What happens after you beat Super Mario?

As a triumphant Mario stands over a defeated Bowser, you might feel a wave of satisfaction wash over you. Another princess saved, another quest for cake and candy completed. But as the credits roll, a tinge of sadness creeps in. Is that… all? Oh no – longtime Mario fans know the journey has only just begun!

Beating Bowser is an iconic moment in gaming history. Yet in many Mario games, this crowning achievement marks more of a milestone than the actual ending. Clearing the main story opens the floodgates to even more levels to beat, secrets to uncover, and challenges that will push your skills to the limit.

New adventures await in worlds you‘ve already finished

According to long-time Mario speedrunner "SethBling," previous levels often transform into mini Metroidvanias after Bowser‘s demise. Doors that were previously closed swing open, letting you access special hidden areas. Or maybe an entirely new segment appears out of thin air!

For example, clearing the Donut Ghost House‘s secret exit in Super Mario World reveals the Top Secret Area, bursting with coins and power-ups on a grassy plateau according to Mario Wiki. Veteran players know poking around familiar territory can yield fantastic rewards they may have missed on their first lap.

Many kingdoms in Super Mario Odyssey also hide extra Power Moons specifically visible after defeating Bowser. So if you didn‘t turn every location absolutely upside-down on your initial run, it‘s worth revisiting!

The real final worlds will push your skills over the edge

Thought navigating Bowser‘s volcanic lair was tough? For seasoned Mario maestros, the real challenges unlock after the credits roll. We‘re talking about the Special Worlds in Super Mario World, the "Perfect Run" in Super Mario Galaxy 2, Champion‘s Road in Super Mario 3D World. These extra marathon courses are specially designed to put your fingers – and your patience – to the ultimate test.

According to GameXplain, Champion‘s Road is so diabolical, only 5% of Super Mario 3D World players on Wii U have ever completed it! But conquering these final trials grants you bragging rights among even hardcore completionists. Along with unlocking hidden goodies, alternate characters, or permanent map alterations as trophies of your dedication.

Remixing Mario‘s classics into "New Game Plus"

Some postgame content plays with the Mario formula in unique ways. For example, clearing New Super Mario Bros. U once opens up New Super Luigi U – starring Luigi instead! According to IGN, "Luigi runs higher and has trouble stopping quickly." These subtle physics twists drastically alter the feel of each level for a fresh take Mario veterans.

Other examples include the Luigi sightings or pose challenges in Super Mario Galaxy and Galaxy 2. Or the brutal "Impossible Pack" of levels added to New Super Mario Bros 2 as free DLC. Whatever form it takes, this "New Game Plus" content breathes new life into Mario‘s classic run and jump gameplay.

For completionists, 100% is the only finish line

Ask any Mario die-hard what it means to "beat" a game in the series. They‘ll scoff and say hopping over Bowser is only step one. The full marathon doesn‘t end until 100% completion.

Every star collected, every world explored, every single challenge completed – THAT is when a Mario veteran feels satisfied. The altered title screen, special ending, developer credits, and sense of mastery over Nintendo‘s beloved mascot are the REAL prizes for logging all those hours.

Some may see grinding for collectibles as a pointless waste of time. But unlocking the optional Super Mario content shows your deep passion for these masterfully crafted games. And for many fans, there‘s no better stamp of approval than knowing a title inside and out before taking the cartridge out for good.

The journey doesn‘t end – it expands!

For over 35 years, Mario has delighted gamers across generations. These legendary platformers remain fresh and compelling partially thanks to the Postgame Power-Up.

Instead of a bittersweet farewell when Bowser hits the lava, the quest expands into new worlds with their own unique rules. Mario veterans have their skills pushed further battling devious new enemies across diabolical levels. Diehard collectors seek out every last star, moon, coin and button rewarded through diligent exploration.

In Mario‘s universe, there‘s always another castle, secret exit, or bonus challenge waiting for curious players. So next time you trounce Bowser, don‘t drop the controller just yet! Tons of new adventures in familiar lands await anyone with the skill and dedication to seek them out.

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