What Game Did Genshin Impact Take Inspiration From?

As a passionate gamer and content creator, I‘ve followed Genshin Impact closely since its launch. With its anime-inspired open world and gacha mechanics, Genshin has drawn frequent comparisons to Nintendo‘s beloved Breath of the Wild. While it‘s true that Genshin borrows some gameplay ideas, its vibrant world and characters still showcase miHoYo‘s talent and creativity.

Exploring the Comparisons

When looking at gameplay and exploration, the parallels between Genshin and Breath of the Wild are clear:

  • Freely climbable environments encourage exploration
  • Gliding mechanic provides aerial mobility
  • Stamina system balances movement and climbing
  • Puzzle-filled shrines reward players with progression

In fact, according to an IGN interview, miHoYo confirms that Breath of the Wild was a "huge source of inspiration during the development of Genshin Impact."

However, Genshin still succeeds in having a style all its own.

Genshin‘s Unique Creative Vision

While Breath of the Wild focuses on solitary exploration, Genshin creates a vibrant, multiplayer online experience. Key differences include:

  • Anime Aesthetic: Cell-shaded graphics and anime-inspired characters/stories set Genshin apart visually
  • Elemental Combat System: Complex battles center around reacting fire, water, air and other elements
  • Expanding Multiplayer: Co-op events, domains and bosses bring players together
  • Continuous Updates: New regions, quests and 5-star characters added in frequent content updates
  • Gacha Model: Randomized characters and weapons incentivize in-game purchases

These mechanics showcase Genshin Impact‘s talent, creativity and technical achievements as miHoYo‘s first ever open world game.

Development Context and Critiques

As an ambitious indie developer based in China, miHoYo took inspiration from beloved games like Breath of the Wild when envisioning Genshin Impact.

However, direct accusations of "copying" seem unfounded. Genshin reflects miHoYo‘s own creative goals and priorities as developers.

In their IGN interview, miHoYo says:

"We don‘t feel sad because of the constant comparisons between [Genshin Impact] and Breath of the Wild. Instead, we feel honored to be compared to such a great game."

Rather than allegations, we should thoughtfully discuss how all artists are influenced by inspiring works. Genshin Impact succeeds in being an immersive, vibrant experience with plenty of original ideas to appreciate.

Genshin Impact Stands on Its Own

While comparisons between Genshin Impact and Breath of the Wild are inevitable, Genshin still impresses as a gorgeous, engaging open world game with a style all its own.

As a content creator passionate about gaming innovations, I believe we should judge Genshin on its creativity merits while acknowledging its development context. With excellent anime-inspired visuals, multiplayer integration and frequent new content, Genshin Impact has already left a unique mark on the gaming world.

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