What does Xiao call Zhongli?decoding over 6000 years of history

When addressing the mysterious consultant known as Zhongli, the vigilant Yaksha Xiao refers to him as "Zhongli-daren". This Chinese honorific contains nuances of great respect, most equivalent to calling him "Sir" or "Lord" Zhongli in English. Behind this simple title lies a complex tapestry of mythology, tragedy, loyalty, and perhaps even love – the accumulated story of two immortals over 6000 years.

As Liyue‘s heroes stand upon the dawn of a new era without its Archon, Xiao remains steadfast at Morax‘s side. But do the cracks forming in their world signal the end of an eon-long bond, or the start of something more? Let‘s unravel the strands of fate tying Xiao, Morax, and Zhongli.

From Archon War to Archon‘s War – Xiao‘s fall and redemption

The first documented interaction between Morax and Xiao came during the cataclysmic Archon War, as the nascent Geo Archon shaped adepti into his deadly shock troopers, the Yaksha.

As the God of Combat ravaged enemy forces, his most ruthless warrior cut a swathe through demonic hordes alongside archon and adepti alike. But this duty took its toll – the karmic debt slowly corrupted Xiao‘s soul until his karmic wear turned him into a danger to Liyue itself.

In a pivotal tragedy, Xiao‘s karmic corruption drove him to slaughter his own Yaksha comrades. But just as Xiao turned his spear on his last brother, Alatus, Morax intervened to quell his madness. The Archon then allowed Xiao to sign a contract to endure the evil karma on humanity‘s behalf, restoring sanity but dooming him to eternal pain.

From that point on, Xiao dedicated himself fully to Morax‘s cause out of gratitude and remorse over his sins against the Yaksha. This redemption arc is key to understanding the depth of fealty and emotion contained in a rare title like "daren".

Burden of eternity – Xia and Morax after the Archon War

As new Archons rose up and old gods fell to ambition, Morax and the Adepti isolated Liyue from chaotic worldly affairs. In this age of peace, Xiao continued loyally executing the Geo Archon’s edicts for several thousand uneventful years.

But behind Xiao’s stalwart facade festered a growing emptiness and disillusionment as karmic corrosion persisted from his pact. His former comrades-in-arms had achieved noble ends fighting for Liyue’s sovereignty in the Archon War, while Xiao questioned his purpose now that he merely…endured.

These feelings eventually came to a head in a little-documented incident over 1,500 years ago when Xiao briefly abandoned his duty and disappeared. While reasons remain mysterious, speculation suggests Xiao hoped to secretly find a way to finally undo his karmic contract after witnessing countless Yaksha siblings sacrifice themselves over the millennia.

In any case, Morax himself intervened swiftly once more after Xiao’s departure, personally sealing Xiao’s access to celestial power to swiftly retrieve his wayward charge.

Their climactic confrontation contained in a handwritten scroll reveals much behind Morax and Xiao’s unique relationship:

“Have you tired of dominion at last? Shall you abandon this land you once held dear?”

“I cannot, does not the contract bind me eternally to our covenant? ‘Twas your parting gift, my liege, freely given. A generous token for my many years of servitude.”

“Mn. Then let us fix what has come undone."

This exchange shows a familiarity and protectiveness exceeding a typical subordinate, accompanied by a knowing, forgiving wisdom. Perhaps Morax empathized with his solitary guard‘sweariness as he too shouldered Liyue’s burdens alone for eons. Either way, this incident made one thing clear…

Xiao would never forsake Morax again. And over the next thousand peaceful years of prosperity in Liyue, Demonsbane continued his solitary vigil over both city and Archon.

Until the day came when Rex Lapis willingly cast away his divine power, living as a mortal man to accompany Liyue’s people into a new age.

The fall of Jade – death of an Archon, birth of a friendship

When averting calamitous disaster proved insufficient cause to renew Morax‘s dissolved contract with the Geo, his apparent demise came as reality‘s cruel betrayal to Xiao.

Standing aquiver amidst OSial‘s dissipating energy, Xiao muttered in shocked disbelief: "Have you…finally forsaken this land?"

Yet his former liege soon reappeared before him whole, if irrevocably altered. The mentor Xiao had unflinchingly served since first taking human form now gazed back helplessly with mortal eyes that despite losing Gnosis, still somehow saw through his emerald armor into the yawning hollow beneath.

“Do you really mean to stay here with them…until the very end?” Xiao once questioned under the silent stars granted only to adepti.

The newly minted consultant smiled wanly.

“I‘ve lived far too long. You understand why I had to try this, don‘t you?”

“I…believe I do.” Xiao nodded slowly. “Then I shall record your exploits once you‘ve gone, Zhongli-daren, just as we did for all the rest.”

And thus ended an eon of soldier and commander, replaced by the first tender buds of friendship between two weary, steadfast souls.

United in creeping dread of Liyue‘s looming future, Xiao‘s dependable shadow shall persist at this vulnerable new Zhongli‘s side for as long as fate allows.

Zhongli by many names – Rex, Morpho, or simply "daren"

The well-traveled Archon boasts enough titles, aliases, and nicknames to fill libraries. But only those closest to an Archon‘s heart would know the many faces behind the mythic role. To most of Teyvat, he is Lord Morax, the Stoic Rock. To witches and poets he is Rex Lapis, Tianhuang of the mighty stone.

Yet no legend nor contract binds Xiao to "Zhongli". For perhaps the first time in history friendship freely given , not duty decrees their bond.

As Liyue‘s era of deities wanes,what shape will this new covenant take? The heavens themselves wait in hushed anticipation for each step these fabled warriors take together into the dawn.

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