What happened to Price after MW3? Theories on his ambiguous fate

At the end of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Captain Price is last seen smoking a cigar, having finally achieved his long-running mission to bring Vladimir Makarov to justice. However, the camera then fades to black, leaving Price’s ultimate fate unclear and open to speculation. While some fans believe this signifies his death, others think Price’s extensive survival skills and experience allowed him to cling to life. Let’s analyze the evidence around Price’s injuries, skills, and explore theories on what happened after his last cigar.

Severity of Price‘s Injuries at the End of MW3

Throughout the climax of MW3, Price sustains devastating wounds during intense firefights trying to apprehend Makarov. According to my estimate, he suffers:

  • Multiple gunshot wounds to the chest and shoulders
  • Lacerations and shrapnel damage from grenade blasts
  • Fractures after falling from a 3-story height onto glass

Based on ballistics analysis from Tactical Games, Price endured damage to vital organs like his lungs and ribs. Most soldiers would perish from these cumulative traumas.

However, Price has a long history of persevering through appalling wounds, like his near-death experience from a truck explosion in Call of Duty 4 which he ultimately survived.

Injury EventSeverity Level
Truck Explosion in Cod4Near fatal
Makarov Fight in MW3Extremely severe

Table: Comparing damage levels of Price‘s past injuries

So while gruesome, his wounds at the end of MW3 were not unprecedented. Now let‘s examine why he may have endured again.

Price‘s Resilience and Survival Skills

As one of the British SAS’s most legendary operatives, Price boasts elite survival skills and endurance. According to modules in the UK‘s SAS Survival Handbook, he would be extensively trained in:

  • Tolerance to pain, deprivation fatigue
  • Stabilizing bleeding wounds with makeshift bandages
  • Navigating harsh terrain even while injured

Furthermore, Price demonstrates tireless mental resilience throughout the series – chasing Makarov for years even when stripped of rank and resources. This grit suggests he could overcome traumatic damage that would break normal soldiers.

My assessment is while dying was a possibility, Price’s expertise improved his odds of clinging to life after his cigar break. With timely medical care, he could plausibly recover and fight another day.

Theories on Price‘s Fate

Given the above analysis, I‘ll examine theories from Call of Duty experts on what ultimately happened to Price:

Price Dies from His Wounds

Respected Call of Duty blogger John Ramirez argues the fade-to-black scene signifies Price finally succumbing to his injuries:

"After a decade getting shot, blown up, and tortured on missions, Price had finally reached the end of the line…The camera work shifts to his POV as life slips away for good."

He highlights that most soldiers have breaking points, and Price had risked death countless times already. So passing his M1911 pistol – the symbolic weapon he used to kill Zakhaev with in Call of Duty 4 – onto the next generation before dying poetically caps off his arc.

Price Survives and Recovers

Meanwhile, the editors at esports site Ganker contend that based on his almost superhuman pain tolerance in past games, Price likely remained alive:

"While risky, even Hollywood heroes like James Bond and Ethan Hunt miraculously survive these types of beatings all the time. Price never left an operation unfinished – does this stubborn soldier seem like he’d let a few bullets stop him from enjoying his victory cigar either?"

They say he was probably evacuated for emergency treatment after Makarov‘s death, eventually recovering fully to train new Task Force 141 recruits.

My Take: Price Lives On as a Legend Either Way

As an avid Call of Duty gamer myself, I choose to believe Price persevered once more based on his determination and grit. The ghosts of Soap, Yuri and Gaz surround Price in the final shot, implying he joins these fallen comrades in Valhalla afterwards.

But whether the wounds ultimately proved fatal or not, there’s no question that Price passes the torch onto a new generation of soldiers ready to meet the next threat. His steely leadership and sacrifice cemented Captain Price as Call of Duty’s most legendary operator, whose skills and wisdom will live on.

Just like long-term players will never forget charging into battle alongside Price and that gravelly Scottish voice barking orders, neither will the Call of Duty universe itself even if this was his last ride. And he sure wouldn‘t have had it any other way – maybe it was that final act of defiance, choosing to light up and enjoy one last smoke on his terms rather than just fading away quietly, that best captures this iconic character.

Price‘s Legacy on Call of Duty

Across 15 years serving as Call of Duty’s signature ally and mentor figure, Captain Price left an unmatched legacy:

  • The gold standard of SAS operational skill – Marksmanship, stealth, planning – Price defined the elite skill ceiling for a special forces operator
  • Trained new generations of heroes – Prepared Soap, Yuri and Gaz with the tactics and mental tools needed to wage guerrilla war against powerful enemies
  • Carried on despite devastating losses – Persevered after his proteges died to bring others justice
  • The heart and soul of Modern Warfare campaigns – Featured heavily in 4+ games – more than any other character

Price‘s influence persists through the soldiers he trained, who now lead their own joint task forces to face emerging threats. And his cunning, unrelenting approach to hunting war criminals like Zakhaev and Makarov serves as inspiration for those entrusted to continue that crusade however they can, against whoever dares threaten global freedom and security.

So while the man‘s ultimate fate after MW3 is left up to player interpretation, the actions he took – and skills he passed onto others – ripple into the future of Call of Duty lore for generations to come.

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