The 35 Year Mystery of Mario and Luigi‘s Parents: What Happened to Them?

As a passionate gamer and Mario franchise expert, one of the most common questions I‘m asked is: What happened to Mario and Luigi‘s parents? Despite over 35 years of Mario video games, Nintendo has never provided definitive information on the fate or backstories of the Mario Bros‘ mother, father, or other family relatives. However, clues across various games hint at the possible secret history.

Who Are Mario and Luigi‘s Parents?

Mario and Luigi‘s parents have made minor cameo appearances over the years:

  • Mama Mario: Mario and Luigi‘s mother first appeared in Super Mario RPG in 1996. Referred to as "Mama Mia" by her children, her maiden name is Rigassi. She has made occasional cameo appearances in games like Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.

  • Papa Mario: Mario and Luigi‘s father debuted in 2005‘s Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time. He appears as a mustached adult Mario wearing overalls. Very little is known about his history or relationship with Mama Mario.

The lack of backstory around these characters is strange considering the Mario franchise has sold over 510 million games worldwide since 1981. As a content creator and expert on this iconic series, even I have to wonder – why such mystery around the parents who raised the legendary Mario Bros?

Theories on Mario Parents‘ Fate

With no official explanation from Nintendo on Mama and Papa Mario‘s backstories or whereabouts, fans have some theories:

  • They passed away when Mario and Luigi were young, leaving the brothers to pursue work as plumbers.
  • They are still living in the Mushroom Kingdom but stay out of the spotlight.
  • Papa Mario married into the wealthy Mario family, hence Mario and Luigi‘s last name.

My own theory based on the limited information available is that Mama and Papa Mario separated while Mario and Luigi were children. As the older twin, Mario took on the father-figure role of raising Luigi. This explains their lasting brotherly bond. Meanwhile Mama Mario moved back to her hometown of Brooklyn, occasionally visiting her children in the Mushroom Kingdom.

Of course without confirmation from Nintendo these theories remain speculation. After 35 years though, don‘t fans deserve to know the full story behind gaming‘s most iconic character?

Connection to Wario – Cousin or Childhood Friend?

Another hotly debated franchise theory is whether Wario is related to the Mario bros. Wario clearly shares physical similarities like his mustache, overalls and portly frame. His name literally combines "Mario" with the Japanese word for "bad".

  • Some fans theorize Wario is Mario and Luigi‘s cousin or estranged brother.
  • Others believe he was a childhood friend who grew jealous of the Mario brothers‘ success.

My perspective aligns with the childhood friend explanation. Wario‘s rivalry with Mario seems rooted in competing for glory and fortune rather than family resentment. If Wario was Mario‘s cousin or brother, Nintendo would likely have confirmed this connection outright already. Until they do though, the true origins of Wario‘s relationship to the Mario bros remains shrouded in mystery.

Mario‘s Implied Life Timeline Offers Clues

While we may not know what ultimately happened to Mama and Papa Mario, studying Mario‘s implied lifespan offers some hints:

YearAgeLife Event
Early 1960sBabyMario & Luigi born to Mama and Papa Mario
1970s10 years oldAttended trade school to become plumbers with Luigi
198120 years oldMario begins dating Pauline prior to Donkey Kong incident
1990s30 years oldSettles in Mushroom Kingdom, consistent run-ins with Bowser begin after saving the Princess
2000s40 years oldContinues adventuring with Luigi and new friends like Yoshi against old foes

Studying this timeline, it‘s apparent Mario had an eventful childhood – including parents separating, learning plumbing, befriending Wario – prior to settling into his hero role across the Mushroom Kingdom over the past 35 years.

This period as a youth with parents and origins still untold represents a major gap in Mario‘s well-known story. My hope as a gaming commentator is that someday soon Nintendo will allow fans to finally explore Super Mario‘s world before the mustached plumber we met in "Donkey Kong".

The Mystery Continues…For Now

So what ultimately happened to Mario and Luigi‘s elusive Mama and Papa? Where did they come from, and what became of them in the years since their sons became global icons? Nintendo has yet to answer these questions definitively.

The company has revealed small pieces of Mario‘s backstory over decades through interviews, manga, TV shows and of course the core games. But after 35 years of play, the full truth about gaming‘s most legendary mascot remains closely guarded at Nintendo headquarters in Kyoto, Japan. Fans like myself will continue sharing every theory and new reveal around Mario‘s secret history until the day Nintendo finally pulls back the curtain!

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