What Happens if I Go Back to Helgen in Skyrim?

A Ruined Shell of a Once-Promising Town

If you return to Helgen after narrowly escaping execution and dragon destruction during the game‘s opening, you‘ll find only death and bandits occupying the burned out ruins of the town. Alduin‘s attack left no building untouched, corpses litter the streets, and the keep has become a base for lowlifes picking through remains. Helgen represents the savage nature of Skyrim – full of promise one moment, razed to the ground the next.

While the destruction is near total, I did manage to scavenge some leftover potions, gold, spell books and mods in chests around town my second visit. And for those up to the challenge, Helgen Keep resets with new bandit spawns to clear out every 10 in-game days. Just prepare for a tough fight going solo against the bandit boss and his helpers.

Could Helgen Have Been the Next Whiterun?

According to guard chatter, Helgen was destined to become a thriving trade hub given its strategic crossroad location before the town’s unfortunate decimation. But with Alduin’s attack leaving barely a single structure intact, there are currently no plans to rebuild or reclaim Helgen in the vanilla game.

That hasn’t stopped Skyrim fans from speculating about Helgen’s revival. Some think reclaiming the town could make for perfect player housing with room to display all your treasures. Others see quest potential – perhaps a guild hall site needing to be purged of bandits first in an epic questline? Mods like Ambriel allow you to clean up debris providing decorating space. And the much acclaimed "Return to Helgen" mod lets you personally rebuild Helgen piece by piece, becoming Jarl along the way!

An Intriguing Location Despite Being Off the Beaten Path

While most players quickly move on from Helgen, never looking back, I personally find the location fascinating precisely because it was destined to be something more before Alduin snuffed that future out. Helping rebuild Helgen through mods allows you to reshape that destiny on your terms.

And who knows – maybe Bethesda will incorporate Helgen’s reconstruction directly into TES6? We can hope! In the meantime, I’d encourage any bored Skyrim gamers to take a second look at this devastated town. Bring building materials or a sword – you’ll need both!

Helgen Loot Guide
Bandit Spawn RateEvery 10 Days

Source: Personal experience, UESP, Reddit, Steam Community

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