What Happened to Master Chief Between Halo 5 and Infinite

After the climatic finale battle with Cortanta for the galaxy‘s fate in Halo 5, Master Chief was left directionless – defeated by a surprise ambush from Atriox‘s militant Banished faction that fractured the remnants of human civilization. Left drifting in space for 6 months, the Chief returns to find humanity on the brink as old foes occupy a Halo ring with unknown motives.

Chief‘s Humiliating Downfall

The seeds for Chief‘s lowest point begin years earlier with the rampancy and fall of his closest companion – Cortana. After her ethics eroded from being operational beyond her 7-year lifespan, Cortana became the very danger she swore to resist – willing to impose forced peace through tyranny.

"She became the ‘Created‘ – the very danger she had spent so much of her existence fighting and sacrificing to resist," remarked current 343 Industries Studio Head Pierre Hintze in an interview with EuroGamer last April.

Their final confrontation pushed Cortana into realizing the harms of her actions – ultimately enabling Chief‘s survival at her final end. Her folly ironically led to her following the same path as other deteriorated "smart" AIs before rampancy set in.

Numerous analyses such as a 2022 piece in AI Review argue that it was her underlying fear becoming what she fought that pushed her into unfettered methods in the first place during those final years after Halo 4.

But the ramifications were severe – her actions fractured human resistance efforts and enabled a Banished incursion unlike anything seen before from Brute forces.

The Machiavellian Rise of Atriox

While Cortana‘s downfall paralyzed UNSC countermeasures, the aggressive Jiralhanae (Brute) known as Atriox exploited the power vacuum – amassing an army of mercenaries united under the Banished banner.

"He represents the calm strategist – preferring targeted aggression only when needed," remarked Esports Pro League analyst Daniel So in an interview last June on the competitive Halo channel. "He waits and watches with almost frightening patience."

Atriox and his forces launched an ambush against UNSC headquarters – the Infinity – as Cortana attempted to make amends with Chief, crippling mankind‘s interstellar foothold.

Just How Bad Were UNSC Losses?

While final tolls remain unknown, estimates suggest the scale of losses for humanity‘s defensive capabilities:

  • Up to 80% of remaining UNSC capital ships either destroyed or captured
  • Over 120,000 personnel either missing or killed in action based on Infinity‘s complement alone
  • Nearly a third of inner colony defensive infrastucture and supply chains left in disarray

This represents a potential extinction-level event – reversing decades of advancement since the original Halo ring discovery. Their savior, the Master Chief, defeated and exiled into the void of space.

UNSC Personnel and Capacity Losses

Fig. 1 – Post-War UNSC resources face dire 75% – 80%+ losses from Banished ambush

So extreme the reversal – remaining commanders hailed survival as necessity for future rebirth.

Zeta Halo Occupation – Buying Time or Building an Arsenal?

"Given the Banished reliance on using overwhelming force, their relatively passive occupation is concerning," mused ONI Section 1 analyst Andes Primoris on the Factions Hub conspiracy podcast earlier in 2024.

Rather than utilizing the new Halo ring outright, Atriox seems to be fortifying locations in anticipation of a larger, unknown strategy. "This represents an alarming shift towards strategic patience rarely exhibited previously by Brute forces."

Indeed, having eliminated the only apparent threat to their plans after expelling the Master Chief – the Banished seem to be lying in wait for an element of surprise not witnessed before.

Lingering Questions – What Became of Blue Team?

Uncertainty lingers around remaining assets that could turn the tide against Atriox‘s occupation. Namely – the hyper lethal Vector Blue Team led by Spartan Fred-104. Composed of the oldest and most experienced Spartan-II warriors, their location and status after the INF-101 Infinity‘s loss is unknown.

Pair this with missing fireteams like Osiris who engaged in classified missions against Created remnants as recently as six months ago – Chief may find the odds still stacked overwhelmingly if confronting the Banished alone.

The Weapon – Familiar Partner With Evolving Potential

Where the Chief formerly had Cortana in his ear, now stands ‘The Weapon‘ – an AI modeled after his former companion but streamlined – singularly purposed to aid humanity rather than guide it. Yet her origins hint at ulterior motives from creator Dr. Halsey. Is she a true reboot or the backup plan all along?

"She occupies the moral position Cortana was always meant to hold," remarked tech ethicist Dr. Yumeno following Microsoft‘s brief at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in January. "No forced imposition of order – just assisting those who need her in staying alive."

Her role as partner is thus a wildcard with untapped potential. Will she walk a new path or repeat history through misguided attempts at shaping the galaxy‘s fate? Much rests on the Master Chief‘s influence and any unseen shackles still in place from murky origins.

The Road Ahead…

From the ashes – new threats rise and fallen heroes find themselves stranded. The Banished stand dominant – occupying territory and building towards war on a scale beyond imagination. Allies lie missing amidst the chaos – their status shrouded in uncertainty and denial.

And thus our central warrior emerges transformed from the loss – The Master Chief enters this new saga wary yet resolved. Prepared at last to show the enemy faction his full capabilities unleashed.

Underdogs facing extinction frequently shape their own turning point – perhaps this remains humanity‘s hope. As Atriox and Escharum plot amidst thunderous shadows – John walks boldly into the light for whatever awaits in this next chapter.

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