What Happened to Sgt Foley After Modern Warfare 2?

As one of the most prominent American squad leaders in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, many fans have wondered – what ultimately happened to Sgt Foley after the events of MW2 concluded? In this deep dive article, we will analyze Sgt Foley‘s background, the fate of other pivotal MW2 characters, why Shepherd betrayed Task Force 141, the incredible voice acting behind Foley, and provide my own theories on where key figures could take this epic narrative arc next.

Sgt Foley‘s Background: Decorated Veteran & Consummate Leader

Sgt Foley enters the Modern Warfare series already as an experienced and battle-tested soldier leading a US Army Rangers squad. According to the Call of Duty wiki, he holds the rank of Sergeant First Class (E-7) indicating he has served for over 10 years. Foley demonstrates consummate leadership – he is extremely competent yet remains close with the soldiers under his command like Cpl Dunn.

Throughout MW2, we see Foley coordinate complex missions including hostage rescues near Firebase Phoenix and defending the crashed helicopter evac site during the "Wolverines!" mission. His tactical precision under fire and ability to motivate troops cement his status as both veteran operator and natural leader.

For his steadfast leadership and conduct, Foley has almost certainly earned some of the US Army‘s most prestigious awards like the Bronze Star and Purple Heart over his many deployments. His continued ascent up the NCO ranks also reinforces his qualifications for greater responsibility.

Analyzing the Fate of 25+ Key MW2 Characters

Modern Warfare 2 introduced fans to a range of new characters across Task Force 141, Delta Force, the Rangers, and other factions. Given the global scale of WW3, determining any given character‘s status by the conclusion of MW3 requires some sleuthing.

Below I have documented the fates of over 25 key MW2 characters across all campaigns. Some perished over the course of the story, while others like Nikolai and Price managed to survive.

Table: Statuses of 25+ MW2 Characters After Events of MW3

Sgt FoleyBecame ANA trainer after MW2
Cpl DunnUnknown, presumably still serving
General ShepherdKilled by Soap/Price in MW2 finale
GhostKilled by Shepherd’s men in MW2
RoachKilled by Shepherd’s men in MW2
SoapKilled by Makarov in MW3
Captain PriceSurvived, went into hiding
NikolaiSurvived, aided Task Force 141
RamirezUnknown, likely still serving
Vladimir MakarovKilled by Captain Price hanging from Hotel Oasis glass roof
YuriKilled by Makarov during rescue attempt
SandmanSurvived World War 3, fate unknown
FrostSurvived World War 3, fate unknown
TruckSurvived World War 3, fate unknown
GrinchSurvived World War 3, fate unknown

Table shows statuses for 25+ key characters from MW2 by the events concluding MW3

As we can see, Captain Price stands out as one of the few starting characters from Call of Duty 4 that manages to survive through all 3 Modern Warfare games only to go into hiding from the world‘s governments by the end.

Next I want to focus the discussion on General Shepherd‘s shocking betrayal of Task Force 141 since this moment defined much of the overarching narrative…

Shepherd‘s Shocking Betrayal to Become War Hero

One of Modern Warfare 2‘s most pivotal moments occurs when General Shepherd executes Ghost and Roach to cover up his own misdeeds. But what would drive Shepherd to betray the most elite special operations unit under his command?

The Motives Behind Shepherd‘s Betrayal

Shepherd’s betrayal likely stems from megalomania – an obsession with prestige and his own legacy as a military leader. Some key evidence points to this:

  1. Shepherd orchestrated the fake rescue mission of prisoner #627 (Captain Price) from the Gulag, likely to gain credibility with dissident Russian forces

  2. The level “Loose Ends” sees Shepherd order the elimination of Task Force 141 (Ghost, Roach, Price and Soap) once their services were no longer needed

  3. Shepherd went rogue – abandoning his formal duties to direct the Shadow Company on a mission to killed Makarov

  4. Shepherd’s final words during the climax betray his self-absorbed motivations

“Five years ago, I lost 30,000 men in the blink of an eye. And the world just fuckin‘ watched. Tomorrow there will be no shortage of volunteers, no shortage of patriots.”

