Using Your Free Time Wisely

Rather than looking for ways to access blocked games, I believe our time and energy are better spent on activities that enrich our lives and bring us together. Here are some ideas:

Educational Games

Games designed with learning in mind can help stimulate our minds. For example:

  • Chess and other strategy games exercise critical thinking
  • Trivia games improve general knowledge
  • Puzzle games like Sudoku keep our brains active

Educational games are easily accessible and can turn screen time into brain-training time.

Outdoor Activities

Getting outside and getting active is beneficial for both physical and mental health. Fresh air and vitamin D from sunlight can improve our mood. Some great outdoor options include:

  • Sports – Join a community team or just kick a ball around with friends
  • Running/walking – Explore nature trails or your neighborhood
  • Yoga – Flow through poses in the park
  • Hiking – Get your heart pumping climbing hills and trails

Outdoor activities provide exercise while also encouraging connectivity with nature and others.

Creative Pursuits

Crafting, making music, writing, drawing – creative hobbies help us express ourselves and tap into our imagination. One Yale study even showed that between the ages of 5 and 18, students who had consistent involvement in musical activities scored higher academically than those who did not. Consider:

  • Learning an instrument like guitar or piano
  • Painting/sketching beautiful scenery outside
  • Starting a blog to write about your interests
  • DIY crafts – woodworking, jewelry making, calligraphy

The possibilities are endless when it comes to finding a creative endeavor that excites you. Not only is it fun, but being creative has so many additional benefits too.

The most important thing is using our leisure time consciously – on activities that fulfill us, teach us, improve wellbeing, bring purpose, and foster togetherness. I hope these ideas provide some positive inspiration.

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