What does SCP stand for?

As a long-time gamer and fan of creepypastas, few stories have captured my imagination as much as the SCP Foundation collaborative writing project. But what exactly does "SCP" stand for, and what is this shadowy fictional organization all about? Read on for a complete beginner‘s guide!

SCP Stands for "Secure, Contain, Protect"

SCP stands for Secure, Contain, Protect – the motto of the fictional SCP Foundation. This secretive organization operates internationally to locate and contain anomalous objects, entities, locations, and phenomena that violate natural law. These anomalies – referred to as "SCPs" – threaten normal reality as we understand it. The Foundation secures these SCPs at covert facilities around the world and develops procedures to prevent them from harming humanity.

The Origin of the SCP Foundation

The SCP Foundation writing project began in 2007 on the paranormal /urban legend website 4chan. A user named Moto42 introduced SCP-173, a statue that moves when unseen. The bizarre clinical tone and procedural style captivated readers. Soon the concept exploded with thousands of contributors creating new SCP entries in a shared fictional world.

Today the SCP Wiki contains over 6,000 articles with international translations. It‘s spawned indie video games like SCP – Containment Breach and Control. The clinical tone and reports from often disturbed Foundation staff create an unsettling atmosphere. The horrors stay with you long after reading.

Notable SCP Objects and Entities

The SCP catalogue features all manner of objects and entities that baffle belief. These are some of the most iconic:

SCP-173 – "The Sculpture"
A concrete statue that moves quickly to snap necks when not under observation. One of the first and most famous entries.

SCP-682 – "Hard-to-Destroy Reptile”
A huge reptilian beast intent on killing humans that adapts to any damage done to it.

SCP-087 – “The Stairwell”
An unlit platform staircase that appears to descend infinitely. Bloodcurdling noises emerge from its depths.

SCP-3008 – “The Infinite IKEA”
A seemingly normal IKEA branch with no exit. Victims trapped inside slowly go insane trying to escape.

SCP-049 – “The Plague Doctor”
A humanoid figure in ancient plague garb that can induce a zombie-like state with its touch.

Object Classes – Understanding SCP Threat Levels

The Foundation categorizes anomalies using object classes based on containment difficulty and overall danger. These include:

Safe – Easily and safely contained. Example: SCP-914 – "The Clockworks" – a machine that transforms items placed inside.

Euclid – Containment is more challenging. Requires resources to keep confined. Example: SCP-106 – “The Old Man” – an unsettling humanoid that phases through solid matter to abduct victims.

Keter – Extremely difficult to contain and pose major threat. Example: SCP-682 as described above.

Thaumiel – Used by the Foundation to contain or counteract other SCPs. Example: SCP-3000 – "Anataesia" – an aquatic creature whose fluids can induce comas or wake victims from them.

Neutralized – No longer an active anomaly requiring special containment.

Containment Breaches and SCP Games

While clinical descriptions and procedures make up SCP articles, fictional stories and incidents help the world feel dynamic. These often involve "containment breaches" where an SCP escapes and causes chaos.

Games like SCP – Containment Breach, SCP: Secret Laboratory, and Control let players experience such breakouts first-hand. Surviving disturbing SCP encounters makes for tense, gripping gameplay. The engaging stories and creativity of anomaly designs drive the games as much as the thrills.

Why The SCP Mythos Endures

As a avid gamer and aficionado of creepypastas, I believe several factors explain the SCP universe‘s runaway success:

  • The pseudoscientific tone lends an air of authenticity and believably to outlandish concepts.
  • The minimalist, clinical writing style allows imaginations to run wild with horror implications.
  • It taps into fascination with secret organizations and love of conspiracy theories.
  • The creatures showcase incredibly creative monster designs and worldbuilding ideas.
  • It evolved into a shared creative universe with recurring characters/storylines.
  • The survival horror of containment breaches delivers exciting story dynamics.

SCP offers endless possibilities for new entities and tales. It will continue inspiring nightmares and video game screamfests for years to come!

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