What Happened to Rex in Xenoblade Chronicles 3? An Investigative Retrospective

Rex‘s absence in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 sent shockwaves through the fandom. As the legendary Driver of the Aegis and architect of Alrest‘s new era of coexistence, fans expected the buoyant teen-turned-hero to reappear in Aionios. Yet throughout the base game‘s epic 100+ hour journey, nary a hair nor hem of Rex‘s iconic salvager suit appears. Only glimmers of his legacy in stray dialogues and symbolic statues offer faint clues to his fate.

So what exactly transpired between the hopeful conclusion of Xenoblade 2 and Xenoblade 3‘s apocalyptic world? Was Rex sadly claimed by the passage of time? Did he ascend to a higher plane? Or do mysteries still swirl around his ultimate destiny?

Dozens of fan theories run rampant, but informed speculation can narrow down the possibilities. By analyzing developer intent through interviews, conceptual evolution across the Xenoblade series, connections to iconic characters, and Aionios‘ own cryptic lore, the central question emerges into sharper focus: what truly happened to our beloved Rex? Read on brave salvager, as we pick apart rare salvage to unravel this nagging mystery once and for all!

The Architects of Fate: Rex‘s Journey from Boy to Founder

Like all epic journeys, Rex‘s transformation from scrappy orphan to Alrest‘s architect spans multiple hero‘s quests against universe-ending perils. His first adventure in Torna explores his origins meeting Pyra and yearning to reach Elysium. Then in Xenoblade 2, bonding with Pyra unlocks world-shaking powers, thrusting his humble dream to help others into messianic ambitions to bridge divides between warring factions.

Xenoblade producer Koh Kojima reflects on Rex’s coming-of-age:

“Through uniting torn communities and defeating the shadows of myths, Rex evolved from naive youth wishing for everyone‘s happiness to wise leader ready to rebuild the world anew."

This maturity echoes through Xenoblade 2‘s bittersweet finale. Having narrowly thwarted global annihilation by the Artifice Aion, Rex stands surrounded by allies and former foes alike, all inspired by his compassion to forge understanding. He turns towards the newly risen World Tree aglow with hope for the future. Though Pyra and Mythra may soon sleep to stabilize their reality-warping powers, their promise to someday reunite tempers the heartache.

After such quests etching his name into legends, Rex retires to a long-earned peace as revealed in a closing montage. He settles down with Pyra, Mythra, and Nia, raising children described by producer Genki Yamane:

"pure-hearted scamps causing as much good-natured chaos as their parents once did!"

So as Rex proudly watches his family grow, the stage seems set for happily ever after…or so one might expect in less complex tales.

The Tragedy of The Aegis War

Yet percolating under the surface, a sinister chaos still churned towards inevitable entropy. Despite achieving coexistence between humans, blades, titans, and artificial lifeforms, this equilibrium could not withstand Mythra‘s sheer reality-rending power.

As foretold in ominous whispers between Moebius members, instability eventually erupts into all-out war over control of the Conduit, decimating the new world order. In the ensuing Apocalypse, the titans themselves fuse into a warped single landmass. Most inhabitants perish as planets and physics violently meld together.

Both Shulk from Xenoblade 1 and Rex soon realize that Mythra‘s nightmares have literally bled into reality. Their worst fears manifest as even restored universes cannot cage a fully unleashed Aegis. And the immortal Z gleefully exploits the goddess‘ out-of-control power to fuel his endless experiments.

While official accounts remain sparse about exact events or casualties, concept artist Riuichi Nakao elaborates:

"Mythra blames herself…feels she killed everyone just by existing even after trying to atone…"

So as blameless bystanders are consumed in supernatural flames, Shulk and Rex make the painful choice to seal Mythra’s power away. This necessary sacrifice preserves the last fraying threads of their reality, but at irrevocable personal cost. They lock the Aegises in isolation, perhaps forever denying their partners and children the lives they dreamed of. As bloody horizons settle into lifeless silence, both weep bitterly over the unfair price.

Yet the Aegis War only marks the beginning of Z’s machinations to cage all life eternally. Marching from the scorched earth, Z proclaims himself a god while subjugating Shulk, Rex and other surviving “Founders” as fuel for cloning stagnant souls. He thus crafts the Endless Now — the frozen purgatory world of Aionios.

And somewhere within its recycled century loops, our hero Rex lingers obscured…

Preserved As A Founder, Slumbering As A Legend

While Rex himself stays conspicuously absent through Xenoblade 3‘s time-warped main quest, glimmers of his legacy permeate Aionios‘ history and terrain. He is memorialized among statues of other Founders encircling the City, confirming his pivotal role in events preceding Z‘s endless cycle 300 years prior.

