What Gun Takes the Longest Time to Reload?

As an avid first-person shooter gamer and military history buff, I get asked this question a lot by fellow gaming enthusiasts. After analyzing the mechanics of various real-world and fictional firearms, I can definitively say that light machine guns (LMGs) require the longest reload times across categories.

Based on their high capacity magazines and heavy ammunition, reloading an LMG takes between 5-10 seconds on average for trained operators. This comprehensively outpaces assault rifles, submachine guns, shotguns and pistols – making LMGs the weapon class most disadvantaged in drawn out firefights.

Below I breakdown key factors that dictate reload speeds across firearms, provide historical context around evolution of reload rates, showcase benchmark records, and offer my perspective on why this still matters in gaming.

Breaking Down Key Factors That Impact Reload Times

Several interlinked factors determine how fast any firearm can reload in the hands of a skilled operator:

Magazine Type & Capacity

Guns with fixed or internal magazines often reload slower than detachable magazines since rounds must be fed through an opening vs swapped out. Similarly, higher round capacity directly translates to longer reload times. A 100 round LMG magazine takes longer to fill than a 30 round rifle magazine.

Manual vs Automatic Reloading

Manually actuating reload mechanisms like cocking a bolt or lever adds seconds. Automation like auto-loading chambers and detachable box magazines quicken the process. Fully automatic systems conceptionally have the fastest possible reloads.

Weapon Weight & Ergonomics

Heavier firearms like LMGs tax the operator more in handling ammunition and operating reload mechanics. Lighter weapons with improved ergonomics better support efficient reloading.

Ammunition Size & Type

Bulky full-sized rifle rounds or shotgun shells often reload slower than intermediate pistol/SMG rounds. Belted machine gun ammo links also add time compared to magazines. Odd ball ammo like miniature rockets introduces unpredictability.

Average Reload Times By Firearm

Taking key factors above into account, below are benchmarks for average reload times across real-world firearms wielded competently:

FirearmAvg Reload Time (Seconds)
Light Machine Gun5-10
Bolt Action Rifle3-6
Assault Rifle2-4
Submachine Gun2-5
Semi-Auto Pistol2-4

While only guidelines, this hierarchy helps illustrate why LMGs sit firmly as slowest to reload – their belt-fed ammo and high capacities stack limitations. In contrast, intermediate assault rifles and SMG rounds in detachable magazines offer fastest returns.

Understanding these benchmarks helps inform gameplay tactics. I constantly remind my squadmates armed with LMGs to pull back from frontal assaults earlier to avoid getting caught mid-reload.

Historical Evolution of Firearms Reload Rates

Looking further back at the origins of guns gives context to how dramatically reload rates have improved over centuries alongside ammunition and weapon advancements:

Flintlock Muskets (17th Century)

Early flintlock powered muskets required operators to manually pour black powder from flasks and ram lead balls down barrels with loading rods. The entire loading process took upwards of 2-3 minutes – leaving troops utterly exposed.

Percussion Rifles (19th Century)

Rifles utilizing caplock mechanisms over earlier flintlocks reduced reload times to around 30 seconds for trained Civil War troops. Still perilously slow by modern standards but a marked improvement.

Lever & Bolt Action Rifles (WW1 Era)

Introduction of smoother bolt actions alongside stripper clips drove reload rates down further to 10 aimed shots per minute for WWI infantry rifles like Springfield 1903 models.

Early Machine Guns (WW1 & WW2)

Early automatic weapons including magazine fed submachine guns like the Thompson and first light machine guns still had reload times up in the 4-8 second range hewing closer to today‘s norms.

Modern Firearm Designs (Vietnam War to Present)

Advances in polymer materials, intermediate calibers, ergonomic research and dual feed mechanics have realized sub 4 second reload times for assault rifles and carbines. LMGs lag behind still though in the 6 seconds and up category.

This long view shows vast leaps in reload rates – from 3+ minutes to mere seconds in some 400 years!

World Records Show Pinnacle of Speed Reloading

Extremely well practiced operators can demonstrate blazing fast reload speeds at the leading edge. Speed reloading competitions track records across firearms with several categories of interest:

FirearmRecord Reload TimeHolder
Revolver (6 Shot)1.6sJerry Miculek
Pistol (15 Shot)2.99sMax Michel
Shotgun (8 Shot)3.25sRandy Ballance
Tactical Rifle (29 Shot)7.15sMax Michel

Note no LMG records are tracked – their sustained fire purpose prioritizes ammunition capacity over raw reload velocity.

But even at the bleeding edge, revolvers and pistols allow reached speeds 80% faster than a tactical rifle on repeat. This quantifies the innate advantage lighter firearms with smaller magazines hold.

Why Reload Speed Still Matters for First Person Shooters

As competitive FPS gamer alike on Rainbow Six Siege, Call of Duty, Counterstrike, and more – I constantly leverage reload speed knowledge to tactically outmaneuver opponents in key moments. Because forced reloads remain vulnerabilities easily exploited.

Just last match I successfully rushed a heavy LMG wielding adversary midway through his overexposed ammo swap. As soon as I saw his belt fed M60 run dry, I instantly collapsed on his position knowing I had a forgiving 7+ second advantage to overwhelm him through his length reload animation.

Similar tactics apply in fantasy RPGs like Destiny 2 where locking down wizard staves or titan machine guns during glacially slow clip refills can completely reverse even end game boss encounters and raids.

Understanding reload speeds and ammo capacities across all accessible firearms generates opportunities. Whether its judiciously timing an ambush in Escape from Tarkov or outflanking in Planetside 2. Knowledge translates directly to domination.

So while games offer dramatic creative license from reality with their weaponry – underlying laws of ammunition persistence and reload speed tend to hold firm as balancing factors. Factoring these core mechanics into your approach is essential in my view to excelling in any first person eliminator game mode.

In Conclusion: LMGs Are Least Forgiving When Caught Empty

After this comprehensive analysis – the verdict is clear. Light machine gun platforms unambiguously take the longest to reload by the numbers compared to all classes of firearms. Multiple key factors from bulky ammunition to high round capacity magazines ensures LMGs have the highest potential downside.

My key takeaway is using awareness of this asymmetry to ruthlessly punish LMG axes predictably caught mid-reload through skilled application of ambush tactics. Whether in gritty simulations like Hell Let Loose or sci-fi romps like Planetside 2 – ammunition flows and reload speeds represent openings for the cunning to exploit.

Let me know in comments your tricks leveraging reload rates in your favorite FPS – always eager to learn new tactics!


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