Fang is a Female T-Rex Playing a Pivotal Role in Primal

As an avid gaming enthusiast and content creator focused on the animated series Primal, I am thrilled to provide some deep insights into one of its most iconic characters – the female Tyrannosaurus rex called Fang. Read on as I explore Fang‘s backstory, ferocious talents aiding the protagonist Spear, her tragic losses, and enduring legacy as a survivor!

The Savage World of Primal

For those unfamiliar with Primal, it is an acclaimed animated show from genius creator Genndy Tartakovsky that depicts the struggles of a caveman and dinosaur forming an unlikely friendship in a dangerous prehistoric world.

The show revolves around the tribulations of its two main characters:

  • Spear: A fierce caveman who wields a spear and protects his family from threats. After his family is slaughtered by bloodthirsty dinosaurs, he is left orphaned and alone.

  • Fang: A mother Tyrannosaurus rex who loses her first clutch of hatchlings to the same dinosaurs that killed Spear‘s family. She soon crosses paths with Spear and recognizes their shared grief.

United by tragedy, Spear and Fang support each other in dealing with adversaries across primordial landscapes. They are later joined by a escaped human slave called Mira in their quest for survival.

Fang‘s Backstory – A Tale of Sorrow and Strength

As mentioned earlier, Fang is introduced as a female T-Rex looking after her young. Tragically, a pack of vicious horned dinosaurs savage her nest and kill her hatchlings.

This horrific event scars Fang emotionally but also makes her more vicious, as she unleashes retribution against the dinosaurs who orphaned Spear. Their shared thirst for vengeance is what initially bonds hunter and huntress.

Timeline of Key Events in Fang‘s Life
  • Lays eggs and births first clutch of hatchlings
  • Hatchlings slain by horned dinosaurs
  • Chance encounter with Spear finding his family dead
  • Allies with Spear and defend each other

But the resilient Fang rebounds from her tragedy. In a later season aptly named Vidarr, she mating with a male T-Rex called Red. Fang lays three new eggs and becomes a proud mother of three hatchlings again.

Sadly, primordial life is often nasty, brutish and short. Despite their fearsome parental protection, two of Fang‘s babies perish. But one hatchling survives against the odds. Fang continues her alliance with Spear in order to protect her sole surviving offspring.

Spear‘s Guardian – Battling All Odds

Throughout Primal‘s two season spanning 24 ferocious episodes, Fang aids Spear unconditionally against several deadly threats including:

  • Warlike ape-men tribes
  • Predatory raptor packs
  • Giant reptilian cave demons
  • Mammoth-riding mysterious marauders
  • Zombified undead entities
  • A sinister cult of freakish saurian mutants

Some battles end in victory, others require desperate escapes. But in every single encounter, Fang throws herself courageously to shield friend Spear or strike back against their tormentors.

Without Fang‘s savage instincts and resilience, Spear would surely have perished long ago. She saves the vulnerable caveman‘s life countless times. Her presence alongside Spear is pivotal in his quest for revenge and later survival.

In one climactic battle, Fang sustains grave injuries fighting the undead leader of a reptilian cult. She is almost killed by her zombified hatchling before Spear‘s timely intervention. Thankfully, she ultimately triumphs and finds closure by crushing her undead infant underfoot.

SeasonMajor Battles
1Horned Dinosaurs, Bat-People, Terror Birds, Cave Demon
2Scorpion People, Mammoth Riders, Lava God Cult, Undead Forces

A Survivor Who Shall Endure

At the end of two harrowing seasons, Fang has firmly established herself as an icon of Primal – a lethal guardian, caring mother and tenacious survivor against all odds. While details of future seasons are unknown, Fang is certain to continue playing an integral role alongside Spear.

Her bloodline also lives on, with the caveman hero Spear mating with slave-girl Mira. In the closing moments, we get a glimpse of Spear and Mira‘s daughter frolicking with Fang‘s hatchling. As a gaming and Primal expert, I am confident these two offspring shall inherit their parents‘ alliance in future adventures!

So in summary, there should be no ambiguity regarding the crucial question – "What gender is Fang in Primal?". She is indisputably female and one of the most legendary badass dinosaurs in television history!

Stay tuned for more insights and updates from me on the Primal universe. This epic story is just getting started!

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