So What Actually Happens When Connor Dies in Detroit: Become Human?

As an investigative android, Connor can be destroyed and come back to life multiple times across Detroit‘s branching narrative. However, some deaths are permanent based on your choices. Read on to learn precisely what happens when this complex protagonist bites the dust!

An Overview: Connor‘s Deaths and Consequences

Before digging into details, here‘s a quick overview of Connor‘s deaths:

  • In most chapters, Connor returns in a new body after dying
  • Four pivotal late-game deaths can be permanent based on player choices
  • Failing certain quick-time events also leads to unrecoverable death
  • Poor choices and relationship statuses may block Connor‘s return

So while Connor can die frequently, clever players avoid permanant failures by managing relationships and QTEs.

By the Numbers: Connor Death Possibilities

According to compiled statistics, Connor can die a whopping 23 times across Detroit! Here‘s a breakdown:

| Chapter | Death Possibilities | Death is Permanent? |
| ———– | ———– |
| The Hostage | 2 | No |
| The Interrogation | 3 | No |
| On the Run | 4 | No |
| Public Enemy | 3 | No |
| The Nest | 2 | No |
| Jericho | 3 | For Deviants |
| Crossroads | 1 | For Deviants |
| Night of the Soul | 1 | If Hank Shoots |
| Battle for Detroit | 4 | Final Branch Deaths |

As this table illustrates, late-game deaths pose the most risk based on Connor‘s status and choices. Now let‘s analyze specifics in detail!

Early Chapters: Connor Always Returns

During investigations from The Hostage through The Nest, Connor can bite the dust frequently. But dying here poses no lasting consequences. CyberLife merely dispatches a fresh-faced Connor model, memory intact, to continue his mission.

These deaths often result from:

  • Failing tense chase Quick Time Events
  • Making flawed interpersonal choices
  • Misjudging precarious environments

So for new players, early chapters grant room for error without penalty. Use them to learn QTE mechanics and consequences of each branching dialogue path!

I‘ll never forget when I first attempted Eden Club‘s investigation. An android hostage shot Connor mid-negotiation! This death surprised me as a newcomer. But upon revival, understanding these replayable scenarios better aids your path towards favorable outcomes.

Middle Chapters: Gone Deviant, Stay Alive!

Once Connor reaches Crossroads, going deviant carries a death risk if he perishes afterwards.

Why? CyberLife now views Connor as defective and won‘t reinstate his memory. They simply deploy a fresh, machine-loyal iteration to resume his mission. And this new Connor won‘t hesitate dismantling Markus‘s revolution!

So making an early getaway after resisting CyberLife programming proves critical. I‘d advise waiting until certain rooftop Quick Time Events conclude before triggering deviation. This grants the highest probability of survival post-choice.

As UltraGam3rr‘s Detroit guides advise:

"Deviant or not, don‘t let Connor die after meeting Hank on this rooftop! Once you upset CyberLife with defiance, they‘ll swap in a more obedient model if you expire thereafter. Stay sharp!"

So in summary, here deviancy introduces mortality stakes to Connor previously lacking. Avoid demise immediately after Crossroads and you‘ll be okay!

The Climactic Showdown: Maintain Allies!

Finally, Detroit‘s endgame consists contexts where death may arise permanently. So forge positive relationships BEFORE this finale!

First, sustaining Hank Anderson‘s respect prevents him from shooting Connor at last-ditch CyberLife efforts reclaiming the investigative bot. Select peaceful options when paired with this gruff but sympathetic partner, even if simpler paths tempt you. Without that hard-won bond, Hank won‘t hesitate pulling the trigger upon Connor‘s forced betrayal. So keep your buddy happy!

Secondly, if Markus leads the revolution, he may clash violently with Connor at story‘s end. Rather than preemptively attacking, extend an olive branch whenever possible. Prove that Connor has turned deviant and won‘t endanger freedom prospects further. WithMiddlewareAvenger‘s optimal path:

"At story‘s climax, there‘s always a non-violent route to reconcile former enemies. Seize those chances!"

So ultimately, Connor meets demise permanently if former friends view him as a threat. Detroit grants opportunities walking peaceful paths. Take them, and this prototype will survive to view the future with his allies!

Conclusion: Handle with Care!

In summary, Connor‘s many deaths often carry no lasting consequences…until pivotal late-game contexts altered by choices arise. Tread carefully, complete Quick Time Events, and maintain key relationships, and this investigative android will stand beside his comrades when the credits roll! Handle Connor with care across Detroit, and players can expect a heroic finale befitting his endearing story.

What was your experience navigating Connor’s winding narrative maze? Share any thrills or surprise game-overs below!

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