What Happens at Adventure Rank 60 in Genshin Impact?

Reaching Adventure Rank (AR) 60 in the popular free-to-play game Genshin Impact is a monumental feat that only the most dedicated of players have managed to achieve so far. As a Genshin content creator and theorycrafter with years under my belt grinding this game daily, let me walk you through everything that opens up at this max Adventure Rank milestone!

Overview: Conversion of ALL EXP into Mora

Without a doubt, the single biggest perk of hitting the current AR cap of 60 is unlocking the ability to convert any excess Adventure EXP into the in-game currency, Mora. Here‘s a quick rundown before we dive into the details:

  • All Adventure EXP beyond AR 60 gets converted directly into Mora at a solid 1:10 ratio
  • This passive income allows further progression even when the rank itself is capped
  • While small at first, the Mora trickle can add up to significant sums over time

Let‘s do some quick napkin math. Based on community-tested numbers, you earn approximately 75-100 Adventure EXP from spending 160 daily resin. If we take the lower end at 75 per day:

  • 75 Adventure EXP x 1:10 ratio = 750 Mora per day
  • 750 x 30 days = 22,500 Mora per month!

Considering it takes 175,000 Mora to level up one 5-star artifact from Level 0 to 20, that 22.5k per month goes a decent ways toward continuous late game progression even in absence of direct Adventure Rank increases.

How Long Does it Take to Reach AR 60?

Let‘s address the elephant in the room – how unrealistic is it to reach AR 60 before losing interest? Based on aggregating numbers from many dedicated players, the common wisdom suggests:

  • Casual Play: Likely not achievable ever
  • Focused Grinding: 2+ years
  • Streamers/No-lifers: 1-2 years

To demonstrate with stats, user plausiblydense on Reddit did the math assuming steady daily play without spending resin refreshes or primogems to replenish original resin (F2P style):

Adventure RankApprox Days to Reach

As you can see, it‘s an insanely long journey to make it to AR 60. That table adds up to a total of 597-650 days if playing daily without spending money to accelerate resin replenishment. Around 1.5 – 2 years for a dedicated F2P player.

Let‘s dig deeper on how much actual content that entails:

  • ~33,000 Resin worth of domains/leylines
  • ~2,200 artifact farming runs
  • ~2.3 billion Mora earned on the way there

That‘s a ridiculous amount of gameplay! So while the rewards ON AR 60 seem lackluster or minimal, keep that insane journey scale in mind!

What Changes at AR 60? (Virtually Nothing!)

If I haven‘t emphasized it enough yet, Adventure Rank 60 does NOT expand any existing systems whatsoever. You gain:

  1. Adventure EXP conversion to Mora
  2. The standard final bundle of:
    • 150 Primogems
    • 3 Acquaint Fates
    • 2 Fragile Resin

And… that‘s it! No increase to:

  • World Level (stays capped at 8)
  • Ley Line Outcrop rewards
  • Resin cap amount
  • Weekly Boss material drops
  • Spiral Abyss difficulty or rewards

So unlike previous major milestones while climbing through Adventure Ranks, the AR 60 finish line offers no sweeping unlocks or system expansions.

My personal take? This is actually smart design by miHoYo to avoid power creep and maintaining late game balance. By capping progression, it retains meaningful differentiation between moderate players around AR 45-55 and the ultra dedicated top percentage nearing two years of playtime.

But does it risk losing those players once the "carrot on a stick" of further Adventure Ranks goes away? Let‘s discuss…

What‘s Next? Retaining Max AR Players

I‘ve seen some debate whether miHoYo may raise the cap in future updates to spur additional progression. From a game design perspective, I could envision further 10 AR increments being added each year that tweak various scaling.

However, with no official word on changes, the current reality is that AR 60 players must find their own motivation through combat optimization, spiral abyss leaderboards, or character collection rather than external progression systems.

In my own discussions with veteran Genshin players above AR 58, the topic of "selling accounts" has arisen now that their accounts hold substantial value after two years of meticulous artifact grinding.

However, I strictly advise against this due to account security risks. Spend your resin and Mora wisely! Clearly miHoYo values these dedicated launch players given the astronomically scarce Adventurer namecards awarded specifically to AR 59+ travelers.

My advice if you‘ve made it this far? Pat yourself on the back and take it easy with daily play rather than burning out. The developers certainly appear invested in retaining your goodwill rather than squeezing the last bits of resin out of you daily.

Closing Thoughts

While the marathon to AR 60 still appeals only to the craziest Genshin fans like myself, unlocking even the Adventure EXP conversion trickle can accelerate late game builds over time.

I hope this analysis helped demonstrate exactly how gargantuan of an achievement maxing out your Adventure Rank truly is! Let me know if you have any other questions in your own journey to join these elite ranks!

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