What Gear Do I Sell in Raid: Shadow Legends?

As an experienced Raid player with over 2 years and thousands of hours under my belt, the question I get asked most often by newbies is: "What gear do I sell?"

Inventory space quickly becomes a premium as you accumulate more artifacts from battles and dungeons. Learning to discern the good pieces from the bad is an essential skill every Raid player must develop. So let‘s dive into the criteria you should use to determine what gear gets sold!

First Rule: Sell All Flat Stat Gloves, Chests, and Boots

The number one guideline around gear is this: instantly sell any glove, chest piece or boot that has a flat main stat. The main stats on these three artifacts provide multiplier bonuses, making percentage-based increases vastly superior to flat numbers.

For example, at 6-stars an ATK% chest offers 179% more ATK over a flat ATK chest (80% ATK versus 25 ATK main stat). The difference is astronomical!

Gear TypeMain Stat (6*)Flat Stat (6*)Percentage Difference
Chest80% ATK25 ATK179% more on Percentage!
Boots60 SPD25 SPD140% more on Percentage!

As you can see, percentage main stats multiply base stats to provide substantially bigger overall boosts. The one exception here are Speed boots specifically from the Speed set. With high enough rolls into speed subs, these can still be useful to build your speed lead in arena.

Crit Rate and Crit Damage Gloves are Irreplaceable

Now despite what I said above about flat stat gloves, Crit Rate and Crit Damage gauntlets are worth keeping! The reason being gloves are the ONLY artifacts capable of having these as main bonuses.

Crit Rate pushes your chance to land critical strikes while Crit Damage amplifies the damage dealt on crits. Optimizing these two stats is essential to stacking big damage numbers on clan boss and dungeon waves. Even legs with average substats are worth upgrading if they have CR or CD mains.

According to content creator and hardcore doom tower pusher SkratchAK47, damage dealers should aim for the following crit values as a baseline:

  • 70% Crit Rate
  • 150% Crit Damage

So hang onto those CR and CD gloves!

Substats Make or Break Artifacts

While main stats establish the foundation of an artifact, quality substats determine if it will be gem worthy or vendor trash.

Good substats to look for:

  • Speed
  • Accuracy (for debuffers/crowd control)
  • % Attack
  • % Defense
  • % HP
  • % Crit Rate / Damage

Bad substats to avoid:

  • Flat Attack
  • Flat Defense
  • Flat HP
  • Resistance

I personally use the following minimum substat thresholds before upgrading artifacts:

Gear RarityMinimum Substat Roll
Common8% (4 speed)
Uncommon10% (5 speed)
Rare12% (6 speed)
Epic15% (7 speed)
Legendary18% (9 speed)

This ensures I‘m only spending silver on artifacts with potential. If your gear doesn‘t meet these minimums, it likely belongs in the bin!

One last tip – when viewing a champion‘s artifacts, you can click the sell button to mass tag all unwanted items. One click disenchants them all! Use this to regularly clear space.

In Closing…

Learning to discern what gear to sell vs upgrade is a skill all Raid players must master. Just remember these key points:

  • Sell flat stat gloves, chests, and boots (except speed boots situationally)
  • Keep Crit Rate/Damage gloves for nukers
  • Good substats – Speed, Accuracy, % stats
  • Bad substats – Flat stats, Resistance
  • Set minimum substat thresholds before upgrading items

Hopefully these guidelines help you identify lackluster gear more quickly and save precious inventory space! Let me know if you have any other Raid questions.

Dracomorph69 signing off and wishing you Legendary pulls!

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