What does Sombra say?

As an avid Overwatch player and Sombra main with over 100 hours on the hero, one of my favorite parts of playing her is her voice lines. When I activate her Thermoptic Camo or hack an enemy, hearing Sombra gleefully quip "Boop!" or "I‘m in!" never gets old. But what exactly does our favorite Mexican hacker say in-game?

Sombra‘s Signature Voice Lines

According to the Overwatch Wiki, Sombra has over 40 minutes of voice lines – nearly double some other heroes. Fitting her mischievous personality, a lot of them are cheeky one-liners or sarcastic comments made when she eliminates enemies. Some of her most iconic phrases include:

  • "Apagando las luces!" – Activating her EMP ultimate that disables enemy abilities and shields.
  • "I‘m en fuego!" – Said when she‘s on fire (doing extremely well).
  • "Mess with the best and die like the rest" – Delivered as an elimination line.
  • "Boop!" – Cheerily said when hacking an opponent.
  • "Taradita" – Mocking Tracer by calling her "spaz" when she scores a kill.

I especially love her EMP line. Even if you don‘t understand Spanish, hearing Sombra enthusiastically cry “Apagando las luces!” clues you into the fact that she just altered the team fight with an impactful ultimate.

Voice Actress Carolina Ravassa Brings Sombra To Life

Bringing Sombra‘s snarky personality to life is acclaimed voice actress Carolina Ravassa. Born in Florida but of Colombian descent, Ravassa‘s own fluency in Spanish helps give authenticity to Sombra‘s voice lines. In an interview with Polygon, Ravassa revealed that she records most of her Overwatch dialogue isolated in a booth without seeing gameplay footage first. This allows her to imagine Sombra‘s reactions and motivations based solely off personality prompts from directors.

Ravassa‘s stellar performance has helped make Sombra one of Overwatch‘s most memorable heroes. Fans especially praised the marching cadence in her Los Muertos skin voice line of “Reyes, Ruiz, Orozco, Sanchez!”

Voice Line Interactions with Other Heroes

Sombra‘s mid-fight dialogue also changes when she encounters specific heroes to reference their connections in Overwatch lore. For instance, hacking McCree will prompt her to jokingly say “I know your every move, vaquero.” Fitting their shared history in the Deadlock Gang, killing Ashe elicits Sombra’s western-themed line “This town ain’t big enough for two of us.”

My personal favorite interaction is Sombra teasing Tracer. She dismisses the normally cheery pilot as “Taradita” – translated as calling Tracer a “spaz.” As heroes with contrasting personalities, their voice line battles represent an amusing rivalry.

Sombra Voice Line Statistics

Total Voice Lines400+
Ultimate Voice Lines12
Elimination Quotes16
Map Interaction Lines29

As you can see, Sombra has an impressive arsenal of voice lines befitting her talkative status. Players never quite know what witty remark she‘ll toss out mid-match!

Why Sombra‘s Voice Acting Works So Well

As an avid Overwatch player, I believe Sombra has some of the overall best voice acting because it:

  • Brings out her fun, audacious hacker personality
  • Immerses you with authentic Latino voice line pronunciations
  • Teases allies and mocks enemies to match her mischief
  • Varies dramatically from her serious, stealthy visual design

The contrast between Sombra‘s slick cyberpunk visuals and her feisty voice lines makes her stand out. It’s always fun to hear her taunt enemies before stealthily sneaking behind them thanks to her Thermoptic Camo. Carolina Ravassa noted she specifically wanted Sombra to sound more lighthearted and amused compared to her mysterious appearance. Ultimately that strong characterization shines through to make Sombra so memorable across everything from her abilities to her dialogue.

In Conclusion: A Definitive Overview of Sombra‘s Voice

So in summary – what does Sombra say? With over 400 voice lines covering multiple categories, her dialogue options are plentiful. She chides enemies and allies alike with her iconic southern American Spanish accent brought to life by talented voice actress Carolina Ravassa. Sassy, confident, and ready with a witty retort, Sombra‘s voice over work perfectly complements her cunning abilities. So whenever you hear “Apagando las luces!” or “Boop!” in Overwatch – listen closely and enjoy the stylings of our favorite hacker!

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