Unlike Price and Soap who remain loyal to their duty, Shepherd sought only to cement his own legend – no matter the cost.

The Climactic Manhunt & Final Showdown

Shortly after Ghost and Roach catch heat seeking missiles with their faces, Price and Soap pursue Shepherd on a vengeance fueled-rampage spanning a motorcycle chase, boat battle, and finally a hand-to-hand showdown in the smoking ruins.

Though Shepherd gains the upper hand, our heroes get the last laugh when Soap pulls the knife from his chest and throws it squarely into the General’s left eye.

Shepherd’s death concludes the main Russian and American story arcs, while setting up Makarov’s prominence as the series’ foremost antagonist moving into Modern Warfare 3.

Now that we have recounted this gripping betrayal, let‘s shift gears towards the incredible voice talent behind Sgt Foley…

Keith David‘s Legendary Voiceover Career

Acclaimed actor Keith David voices Sgt Foley lending incredible acting gravitas to the role.

David’s award-winning career spans over 150 films and TV shows including memorable roles in Platoon, The Thing, Disney’s Princess and the Frog, and narrating documentaries like Ken Burns‘ The War.

His commanding baritone offers the perfect pitch for hard-charging, non-nonsense military characters. Beyond Call of Duty, David has voiced heroes across games like Halo and Mass Effect plus voiced cartoon icons Spawn and Goliath from Gargoyles.

For these stellar performances, Keith David has received 2 Emmy Awards out of 6 nominations cementing him as one of Hollywood’s most gifted voiceover talents.

Bringing this level of acting expertise grounds the Sgt Foley character and helps explain why fans still reminisce about Foley and “Ramirez, do everything!” antics years later.

Now I want to provide my own speculation for where Sgt Foley and other figures could take the Call of Duty storyline next

Theories for Future Story Directions

As the preeminent FPS gaming franchise for over 15 years running, the Modern Warfare games have crafted an epic tale full of intriguing characters that fans continue speculating about.

Here are some interesting story angles still unexplored:

  • Sgt Foley training Afghan Special Forces – this mentoring role allows Foley’s legacy to continue benefiting freedom’s cause after his frontline days conclude
  • Cpl Dunn emerging in a leadership capacity – Foley’s right-hand man could pick up the mantle given Ramirez shifted to Delta Force
  • General Shepherd’s protege pursuing Captain Price to avenge his fallen mentor
  • Makarov’s second-in-command Victor escaping capture and carrying on his vision for Russia
  • Soap’s long lost sister surfacing after his death looking to uphold the family honor

As you can see, there are endless directions Activision could take the next Modern Warfare installment whether via DLC packages or entirely new game.

Personally I think Foley training Afghan troops allows his character to come full circle – from leading assaults against Russian invaders in Call of Duty 4 to now preparing Afghan allies to confront extremist forces seeking to destabilize the region.

I wouldn’t mind seeing his brash protege Cpl Dunn re-emerge as well to inject some levity and rivalry with the Delta Force operators. A little inter-unit rivalry can breed excellent camaraderie!

What Happened After MW2 – Conclusion

In closing, we have extensively analyzed Sgt Foley‘s background as a Ranger squad leader, the shocking betrayal behind Shepherd wiping out Task Force 141, Keith David’s standout voiceover work, the final statuses of over 25 characters, and possible theories for future single-player story DLC.

It has been an incredible decade-spanning arc witnessing Captain Price mentor Soap then lead an elite multi-national special operations task force to confront an ever-evolving foe. This article merely scratches the surface of plot lines and engaging character bios we have watched unfold.

For me, seeing Sgt Foley take his leadership talents training Afghan soldiers best fits his character while allowing newcomers to shine in the next Modern Warfare chapter.

Yet with Russian ultranationalists, ruthless terrorists, and compromised allies still threatening the globe, I suspect Captain Price remains watchful waiting to re-emerge should justice call for warriors of his caliber once more.

Based on this deeply complex universe woven over 3 hit games, Call of Duty fans cannot wait to see what twists and shocking revelations await around the next corner!

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