What Happened to Jon Snow‘s Legendary Sword Longclaw

My fellow GoT fans, you may recall that fateful scene where Jon Snow grasped the handle of his sword Longclaw and its eyes eerily opened as our favorite brooding hero emerged reborn from the dead. I know it sent a chill down my spine!

Naturally, we all wondered – is Longclaw magical? Sentient? Alive?! Well, let‘s dive deeper into the history of this ancestral bastard sword and where it might be now…

Why Longclaw is Such a Crucial Weapon

As us diehard fans know well, Longclaw is no ordinary sword. Its core is made of priceless Valyrian steel, one of the few known substances that can destroy White Walkers.

Here‘s a quick refresher on why Valyrian weapons are so special:

  • Forged with ancient spells and dragonfire
  • Incredibly sharp, light, and strong
  • Extremely rare after the Doom of Valyria

With dragonglass now set into its wolf-headed pommel, Longclaw gives Jon a huge advantage against the Army of Dead. No wonder Jeor Mormont passed this ancestral treasure onto his steward!

Examining the Ominous "Waking Eyes" Scene

When Jon gasps back to life, his fist clenching Longclaw – we see the ruby eyes on its wolf pommel eerily OPEN:


Many fans, including myself, speculated this meant the sword was somehow alive or magically linked to Jon. Epic theories abounded!

But truly looking closer at this scene, it seems the eyes opening was just a visual trick – a reflection of light and shadow:

"It‘s been explained that there‘s a small piece of transparent red crystal in the pommel, when Jon puts his hand on it, there‘s a reflection that makes it look like they opened."

So as amazing as a living sword would be, Longclaw likely isn‘t alive or magically aware. But the visual metaphor of its eyes shockingly opening just as Jon is reborn cannot be an accident…

Where Could Longclaw Be Now?

In the finale, Jon heads out beyond the Wall with the Wildlings to live free, leaving the politics and pressures of Westeros behind.

Many fans assume he still has Longclaw – that sword is a part of him now. It represents his Mormont and Stark heritage. I can‘t imagine Jon abandoning it.

And even with the Night King gone, if there are still stray wights or White Walkers lurking out there, Longclaw remains crucial to defending the realms of men. Valryian steel swords are priceless treasures after all – a wise man keeps them close!

We may yet see Longclaw again should Jon‘s story continue in the rumored sequel show SNOW. And its destiny may still have an important role to play…

But those are just my own theories and conjectures! What do YOU think happened to Longclaw and where it could be now? Let all us Longclaw fans discuss in the comments!

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