What does the Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla Season Pass include in 2024? A Comprehensive Breakdown

As a hardcore Assassin‘s Creed gamer and content creator, I‘ve played through all of Valhalla‘s post-launch expansions and quests. If you‘re wondering whether to buy the Season Pass in 2024, here‘s a detailed breakdown of everything it includes:


Wrath of the Druids

Set in Ireland, Wrath of the Druids features an entire new map to explore along with dozens of new story quests revolving around unraveling the mysteries of a druidic cult. Expect around 20 hours of fresh content.

I loved the Celtic environments and mystical vibes of the Druids expansion. The focus on more RPG mechanics like persuasion and infiltration over combat was a nice change of pace from the base game. The new abilities like smoke bombs also complemented my stealth build perfectly. My only complaint was that the main story ended a bit abruptly.

New Content:

  • Large Ireland map with several new territories
  • 30+ story missions
  • New weapons like sickles and smoking pipes
  • Original mythological story about Celtic gods
  • Infiltration, deception, and persuasion gameplay

The Siege of Paris

The Siege of Paris transports Eivor into Frankia to experience the legendary Viking attack on Paris in 885 AD rule. With around 15 hours of gameplay, it offers enough variety over the Ireland DLC while still retaining core gameplay.

I‘m a sucker for big medieval cities so being able to climb Notre Dame and infiltrate Paris had me engaged from start to finish. The focus on all-out assaults using your raiding crew added a fresh strategic layer compared to the base combat. My main gripe was that the story wasn‘t as strong as Ireland‘s.

New Content:

  • Paris city map + other Frankish territory
  • 20+ story missions
  • New raid mechanic to customize troops
  • Unique Frankish gear like scepters
  • Side content like black box infiltration


The Legend of Beowulf

This bonus quest has you uncover the truth behind the legendary Beowulf saga. It‘s a fairly standard multi-part quest in the vein of past mythical tales, with around 2 hours of additional content.

I enjoyed the Beowulf quest for its new monster boss fights, but found it overall forgettable. It reuse a lot of assets from the main England map which hurts the sense of novelty. The tone also feels disjointed from the more grounded Viking story.

New Content

  • Beowulf-themed gear
  • Fights with mythic monsters like Ogres
  • Camp assault battles

Is the Season Pass Worth it For You?

For most hardcore Valhalla fans who want even more, the Season pass is easily work $20 considering you get around 40 extra hours of Viking adventuring. More casual players may want to wait for a deeper sale.

Personally after sinking over 200 hours into the base game, I found both major expansions to be high-quality with enough new stories, gear, and abilities to keep my playthrough fresh.

However, keep in mind the Dawn of Ragnarok DLC released in 2022 is NOT included. Here‘s a breakdown:

Wrath of the Druids208.5/10
Siege of Paris158.0/10
Dawn of Ragnarok359.0/10

The Verdict?

For AC Valhalla super fans, the Season Pass remains a fantastic way to continue your Viking saga in new lands with fresh gear and enemies. More casual players may want to wait for a sale or try the expansions individually. Dawn of Ragnarok is also worth paying extra for.

Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions! Skål!

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