What gender is Miquella in Elden Ring? Male.

As an avid fan of FromSoftware games, I couldn‘t help but dive deep into the lore of these rich worlds and analyze every detail about their characters. One of the most fascinating figures in Elden Ring is Miquella, the mysterious cursed demigod son of Queen Marika. So what gender is Miquella? Miquella is male, the twin brother of the infamous swordswoman Malenia. But there‘s far more to uncover about Miquella‘s tragic story and his current state in the world of the Lands Between.

Born into Godhood and Cursed to Never Grow

As offspring of the goddess Queen Marika and divine consort King Radagon, Miquella and his sister Malenia were blessed as Empyreans at birth – exalted beings with the power to ascend to true godhood one day. However, such immense power came at a price for Miquella.

Unlike his strong warrior sister, Miquella was cursed to forever inhabit the body of a young child, unable to physically mature past that youthful age. This condition deeply troubled Miquella, as he was unable to garner respect amongst his people or fully tap into his powers in such a feeble form.

Miquella‘s DetailsDescription
AgeUnknown, appears as child
ParentsMarika the Eternal (Mother), Radagon (Father)
SiblingsMalenia (Twin Sister)
HeightUnknown (short/childlike)

Despite this limitation, Miquella possessed an extremely high intellect and mystical wisdom since a young age. He devoted himself to numerous experiments and uncovered healing incantations capable of growing lush and abundant plant life – a power he would one day use to create his legendary Haligtree haven.

Creating the Haligtree to Undo His Curse

Miquella became obsessed with finding a cure for his condition, tirelessly working towards a solution to escape the shackles of his childlike form. He theorized that creating a great and ancient tree – fueled by his own magical arts and the essence of an abundance of life – could serve as both a cocoon for his maturation and a means to undo his curse.

And so Miquella planted a sapling imbued with his powers in the Lands Between, tending to its growth into a radiant, massive tree which he named the Haligtree. This would be a new home where he could enter a slumbering cocoon state and hopefully emerge reborn into an adult vessel at last. The vibrant golden bark and roots of the Haligtree spiraled far and wide, with many followers gathering to live under its shelter and bask in its holy aura.

Stolen Away By Mohg Before His Ascension

Tragically, Miquella was denied this long-awaited apotheosis. Mohg, Lord of Blood and Lucifer-like apostate figure, recognized Miquella‘s potential for godhood and sinisterly devised to raise Miquella as a god and install him as Mohg‘s very own divine puppet-ruler. So Mohg infiltrated Miquella‘s Haligtree sanctuary just as Miquella prepared to enter his cocoon and forcibly extracted him, carrying the slumbering cursed child far away to Mohg‘s Dynasty Palace.

There Mohg suspends Miquella in an egg-like cocoon, feeding off the divine blood of this fledgling god while surrounding Miquella in the cocoon with rituals and warped incantations. Like a cult leader, Mohg believes he can mold Miquella‘s ascendance into godhood and make Miquella his consort once he awakens.

Many fans wonder – will Miquella continue to slumber through Elden Ring‘s events, or might he reawaken one day even more powerful and unhinged from his kidnapping? Could this spark a asymmetric showdown between Mohg‘s blood cultists and Miquella‘s devoted fanatics? Only time will tell!

Miquella‘s Goals & Mysteries – Deciphering Fate Itself?

Diving deeper into Elden Ring‘s lore, there are profound implications around Miquella‘s ambitions that have sparked much debate. If not for his premature abduction, would Miquella have tried reshaping the very metaphysics of the world itself? I believe so!

Given his tireless experiments with Fundamentalism incantations and opposition to the Greater Will‘s Golden Order, Miquella may have been attempting to unravel and rewrite the Elden Ring‘s cardinal laws dictating concepts like fate, death, and time. Just look at the bewitching rings Miquella created which warp one‘s perception of reality and sense of order! What greater plans did Miquella have for such fundamental-altering magic?

Perhaps if able to achieve full godhood unhindered, Miquella would have severed ties with the Greater Will and freed the Lands Between from its grip on destiny itself. But with his slumbering cocoon now held captive by Mohg, we can only speculate and await the day Miquella may yet transform fate once again through his awakening.

In Summary:

  • Miquella is male, though cursed to inhabit a child‘s body
  • Highly intelligent and mystical, devoted research to curing his condition
  • Created the Haligtree to serve as a cocoon for his rebirth into godhood
  • Stolen away prematurely by Mohg who seeks to raise him as a twisted god
  • Many mysteries around whether Miquella will awaken and his true endgoals

So while much remains a mystery about Miquella‘s ultimate motives and future, his foundational details shine clear – the young cursed boy Miquella is indeed male, brother of Malenia, and continues to capture our imaginations with his tragic and mystically obscure tale. Truly a testament to Elden Ring‘s engrossingly cryptic atmosphere that keeps devoted fans like myself scouring every surface for glimpses at profound truths!

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