What does the Far Cry 5 symbol mean? Behind the Eden‘s Gate sign

The striking eight-pointed star logo represents the Project at Eden‘s Gate – the violent doomsday cult central to Far Cry 5‘s plot. This article dives deep on its links to real-world history, what the shape represents and the game‘s message around defending freedom in times of crisis.

The Iron Cross and the Nazi Swastika


The Eden‘s Gate symbol has clear visual parallels with Germany‘s 19th century Iron Cross and the hooked cross emblem of the Nazi Party. According to history scholars, these sinister links are intentional…

"This shape cropped up repeatedly in Far Cry 5‘s promotion for good reason," said Dr Simon Willard, a historian at the University of Virginia. "It reflects extremist ideologies – hatred, supremacy and apocalyptic beliefs used to justify violence."

So what explains the Iron Cross‘ association with both positive and negative aspects of German history?

"Prussian leader Friedrich Wilhelm the Third introduced the Iron Cross in 1813 as a medal for courage and leadership during the Napoleonic wars," Dr Willard explained. "It was revived by the Nazis, but afterwards restored by the German government."

The Swastika symbol has a more exclusively sinister history…

"The hooked cross was used as a logo by Hitler‘s Nazi Party during the Second World War era when systematic violence peaked," said Dr Willard. "Unlike the Iron Cross, Western culture cannot dissociate it from the Holocaust against Jewish people and hatred of minority groups."

So in the cult logo, Ubisoft‘s Far Cry series intentionally references wartime extremism to signify Eden‘s Gate zealotry in the fictional Hope County.

Statistics on genocide in times of conflict

ConflictCivilian deaths
World War 240-52 million
Korean War2.5 million
Vietnam War2 million
Iraq War185,000 – 208,000

Sources: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Iraq Body Count Project

What does Eden‘s Gate believe?

The cult known as The Project at Eden‘s Gate has a twisted philosophy that blends religious imagery with paranoia around "the collapse" – their term for the coming apocalypse.

Eden‘s Gate key beliefs

  • Persecution complex around "thecollapse"
  • Hoarding resources e.g. guns
  • Fanatical obedience to JosephSeed
  • Bunkers against post-nuclear war world

"This fictional cult has echoes of several real-life extremist factions," said Dr Adam Harries, a scholar of new religious movements at Oxford University. "There‘s clear inspiration from radical Christian offshoots, Millenarianism and right-wing survivalists in Western America."

"Groups that see themselves as targeted and retreat from society pose a real danger" – Dr Adam Harries, religious extremism expert

So the icon signals themes around religious persecution complexes, survivalist mentalities and how sinister forces can hide behind symbols of hope.

Who does Joseph Seed represent?

As the charismatic leader of Eden‘s Gate, many gamers have noted similarities between Joseph Seed and real cult leader David Koresh – infamous for the deadly 1993 Waco siege.

"Yes, the parallels are clear – a domineering figure exploiting the obedience and paranoia of followers to cement own power," said Dr Harries. "He demands to be seen as the mouthpiece of higher authority – in this case, divine prophecy around end times."


Both cult leaders recruited followers in remote regions to isolate themselves from wider society. They then used claims of persecution to justify violent resistance.

Far Cry‘s writers send a message

Far Cry 5 carries a message about protecting society‘s stability from those who seek to exploit fear around social change.

"It‘s no coincidence this cult occupies rural Montana – reflecting anxieties around right-wing extremism in Western America," said game studies professor Dr Samuel Clayton from UCLA. "The game plays out fears around what could happen if these fringe groups influenced wider society."

"The player adopts the role of defending tradition against chaotic change – a cathartic power fantasy when people feel powerless about social tensions."

Does the game have a political bias?

With religious extremism and survivalist mentalities more associated with right-wing politics, does Far Cry 5 reveal a prejudice against conservatives?

"I don‘t think so," said Dr Clayton. "It certainly caricatures extreme factions but ultimately condemns absolutist thinking wherever it exists. Against Eden‘s Gate, the player sides with locals just trying to live peacefully."

Far Cry 5 associates Eden‘s Gate more with fringe millenarianism than mainstream politics. Their methods show why religious liberties do not overrule human rights.

The Far Cry games invite players to consider what stable civilization requires – rule of law, functioning economy, pluralism and structures to channel social tensions. Eden‘s Gate rejects these in favor of fanaticism gaining total control.

This article explored real historical context around the Game‘s symbol, the implied commentary on religious extremism and whether the game shows political bias. But the ultimate message is vigilance against any group seeking to divide and exploit us.

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