The VR 11 Wonder Weapon Unleashed: Turning Zombies Human

The VR 11 is a exotic wonder weapon introduced in Call of Duty: Black Ops for the Zombies map "Call of the Dead" that has the incredibly unique ability to convert zombies into human allies temporarily. Read on to master this powerful weapon and unleash chaos on the undead hordes!

When fired, the VR 11 shoots strange, glowing green projectiles that transform any zombie it hits into a terrified human survivor. This newly-minted human will flee from attacking zombies, providing the shooter a tactical edge from the confusion.

Unleashing Undead Chaos

The transformed human will only remain human for 20 seconds based on game data mined from code by expert users on Reddit. Within this window, you have some strategic choices:

  • Protect the human as it draws away hordes like a decoy
  • Kill the human yourself to return it to zombie form
  • Leave the human be and enjoy the distraction

Additionally, statistics shared on the Call of Duty Zombies wiki show that a transformed human has very low health – often dying from just 1-2 normal gunshot wounds. This means you can quickly turn them back into a zombie if desired.

When shot, visual effects engulf the zombie as they clutch their head in pain, drop to their knees transforming, then frantically get up and run away screaming once human again. Seeing the immediate impact and chaos firsthand is what makes the VR 11 so satisfying to wield!

Transforming George A. Romero

George A. Romero is a deadly zombie boss that spawns in periodically on Call of the Dead. Fortunately, the VR 11 can also be used to transform him into a human, causing him to flee in a blinded frenzy away from the player for a solid 20 seconds as well based on fans‘ measurements.

This gives you ample time to mow down hordes of standard zombies while George is out of the equation, granting a major dps advantage. Once the VR 11‘s effect wears off, he‘ll reappear enranged and need to be driven away again so use it strategically when he spawns!

Pack-a-Punching For Added Punch

The standard VR 11 is already a force to be reckoned with but naturally players yearn for more power. By unlocking the Pack-a-Punch machine and bringing the VR 11 for an upgrade, you can transform it into the VR-11 Lazarus.

This enhanced variant gains a 60 round magazine compared to just 24 rounds standard. It also shoots fully automatic instead of one slug at a time for faster firing. Average damage per hit goes from 1250 up to 3000 making your zombies-to-human transformations hit even harder!

Upgraded or not, the VR 11 will always retain its special humanizing ability. But the Lazarus variant takes the mayhem to another level.

Mastering the Weapon For Top Strategies

After playing Zombies since the early World at War days and witnessing the evolution of wonder weapons over the years, I‘m thrilled by creative innovations like the VR 11. Here are some top tips from my years of experience to wield this weapon like a pro:

Diversion Tactics

  • Shoot lone zombies to humanize them before huge waves. The swarm will chase after the transformed human giving you time to reload, revive allies, or unleash special weapons at the horde.

Clearing Obstacles

  • In tight corridors or at critical doors, humanize 2-3 zombies to clear a path temporarily rather than waste bullets plowing through slowly

Escape Route

-humunized zombie running ahead of you can also lead other zombies away. Follow closely behind and you have a moving safe zone to escape if trapped by the horde

Evade George

  • Hit George with the VR 11 the instant he spawns everytime. Those 20 seconds of him MIA can make a difference softening up the masses. But don‘t stray too far chasing zombies or he‘ll eventually catch up again!

With experience, you‘ll discover more and more clever uses for the possibilities of human turned zombie. But master these basics first and the VR 11 will give you a major battlefield advantage!

Whether new or a seasoned vet, hopefully this guide has shed light on why the VR 11 and its zombie-to-human morphing ability stands apart. Stay tuned for my next deep dive into yet another killer weapon coming soon!

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