The Disappearance of a Fan Favorite: What Happened to Smoke in MK11?

Smoke holds a unique place in Mortal Kombat lore as one of the series‘ most veteran fighters and tragic antiheroes. First appearing as a secret character in 1995‘s MK3, the shadowy Lin Kuei assassin won over fans with his stealthy moves and mysterious backstory revealed across multiple titles. However, current franchise owners NetherRealm Studios dealt a crushing blow to Smoke devotees in MK11 by limiting the popular warrior to a brief Krypt cameo rather than including him as a playable fighter. As both an MK expert and life-long Smoke main, I believe it‘s time the developers explained this baffling decision to the community.

A Legendary Legacy Cut Short

Smoke began his journey as Tomas Vrbada, a Czech assassin recruited into the Lin Kuei ninja clan. When his close friend Sub-Zero left the group, Smoke was forcibly converted by Lin Kuei scientists into a soulless cybernetic killer – one of the most iconic plot twists in MK history. He would later break his mind control programming and join mortal tournament champions Raiden and Liu Kang in defeating Shao Kahn‘s Outworld invasion during MK3‘s events.

Appearing as playable roster fighter in 5 major franchise titles and countless spinoffs, Smoke‘s nimble attack variants and tragic backstory of dehumanization made him hugely popular with fans. During online ranked and pro tournament matches across 2011‘s MK9 reboot and MKX four years later, Smoke consistently ranked among the top 10 characters by usage rate:

GameOnline Usage %Pro Tourney Usage %
Mortal Kombat 911%8%
Mortal Kombat X9%11%

MK co-creator Ed Boon himself called Smoke "easily one of the most popular ninjas" in 2012 based on fan feedback. So why has NetherRealm now sidelined him?

Abandoned by Developers

Mortal Kombat 11 represented a fresh start for the series, with cutting-edge visuals and new mechanics shaking up classic gameplay. Given Smoke‘s enduring popularity with the fanbase, his absence from the initial fighter lineup was already a controversial decision. However, NR‘s flimsy explanation and effective removal of the character from MK11‘s storyline through his brief background appearance feels almost disrespectful considering his legacy.

During a 2019 Reddit AMA, MK11 director Danny Huynh claimed "there simply wasn‘t room for Smoke" on the launch roster. This feels highly dubious given the game features nearly 40 playable fighters including almost every other veteran ninja besides mainstay Rain. Huynh also dismissed the possibility of Smoke receiving his own DLC chapter, crushing fans‘ hopes of seeing the cyber-ninja properly represented in the new title‘s narrative.

Smoke‘s hugely anticlimactic fate is only revealed in a single murky frame within MK11‘s Krypt mode, showing his deactivated body among other failed experiments. After such a long history as Sub-Zero‘s friend, Lin Kuei assassin, unwilling cyborg, and defender of Earthrealm, Smoke absolutely deserves better from NetherRealm than being stuck in obscurity for newer fans while old devotees are left bereft.

What‘s Next for The Enenra?

While MK co-creator Ed Boon continues deemphasizing the possibility of Smoke returning in a substantial form, he remains a hugely requested fighter within the NRS community. A 2021 poll on r/MortalKombat asking "Which 3D era characters should return in MK12?" had Smoke as the overwhelming winner with 82% of over 5,000 votes.

As both one of MK‘s original hidden secrets turned top tournament picks and the partial inspiration for cyber-ninjas Sektor and Cyrax, Smoke boasts one of the series‘ most compelling personaes and playstyles. His vaporous teleports and lethal dash attacks exemplify the shadowy, stealth-based moveset missing amongst the current roster.

If rumors of MK12 entering development for a 2023 release prove true, Smoke‘s reinclusion could provide the freshness and fan service the next franchise evolution desperately needs after MK11‘s lukewarm reception at launch. Perhaps introducing his human form this time and exploring more of the grim Lin Kuei background that made him so fascinating initially would be the wise path forward. Even just explaining what finally shut him down to close out his long-running arc more definitively would help restore some dignity.

While Smoke‘s misty future sadly remains obscured for now, the loyalty of his player base combined with his strong in-game history gives me hope. In a series filled with gods, monsters, and demons – this frail assassin turned against his will into a soulless machine deserves another chance to prove both his humanity and fighting prowess. What fate do you hope awaits the mystic Enenra? Share your thoughts below!

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