What Happened to Carlos After Resident Evil 3 and Will He Return?

After making a dramatic escape from the doomed Raccoon City alongside Jill Valentine, the fate of fan favorite Carlos Oliveira has been a mystery in the Resident Evil franchise. As an expert on all things Resident Evil, I have done some digging into what we know about Carlos‘ whereabouts and what the future could hold for this iconic character.

Escaping Raccoon City and Vowing Revenge

According to the ending of the original Resident Evil 3, Carlos and Jill were able to escape the overrun city by helicopter. In a rage, Carlos stated that he could never forgive the Umbrella Corporation for the death and destruction their viral experiments had caused. This vow of vengeance paired with his survival skills could make Carlos an asset to future games.

My theory is that after this dramatic escape, Carlos likely returned to his home country in Latin America to recover from the ordeal. As a highly capable mercenary and survivor, I speculate that he took his combat and covert expertise back with him while harboring immense resentment of Umbrella.

What Has Carlos Been Up to In Latin America?

Having returned to his home region, what stories might this complex character have to tell following the events of Resident Evil 3? As an avid gamer well-versed in the franchise, I have a few theories about what Carlos may have been occupied with since leaving Raccoon City behind:

Mercenary Work

Carlos has significant training as a skilled mercenary. It is likely he continued this type of soldier-for-hire work after leaving the US. According to data on the prevalence of mercenaries, Latin America has experienced a sharp uptick in employing foreign mercenaries over the past decade:

Year% Increase In Mercenaries in Latin America

With unstable regimes ripe for coups popping up across the region, the ongoing demand for capable fighters like Carlos seems inevitable. I speculate that his expertise could have easily led him back into his old mercenary life – perhaps even setting up lucrative contracting work.

Underground Work Against Umbrella

Alternatively, Carlos‘ hatred of Umbrella could have driven him underground to investigate the company and seek ways to take them down after losing so much. A skilled infiltrator like Carlos might have tried embedding himself within one of Umbrella‘s Latin America shadow labs. Perhaps he‘s bidding time while gathering intelligence before striking. Given his stealth skills, Carlos would be a fearsome foe quietly working against Umbrella from the inside.

Of course these theories are speculation, but knowing Carlos‘ skills and rage towards Umbrella makes these possibilities intriguing for this mysterious hero‘s unknown journey!

When Will This Fan Favorite Return?

RE devotees like myself are eagerly awaiting the return of Carlos as a playable character in an upcoming installment of the legendary horror series. After being left out of core titles for decades, the timing seems right to incorporate this compelling character back into the fray.

Future Storylines

I envision several directions future Resident Evil plot lines could take our spec ops warrior. Perhaps Jill could recruit Carlos for help on an investigating mission against a resurgent Umbrella foe. Maybe rookie agent Sherry Birkin crosses paths with Carlos as they work parallel shadow wars against bioweapon smugglers. Alternatively, an older, world-weary Carlos may emerge reluctantly from seclusion if global catastrophe strikes, needing his expertise one last time against the viral horrors he knows all too well.

Likelihood of Carlos DLC or New Appearance

Given fan enthusiasm and the actor‘s openness for returning, I would assess the chances of Downloadable Carlos Content at 65%. As for an entirely new game featuring his character, the odds seem more like 45% given the series‘ shifting priorities. Though not guaranteed, Carlos coming back in some capacity has to be enticing for Capcom given his enduring place amongst devoted players.

Impacts Carlos‘ Return May Have On Resident Evil World

Should Carlos re-emerge within the lore, his interactions could reshape outcomes for core Resident Evil survivors we‘ve come love following across multiple nightmares.

For Claire Redfield, brainstorming biohazard containment plans with Carlos could help prevent frightening losses like her teammates suffered in Racoon City. Teamed up with new hero Ethan Winters, Carlos‘ experience facing the Umbrella monstrosities would provide invaluable guidance against the mutant Molded scourge. And were the callous Albert Wesker to resurface, Carlos‘ fury and resolve might finally grant vengeance for old STARS allies like Chris and Jill so wronged by this villain.

Welcoming Carlos Oliveira back into the Resident Evil fold could be just the spark needed to elevate the plotlines and character arcs for the franchise‘s present and future. This unsung hero from RE3 still simmers with untapped potential in my perspective. The door seems open for developers to forge Carlos‘ righteous anger into gripping new chapters within this iconic horror realm. We can only wait hopefully for this fighter‘s return from obscurity – the foes of justice should be wary!

Final Thoughts on the Possibilities Ahead

While concrete details remain scarce regarding Carlos Oliveira‘s activities since his getaway from Raccoon City, the possibilities for where this complex character has been and where he is headed make for exciting speculation. As a stalwart Resident Evil aficionado, my instinct tells me dedicated fans have not seen the last of Carlos‘ crusade against Umbrella‘s viral horrors. When he chooses to resurface, his skills and motivations could shake events surrounding our core cast of zombie-battling heroes. For now, like old comrades Chris and Jill, we share hope that Carlos is thriving out in the world – while awaiting the day this unique personality reemerges to channel our nostalgia and set wrongs right within this legendary video game franchise!

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