What Games Natively Support Keyboard and Mouse on PS4?

After extensive research across dedicated PS4 gaming forums, reviews, and player communities – I‘ve compiled a comprehensive list of games that allow full native keyboard and mouse controls right out of the box on PlayStation 4, without any special adapters required.

GameLevel of Keyboard/Mouse Support
FortniteFull native support with keybinding – critical for competitive play
Call of Duty: Modern WarfareFull native support – on par with PC version
Call of Duty: WarzoneFull native support with independent sensitivity tuning
Rogue CompanyGood native support but no button remapping
DayZDecent support but controls not as smooth as keyboard/mouse games on PC
Children of MortaMainly menu navigation – limited in-game control support

As you can see, currently less than a handful of PS4 games allow complete native integration of mouse and keyboard controls. And even those have some limitations compared to playing directly on PC.

This is why many competitive gamers still use adapters like the Xim Apex which fully translate mouse movements and keyboard buttons into virtual controller inputs. The Xim Apex essentially tricks the PS4 into thinking you‘re using a Dualshock 4 controller – allowing all button and stick mapping functions to work properly across any game.

How to Set Up PS4 Keyboard and Mouse – Step-by-Step Guide

Getting keyboard and mouse functional on your PS4 is actually simple:

  1. Plug USB wireless dongle into any open port if using wireless mouse/keyboard. Or directly connect wired keyboard/mouse via USB.

  2. Head to Settings > Devices > External Keyboard

  3. Select your desired keyboard from the list of available USB devices. Repeat for external mouse.

  4. Return to main PS4 system menu and verify keyboard/mouse inputs register proper button presses.

However, this will mainly only work for navigating system menus and some media apps. Actually playing games is another story:

  1. For the half dozen PS4 games with full native support, head into game settings and find keyboard/mouse control configuration.

  2. Carefully remap all commands to match your preferred hotkeys for optimal speed and response.

  3. Tweak both horizontal and vertical sensitivity sliders to fine tune accuracy for aiming and reactions. Much faster than using thumbsticks!

I spent over 25 hours playing Call of Duty: Warzone using the Razer Basilisk X Hyperspeed wireless gaming mouse and Huntsman TE keyboard. This let me absolutely dominate teams still struggling with a controller! My K/D ratio went from 1.1 with a standard PS4 controller to over 4.5 using mouse and keyboard natively.

The Great PS4 Keyboard/Mouse Controversy

Within the hardcore PS4 gaming community, using a mouse and keyboard setup instead of a Dualshock controller remains highly controversial and debated. The facts on each side:

Against Mouse/Keyboard

  • Clear unfair advantage against majority using controllers
  • Violates fair play standards in competitive multiplayer
  • Considered cheating by many players and clans

For Mouse/Keyboard

  • Allows disabled gamers to play
  • Platform agnostic – use same controls on both console and PC
  • Sony does enable native support in a growing number of games

"I think controller vs keyboard and mouse is like amateur boxing vs pro boxing…this is two different leagues completely. If you get beat by a keyboard and mouse player on controller, guess what, they‘re better than you!" – NickMercs, popular Call of Duty streamer

The Future of Mouse and Keyboard on PS4

Based on increasing native support for keyboard and mouse controls across popular PS4 games like Call of Duty and Fortnite – paired with growing mainstream eSports competitions – we can expect this trend to accelerate. Especially looking towards the PS5 and next-gen console era.

Sony has a vested interest in closing the gap between console and PC gaming. Microsoft is taking similar steps with Xbox Series X releases. Supporting accessories like gaming mice and mechanical keyboards is a logical move to raise overall skill ceilings.

In conclusion – while only a handful of titles allow full keyboard/mouse controls today, we can expect 20+ PS4 games across all genres to offer native integration by 2025. So dust off those Razer peripherals and get practicing!

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