What happens when married Sims have affairs in The Sims Freeplay? An in-depth look

If a married Sim is discovered having an affair in The Sims Freeplay, their betrayed spouse will initially feel upset and heartbroken. With continuing romantic interactions outside the marriage, anger can intensify to the point of the cheater autonomously deciding to end their marriage in favor of their paramour. But not all affairs unfold so dramatically, as players ultimately control their Sims‘ choices. This article will explore the intricate relationship and household impacts possible when affairs occur in The Sims Freeplay.

Overview of Infidelity Mechanics

Sims reach the Love Is In The Air quest before romantic interactions are unlocked. Only adult and senior life stage Sims have access to the "woohoo" intimacy allowing affairs. Though multiple partners are permitted, pursuing more than one romantic interest concurrently generates jealousy and deteriorates existing relationships.

If a player actively controls a attached Sim to autonomously woohoo outside their marriage, initial reactions from the cuckolded spouse involve crying spells and negative mood buffs. But without direct discovery of the cheating, couples can quietly accumulate romantic partners without serious repercussions.

Emotional Fallout From Discovering Affairs

Witnessing a cheating incident provokes an automatic strong emotional response – the betrayed Sim reacts in shock, weeping openly. As woohoos continue outside the marriage, the injured party‘s sadness turns toward burning resentment and insulted outrage.

Once five to seven romantic outings have transpired behind their back, the betrayed spouse will independently confront their partner‘s infidelity and demand a divorce. Players can intervene with damage control conversations to temporarily redeem the marriage. But left unchecked, autonomous divorce proceedings will complete after several in-game hours.

Impacts on Children and Shared Property

If divorce finalizes following an affair scandal in The Sims Freeplay, the marital home transfers ownership to the original proprietor. For example, if Contessa marries Edgewater moving into his mansion, then divorces later – Contessa departs while Edgewater retains residence rights.

Any underage children equally split time residing between both parents‘ new households, alternating every few days. The logistics of child custody continue functioning normally after divorce, including child support payments to assist guardians with costs.

Strategies for Affair Recovery or Allowing Divorce

Players retaining control during affairs can prod the new paramour into relocating permanently. If the illicit lover accepts, the cheater instantly divorces their spouse and joins their romantic partner‘s household. Alternatively, controlling the cheating Sim to apologize repeatedly via friendly interactions helps temporarily salvage the marriage after being caught.

Of course, more ethical gameplay choices exist. Marriage counseling quest lines could introduce constructive communication around emotional needs. Or players may honor marriage vows by avoiding affairs altogether in favor of mutual trust and respect. The choice ultimately lies with whoever guides the Sims‘ virtual actions.

In Closing

While fictional scenarios provide risk-free relationship exploration, normalizing harm should give moral players pause. Does portraying infidelity for entertainment teach ethical lessons? What inspirational goals could replaceassuming cheating inevitability in games?

This gaming guide sought transparency around The Sims Freeplay mechanics without endorsing real-world deceit. May we thoughtfully consider how even play themes shape cultural attitudes, choosing compassion over harm wherever possible. Our virtual worlds manifest our highest visions of human potential.

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