What happens if I don‘t add my birthday to my Google account?

Not adding your birthday to your Google account can lead to your account getting disabled surprisingly quickly. If you don‘t provide your birthday within 14 days of being asked, Google will disable your account. After 30 total days without providing your birthday, Google will then delete all of your account information!

I learned this the hard way when creating a new Google account for my gaming content. I kept ignoring the repeated birthday popups from Google, not realizing there were actually consequences. Before I knew it, I couldn‘t access my YouTube channel or Gmail!

Losing access to your Google account can be devastating, especially for those of us who rely on Google services for gaming content creation and communication. So in this guide, I‘ll cover everything you need to know about properly setting up your Google birthday while maintaining your privacy.

Do I really need to provide my birthday? Can‘t I hide it?

Google asks for your birthday to set "age-appropriate settings" on your account. For example, they may show warnings to minors if the algorithm thinks they have stumbled somewhere online they shouldn‘t be.

You can hide your birthday from public view, but Google still requires you enter it when setting up your account. Here‘s how:

  1. Go to your Google Account
  2. Click Personal Info > Birthday
  3. Under "Choose who can see your birthday," select "Only you"

So in summary – yes, you do need to give Google your real birthday, but you can opt to hide it from public view.

What if I enter the wrong birthday by accident?

If you accidentally put the wrong birthday, or lied about your age when you created your account, Google may disable your account for not meeting the minimum age requirements (more on that next).

If this happens to you, here‘s how to re-enable your Google account:

  1. Verify your identity to prove you actually meet the age requirements
  2. Update your birthday in your Google Account with the correct date
  3. Google will then re-enable your account

Verifying your identity to update your age can be annoying, but it beats losing access forever!

What is the minimum age for a Google Account?

You must be at least 13 years old to create your own Google Account. If you‘re younger than 13 and want to use Google services, your parent/guardian will need to provide consent.

Here are a few options for proper parent/guardian consent when setting up a Google account:

  • Use the parent‘s credit card when creating the account
  • Have the parent setup supervision on the child‘s account
  • The parent can create a Family Link to manage the child‘s account

So in summary, 13 years old is the minimum age to independently use Google with your own account. Any younger, and you‘ll need parental approval.

Is it safe to show Google your ID to verify your age?

Google may ask to see a copy of your ID, like a driver‘s license, to verify your age if your account gets disabled. You‘re probably wondering…is handing over your personal ID to Google safe?

The good news is Google claims the following regarding how they handle your ID:

  • Your ID is securely stored and not made public
  • Your ID will be deleted after successfully verifying your age
  • Google will only use your ID to:
    • Confirm it is valid and current
    • Verify you meet age restrictions for certain services

However, once you provide that ID, Google now has yet another way to link your online identity to you in the real world. Only you can decide if you trust Google with handling your personal ID safely based on their privacy track record.

My personal advice would be to only provide it as an absolute last resort if there is no other way to re-enable your disabled account.

Should I enable 2-step verification for enhanced security?

Adding an extra layer of security like 2-step verification is never a bad idea to keep the hackers at bay. Without 2SV enabled, an attacker only needs your password to access your account.

However, with 2-step verification turned on, any login attempts also need access to your phone or other authentication method. This effectively stops attackers in their tracks even if they have your password.

As someone who creates gaming content and likely signs into multiple services with your Google account, I highly recommend enabling 2-step verification to stop attackers from compromise your accounts. It takes just a few minutes to setup in your Google Account security settings.

Let‘s recap…

To summarize everything we learned about properly handling your birthday and age settings with your Google Account:

  • Provide your real birthday to avoid account disable/deletion
  • You can hide your birthday from public view if desired
  • Minimum age is 13 years old without parental approval
  • Verify your identity directly with Google if they disable you for age issues
  • Enable 2-step verification for better gaming account security

I hope this guide was helpful, especially if you‘ve been locked out from your Google account before! Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions.

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