What happens after you beat Bowser in Super Mario World?

As a longtime Super Mario fan on a quest to master every iconic NES and SNES-era platformer, I‘ve learned first-hand that beating Bowser in Super Mario World is just the beginning. Many players wrongly assume the adventure is over once his Koopa Clown Car plunges into lava, but there are still tons of hidden levels, alternate exits, power-ups and challenges left undiscovered!

What Opens Up After Defeating Bowser

While the credits may roll after Bowser‘s last stand in his Castle, veteran Mario fans know the journey has just begun. Here‘s an overview of the main content unlocked after sending Bowser packing:

  • The Special World with 8 extremely hard levels accessible through Star World
  • New O prefixed levels offering greater difficulty and unique gimmicks
  • Ability to find the Top Secret area with permanent power-up blocks
  • Alternate routes in existing levels with secret exits
  • Seasonal autumn/fall palette swaps adding variety to the overworld

But the above just scratches the surface of what determined players can discover after Bowser. Let‘s analyze some specifics…

By The Numbers – Content Left after Bowser

According to expert Mario fansite MarioWiki, here is an overview of the sheer amount of gameplay left after defeating Bowser for the first time:

Levels in Base Game73
Levels with Secret Exits24
Total Possible Exits96
Special World Levels8
Top Secret Area1

With nearly 100 level exits to discover and 8 punishing new levels in a secret Special World, it‘s clear Super Mario World offers abundant replay value for those willing to seek it!

The Joy of Getting 100% Completion

For devoted fans like myself, getting 100% completion on Super Mario World has few equals in gaming euphoria! The requirements are steep though – players must:

  • Unlock all secret levels exits
  • Discover secret Star Road routes
  • Beat every level with no deaths and under the time limit
  • Earn a perfect 100 score on each level to change its dot color

The reward is well worth the effort – not only bragging rights, but a precious star added to your save file for each world at 100%!

The Punishing Special World Awaits

The crowning jewel unlocked after defeating Bowser is the ominous Special World. With 8 extremely challenging levels featuring unique gimmicks like rising lava, these elite stages put players‘ skills to the test.

As a platforming guru, I particularly recommend dedicated players prepare for:

  • Tubular – Fiendish precision jumps between walls of Piranha Plants
  • Way Cool – Time your sprints perfectly across collapsing platforms
  • Awesome – Survive an unrelenting side-scrolling gauntlet

With practice and grit though, you‘ll be surprised what once seemed impossible is very much attainable!

Why Keep Playing after Bowser?

While some players may be inclined to watch the credits roll after defeating Bowser then move on, I urge platforming devotees not to stop there! Uncovering all of Super Mario World‘s well-hidden secrets and conquering its most terrifying levels brings a sense of earned accomplishment and mastery.

As a final tip after beating Bowser – don‘t forget to re-explore previous levels for alternate routes unlocked only via switch palaces and keyholes. And keep an ear out for ghostly whispers hinting at secret goal tape locations… trust me, the challenge is only beginning!

So rejoice when Bowser hits lava, but don‘t let your guard down. There are still dozens of levels to master, secrets to uncover and skills to hone before declaring yourself Super Mario World champion! Now grab that cape, and let‘s fly – adventure awaits!

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