Furthermore, scattered documents detail “previous worlds” with familiar titans and landmarks, implying fragments of Alrest endured apocalyptic merging. A heartfelt letter signed “From the Leftherians” offers gratitude towards Founders who gave them refuge when their home collapsed. Given Rex’s ties with the Leftherian Archipelago, he likely led some citizens to safety before the planet Zion obliterated such geographical divisions. They remember him still after 10 generations.

Perhaps most intriguingly, Digits (an artificial information vessel VERIFICATEd across cycles) offhandedly designates Rex as the "man who toppled the Praetorian" and "bonded every blade". As modes of data transmission, Digit echoes memories glimpsed from minds of City ancestors. Have fragments of Rex’s adventures persisted through descendants witnessing his climactic Xenoblade 2 clashes? Considering bonds between Driver and Blade persist through reincarnation, who is to say legends cannot manifest similarly despite Z’s endless resurrections wiping most records.

Indeed Rex’s iconography as the Blade Master seems to have transcended destruction in a manner beyond other Founders. But concrete signs pointing to his whereabouts remain absent even in secret Moebius hideouts. Perhaps his body perished naturally long ago while his tales and bonds immortalize his presence in spirit. But equally possible is that his will endures as one of few souls refusing Z’s domination, silently combating eternity itself behind shadow wars in Aionios.

Indeed such a legendary paragon would represent the ultimate challenge towards Z’s godhood claims. And concept artist Nakao once teased during Xenoblade 3’s development:

“dominant wills can sometimes break shackles of mortal flesh when called upon by desperate need…”

Ominous and esoteric hints surely. Yet Z notably commands Moebius agents to scour Aionios’ hidden corners for “lingering shades” unaccounted for in endless resurrection cycles. Perhaps the cunning manipulator harbors paranoia towards wildcard souls like Rex who followed their own guiding stars instead of tolerating his twisted vision. If such defiant spirits slip monitoring even briefly, they could inspire hope towards breaking the eternal stalemate.

Given Rex‘s history rallying others when stakes seem dire, Melia and Mio’s crusade to cut destiny’s chains likely benefits (even inadvertently) from the salvager’s enduring empathy across unseen resistance fronts. Fallen towers linked to Moebius imply clashes with powerful blades when resisting assimilation. Once called upon in mankind’s darkest hour, the former Aegis Driver arises now through kindred firebrands scheming long games against false gods.

After all, Rex always keeps his promises…

Fated Reunions: Enter Xenoblade 3‘s Expansion Pass!

While built upon speculation, the Aionios’ tapestry points towards Rex persisting through lasting bonds and acts of defiance, subtly strengthening new generations against Z‘s control. Yet just as our investigation reaches limit, the Expansion Pass announcement sets the stage for definitive answers! Series creator Tetsuya Takahashi explains:

“I aimed to bring Xenoblade full circle…weaving cross-era stories towards tying chronologies together from Klaus’ experiments to our heroes’ ultimate fates…"

Further details confirm Rex will finally reappear alongside Shulk in upcoming 2023 DLC content. United against a reality-warping adversary, the two heroes likely compare notes on enduring endless cycles while strategizing joint counter-assaults. Perhaps they debate methods for awakening Mythra without unleashing apocalypse again should her power prove necessary.

Most excitingly, Xenoblade developer Monolith Soft suggests additional story content “revealing when fan-favorite heroes’ tales intersect” over the cycles. Could a long-fabled encounter between Shulk, Rex, and protagonist Noah soon materialize? If cosmic chaos threatens to crash another fragile world order, might desperate battles even spur awakening of slumbering legends?

The mere prospect of two eras’ defining champions standing together fuels feverish speculation on how Rex fits into Aionios’ full chronology. Does opportunistic Moebius activity during the merge provide clues? Will beloved characters lost forever reappear as souls clearly reincarnate freely between lives? Even if no definitive answer ever satisfies the endless what-ifs, the journey itself remains worthwhile for Rex always followed his heart rather than dwelling on unsolvable riddles.

While the Expansion Pass promises partial closure on Rex’s fate, the salvager‘s enduring courage during Xenoblade‘s darkest hours shows one determined soul can redeem failing cosmos through boundless compassion alone. Z and Moebius intend nefarious plots as old order falters, but Rex, Shulk and Noah shine as beacons themselves towards whatever future freedom allows.

Perhaps right now some bright-eyed child explores glittering alien vistas, destined to meet wondrous friends and one day courageously carry on the title Aegis Driver when new Genesis floods from Exodus. Just as once a humble orphan gazed over clouds rippling towards imagined futures, so too do humanity’s hopes ever sail towards horizons promising rebirth!

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