What God is Alexios Related to?

To directly answer the title question – Alexios is not actually related to or an incarnation of any Greek god described in mythology. However, his treatment by the sinister Cult of Kosmos leads to a constructed persona bearing uncanny similarities to the minor deity Deimos. Let‘s analyze the evidence behind the theories linking this legendary misthios to godly figures.

Demigod of the Isu: Alexios‘ Lineage

As a descendant of both the ancient Isu and Greek legends like Leonidas, Alexios represents a powerful bloodline fusion of demigods and kings. His father was none other than the Isu Sage Pythagoras, granting Alexios a high 50% concentration of superhuman Isu ancestry unrivaled by any known lineage.

His mother Myrrine was also of royal Spartan warrior pedigree – the granddaughter of King Leonidas himself! Together they passed on incredible strengths to both Alexios and his elder sister Kassandra. Let‘s visualize the lineage:

ParentDeity StatusKnown For
Father – PythagorasIsu SageFirst Civilization scientist
Mother – MyrrineDemigod ancestryGranddaughter of Leonidas

This amount of combined Isu DNA arguably conveys near demigod-level abilities on Alexios and Kassandra exceeding any prior known hybrids. But contrary to Cult manipulation, verifiable evidence suggests no actual relation to Greek gods.

Deimos Persona Crafted by the Cult of Kosmos

So why did the Cult of Kosmos raise Alexios specifically to believe he was Deimos reborn? Note the first known usage of the name ‘Deimos‘ in Greek lore:

Deimos was the personification of terror and dread in Greek mythology. He was the son of Ares and Aphrodite and embodied the terror felt before battle.

The Cult likely crafted this persona for Alexios to channel warfare. But while the real Deimos was an actual Olympian god, Alexios remained fully mortal with no divine powers. Combining religious awe and fearsome reputation however allowed the Cult to mold him into their ultimate merciless weapon.

Some key stats on Alexios‘ path from birth to his indoctrination as the Cult‘s agent Deimos:

  • Taken by Cult at age 6 months old
  • Trained in combat from early childhood
  • Led to believe he was Deimos reborn, a demigod
  • Unmatched combat abilities honed by Age 25

In many ways, the Deimos myth was the perfect vessel for the Cult to exploit Alexios‘ demigod-like talents for their warmongering ends.

Eerie Parallels Between Alexios‘s Story and God of War‘s Deimos

For fans eager to connect the narrative dots – there are certainly striking similarities between Alexios‘ constructed Deimos persona and Kratos‘ brother Deimos in GOW lore:

  • Both Alexios and Deimos had elder Spartan warrior siblings (Kassandra and Kratos)
  • Both were separated from their families as infants and raised by outside forces
  • Both were forged into living engines of war bonded strongly to violence
  • Both held misplaced god complexes and threatened larger worlds (Cult vs Olympus)

However, the key distinction remains – GOW Deimos was an actual Olympian god. Alexios was ultimately still human with the free will to forge his own path.

AlexiosDeimos (GOW)
Deity Status Demigod Hybrid Minor Greek God
Relation to Kratos None, Brother is Kassandra Actual brother
Ultimate Fate Defeated Cult with Kassandra Slain by brother Kratos

So in summary – Alexios is certainly crafted as the next Deimos reborn through expert Cult manipulation. But he remains fully human at his core.

The Eagle Bearer‘s Bloodline Continues On

Alexios‘ epic mercenary saga (or Kassandra‘s if played) stands tall in the AC franchise. As perhaps the ONLY individuals blending royal Greek warrior ancestry with Isu super powers directly from the original Sages, their living legacy continued for over 2,000 more years!

Imagine that – Alexios‘ great x100 grandchild was none other than Amunet herself, pivotal Assassin ancestor and wife of founder Bayek in Ancient Egypt:

Alexios + Neema
     |                            100 generations later
Amunet (Alexios‘ x100 granddaughter)

Incredible how one family‘s generational influence launched not one but TWO major factions we continue unraveling to this day in the AC universe! Truly a bloodline crafted by destiny, if not actual gods.

So in closing friends – I hope these fresh breakdowns on Alexios‘ backstory, comparisons to god-figures like Deimos, and his enduring legacy give fans renewed appreciation for this legendary misthios‘ epic saga! Please scroll down to join the discussion or share your own theories on this history-shaping demigod.

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