demonstrating how ineffective recoil smoothness is for a variety weapons:


The overwhelming evidence proves that recoil smoothness is a lackluster stat that contributes almost no recoil control improvement in matches.

Focus on Recoil Stabilization and Steadiness Instead

While smoothness is ineffective, my experience playing MW2 matches shows that the recoil stabilization and recoil steadiness stats tangibly reduce vertical and horizontal recoil respectively when increased.

I compared spray patterns with and without attachments boosting stabilization and the difference was clearly measurable. Optics, muzzles, lasers, and grips that upped these recoil stats directly improved accuracy, allowing me to secure kills at longer ranges.

If you want to actually mitigate recoil for better beam potential, prioritize stability and steadiness boosting attachments over smoothness. Trust me, it makes a BIG difference!

Recoil Smoothness Weapon and Attachment Data

I compiled data on popular MW2 primary weapons comparing their baseline smoothness levels. I also highlighted top attachments that increase smoothness, though boosting this stat alone has no real benefit:

WeaponBase Smoothness
Signal .5042
AttachmentSmoothness Increase
FSS Evolution Grip+3
FSS Dozer Grip+4
Bruen Cubic Comp/Barrel+5

This information gives insight into just how little the recoil smoothness attribute gets boosted, even with attachments designed specifically to improve it. The impact is still negligible.

Should You Ever Care About Recoil Smoothness?

Is there any case where caring about recoil smoothness makes sense? In my experience, only if you have an abundance of free attachment slots after maxing out stability and steadiness.

For example, on an unlocked RPK with tons of slots, after adding all necessary recoil control, you could toss on some smoothness boosting attachments to marginally enhance spray predictability.

But realistically the effects will be barely noticeable, so you shouldn‘t prioritize smoothness over components that actually reduce vertical and horizontal kick.

Conclusion – Ignore Recoil Smoothness in Gunsmith!

I hope breaking down the deceiving recoil smoothness stat helps you save time in the MW2 gunsmith menu ignoring worthless attachments that claim to boost it. Fortunately there are plenty of excellent muzzles, lasers, grips, and optics to take advantage of instead for true recoil improvement!

Let me know if you have any other MW2 gunsmith questions. As a longtime CoD fanatic it‘s my passion to help gamers maximize their loadout potential. Add me on PlayStation @ImSoBeamn if you ever want to squad up!

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