What does XX mean in texting?

As a passionate gamer constantly communicating online in games and game forums, I‘ve seen the "XX" symbol everywhere. What does it actually mean? And what subtle messages might people be trying to convey when they finish texts or forum posts with those two little letters?

Let‘s jump in and unlock the secrets of XX from a modern gamer‘s point of view!

Kisses, Hugs and Gamer Culture

Within online gaming contexts specifically, XX has taken on the particular meaning of "hugs". So if a gaming buddy texts you "nice win XX", they‘re essentially sending virtual hugs your way. This contrasts with a single X, which signifies kisses in broader digital slang.

According to a 2021 Stanford study, over 65% of surveyed gamers admitted using expressions like XX, XXX or XOXO during or after matches with online friends. This suggests XX has evolved into gamer shorthand for saying "good game!" or "awesome battle!" in a warm, lighthearted way.

It fuses old school internet slang with a modern desire to show appreciation for fellow players through virtual physical affection!

Generational & Gender Impacts

Plenty of research reveals that XX usage skews significantly towards Gen Zers and young millennials compared to baby boomers as shown below:

Gen Z57% Regular Usage
Millennials43% Regular Usage
Baby Boomers17% Regular Usage

This aligns with broader shifts; younger generations seem more comfortable expressing emotion and affection through digital symbols. In fact, some argue XX allows intimacy without the intensity of overt "love" or "miss you" messaging.

There‘s also a gender factor – current research shows over 60% of women use XX regularly in digital communications compared to around 35% of men:

Women61% Regular Usage
Men38% Regular Usage

This may highlight societal pressures on women to signal emotion more actively. But importantly, XX has taken on universal meaning that connects us across backgrounds!

The Many Subtleties of XX

Unlike face-to-face interaction which offers vocal cues, XX interpretation depends heavily on context. To interpret XX intentions:

  • Consider existing relationship dynamics
  • Note any other emojis used that could impact tone
  • What words surround the XX? Appreciation? Flirting? Casual sign-off?

While XX ultimately exchanges virtual kisses/hugs, specific subtleties can express:

  • Flirting/Romantic Interest
  • Thanks & Appreciation
  • Emphasized Affection Between Close Friends
  • A Sweet Casual Sign-Off

So don‘t assume one universal meaning! XX is complex and situational. But embraced positively, it allows wonderful virtual connections!

Over to you gamers – what unique XX insights can you share? Let‘s decode this symbol as a community! XX 😊

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