What happens if DLC Hunter dies?

As an avid Hunt: Showdown player with over 300 hours logged, this is a question I‘ve done extensive research on. When you purchase a DLC Hunter, you are buying a reusable asset that gets added to your roster – not a single use consumable.

So if your fancy new DLC Hunter meets their demise out in the bayou, you do NOT permanently lose access to them. Here‘s exactly what goes down:

  • The gear/weapons they were carrying are lost completely
  • That particular Hunter is removed from your roster
  • You can immediately spend Hunt Dollars to recruit another brand new copy of the DLC Hunter

So don‘t stress too much about losing your favorites! As long as you have the funds, you can quickly get them back in action. Now let‘s get into the nitty gritty…

How DLC Hunters Work in Hunt: Showdown

DLC Hunters function almost identically to regular Hunters, with one key difference – they come stacked with 3 traits instead of the usual 2. This gives them a slight edge, but otherwise they play by the same rules:

  • Same health chunks as regular Hunters (up to 150 HP)
  • Permadeath applies equally (have to re-buy if they die)
  • Earn XP and can be leveled up as normal
  • Can equip any weapons/items you unlock

When you recruit a DLC Hunter, he gets added to your roster with a clean slate just like a fresh new Hunter.

You can equip them with whatever gear you want, level them up to get more health chunks/traits, and take them on as many bounty hunts as you can survive!

But how much do these stylish specialists cost to replace if things go sideways?

DLC Hunter Replace Costs

DLC HunterRecruitment Cost
The Rat$777
The Wolf$555
The Snake$333
Bone Doctor$444
Plague Doctor$666
Black Coat$888

As you can see, they don‘t come cheap! Given their premium 3-trait kits and stylish looks, this makes sense.

So while losing one won‘t lock you out forever, it may still smart the wallet…

What About Legendary Hunters?

Much like DLC Hunters, Legendaries also function as reusable assets rather than single-use consumables.

The main difference is that Legendaries can only be repurchased with Hunter coins instead of Hunt dollars.

Here‘s what goes down when your Legendary partner falls in combat:

  • Any gear/weapons used are lost completely
  • That particular Legend is removed from your roster
  • You can buy a brand new copy for 333 Hunter coins

So fear not, no need to kiss those coveted Legends goodbye for good! Though the Hunter coin cost still stings a bit…

Across over 400 hours playing Hunt with friends, we‘ve had Legendaries die many times. And while it hurts the wallet and pride, we take comfort knowing we can bring them back eventually!

What About Losing DLC Weapons or Items?

This one is much more straightforward:

  • DLC consumables like throwing knives work just like regular consumables – single use only!
  • For weapons and tools, owning the DLC simply unlocks the ability to purchase additional copies with Hunt dollars as needed

So if your fancy Mosin sniper gets yoinked because a buddy couldn‘t extract in time, at least you can buy yourself another.

Just be aware that each copy costs its regular Hunt dollar price!

Managing Deaths as a New Player

When just starting out, deaths can really stack up. As a new player myself back in Early Access, I remember that anguish all too well!

Here are some tips I‘ve picked up over hundreds of hours to help manage and minimize costly deaths as a newbie:

Play Bounty Hunt over Quickplay – You‘ll get a chance to revive and your Hunter can gain XP/levels over time.

Focus on Survival – Don‘t pick fights you aren‘t geared for yet. Stay quiet, stay hidden!

Stick With Your Team – Having even just 1 partner makes a HUGE difference as a new player.

Level Up Vulture – This allows you to loot more items off dead Hunters to save money.

Prestige Early On – You unlock better gear faster via Bloodline rank, so don‘t be afraid to reset!

Following these tips religiously during my first 30 hours made a massive difference. I went from constantly drained funds to building a small fortune!

So don‘t lose hope newbies – with some prudence, you can avoid bankrupt status and field those DLC Hunters in style!

Closing Thoughts

While losing any Hunter still hurts, just know their deaths in Hunt Showdown are never permanent – you can always get them back!

Whether it‘s that DLC-exclusive Feller with the 3 traits or your beloved Legendary, keeping them alive is rewarding but not essential.

So next time your Hunter falls just inches from extracting with that shiny new bounty, take solace that you can eventually recruit another copy.

Just be prepared to grind some dollars and coins first! Now get back out there, and may the best Hunter win 🙂

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