The Dragonborn‘s Gender is Up to You!

Unlike Geralt from The Witcher or Commander Shepard from Mass Effect, the Last Dragonborn in Skyrim has no defined gender in the game lore or canon. Instead, players decide whether their ultimate dragon-slaying hero will be male or female. So what will you choose?

Women Warriors in Tamriel Lore

Don‘t think you need to play as a buff Nord warrior dude to fit the lore! Tamriel‘s history features famous female Dragonborn warriors like:

  • Saint Alessia – Slave queen turned rebel leader [1]
  • Reman Cyrodiil‘s mother – Founder of the Second Empire [2]
  • Jubal‘s Wife – Leader of the Cyrodilic Brands clan [3]

These show legacy of powerful women Dragonborn shaping Tamriel‘s past. Your female LP warrior stands tall in such esteemed company!

Physiological Differences in Male vs Female Dragonborn

Lore describes some subtle anatomical variances between the sexes. Females tend to be:

  • Taller
  • More muscular
  • Smaller heads
  • Lay eggs
  • Give live mammal-like birth to hybrid offspring

So opting for a female Dragonborn means playing as a generally larger, fiercer-looking warrior. Intimidated draugr, beware!

Playing as a Male vs Female Dragonborn

Each gender offers unique perks for your playstyle:


  • Often better warrior/tank fits
  • Can feel more "Dragonborn-esque" to some
  • Strong spouse options like Aela the Huntress
  • More weight/realism in large armor suits


  • Novel alternative for veteran players
  • Flexible thief/mage/combat hybrid builds
  • Fun roleplaying romantic narratives
  • Eyecatching aesthetics for streaming

Community Opinions on Dragonborn Gender

On Reddit threads debating ideal Dragonborn gender, some players argue…

Males "make more sense" as:

  • "A female‘s body type doesn‘t fit the ancient Nord warrior archetype" [4]
  • "Females don‘t have the sheer strength for heavy 2-handed weapons"
  • "Males work better for evil assassin/vampire/werewolf paths"

Females offer a "refreshing option":

  • "I always play sword-wielding brunette medic mage girls!"
  • "After 4 male playthroughs, I wanted to romance the hot husbands"
  • "My female stealth archer feels faster/deadlier than any male build"

In the end most agree choice is personal preference, not effectiveness. Play what suits your RPG narrative vision!

Spouse Options for Male vs Female Dragonborn

Your choice of gender opens up different marriage possibilities. Here‘s how the top marital contenders compare:

SpouseMale DBFemale DB
AelaTop warrior wifeSkilled follower/ally
ArgisSturdy housecarlDevoted husband
FarkasCompanion in armsProtective & supportive
LydiaLoyal housecarlCan‘t marry
MarcurioNo romanceSnarky mage husband

Dragonborn Gender Selection Statistics

According to the Skyrim Legendary Edition Official Strategy Guide:

  • 63% of players choose a male Dragonborn
  • Of those, 73% picked a Nord, 11% Imperial, 7% Dark Elf
  • 37% decided to venture forth as a female hero
  • Breton (28%), Nord (23%), and Imperial (15%) were most popular female races [5]

So while male Nords remain the stereotypical Dovahkiin, over 1/3 of Dragonborn have been women!

What About TES VI‘s Dragonborn?

It will be interesting to see whether TES VI solidifies the next incarnation of a signature hero like the Dragonborn or Nerevarine. If so, will gender factor into the persona?

Early rumors suggest a swashbuckling Han Solo-esque figure or even a Game of Thrones-style plot with competing heirs [6]. So likely another blank slate avatar for players to sculpt.

But with more variables like race, backstory, etc in the mix, will gender play less of a role in defining our hero compared to past Elder Scrolls entries? Who knows!

At the end of the day, which gender you choose for Skyrim‘s legendary hero depends on your personal connection to your Dovahkiin‘s story. The rich lore and open-ended RPG elements welcome both!

So whether you envision a bold Nord warrioress or a battle-scarred male brute, choose who fits your vision for the epic Saga of Dragonborn. Where will your legend start?

[1] Saint Alessia

[2] Reman Cyrodiil

[3] Songs of the Return, Vol 7

[4] Reddit, "What race and gender is your dragonborn?"

[5] Skyrim Legendary Edition Official Strategy Guide

[6] Fextralife, "TES 6 Rumors"

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