The Bitter Rivalry Between Mortal Kombat‘s Kitana and Mileena

Princess Kitana and her "sister" Mileena have one of the longest-running rivalries in Mortal Kombat lore. But what exactly caused the rift between Shao Kahn‘s two daughters, and where could their bitter feud go next?

Created to Replace and Destroy

As revealed in Mortal Kombat II, Kitana was originally loyal to Shao Kahn, believing him to be her true father. But when Kitana learned the truth about her Edenian origins, she turned against him. As retaliation, Kahn ordered the creation of Mileena – a vicious clone blended from Kitana‘s essence and Tarkatan DNA. Mileena was designed specifically to replace and destroy the original Kitana.

This origin sets up Mileena and Kitana as diametric foils – order versus chaos, nobility versus savagery. It also sows the seeds for Mileena‘s jealousy. As she tells Kitana in Mortal Kombat X: "I am more than just Shao Kahn‘s heir!"

Contrasting Character Arcs

Looking deeper, Kitana and Mileena‘s character arcs contrast after their fateful introduction. Kitana goes on to rediscover her Edenian heritage and fight for justice alongside Raiden and the Forces of Light. She matures into a confident, capable leader and remains steadfast in defending her realm.

Mileena, on the other hand, grows increasingly unbalanced in her obsession with seizing power from Kitana. She aligns herself with villains like Shinnok, scheming endlessly to claim Shao Kahn‘s throne but always finding failure and rejection. Kitana stands for order while Mileena creates chaos everywhere she goes.

Violent, Neverending Rivalry

The core theme connecting Mileena and Kitana is jealousy – Mileena bitterly envious of Kitana‘s status and beauty, Kitana defensive of her rightful place as princess. This fuels their endlessly violent rivalry spanning millennia.

Though Kitana has defeated Mileena many times over, her clone refuses to stay dead for long. Mileena‘s desperation makes her dangerous – she may yet gain the upper hand through deceit. Some fans speculate Mileena couldmanipulate time itself to rewrite history in her favor.

For now, their bitter rivalry remains unresolved. As these two sisters clash endlessly across realms and timelines, players can only guess where the story goes next. But we know this: where Kitana and Mileena intersect, brutal combat is sure to follow. Their feud seems destined to continue without end.

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