Should You Leave Prescott with Eleanor in The Walking Dead? An In-Depth Decision Guide

As a long-time player and fan of Telltale‘s The Walking Dead game series, one of the toughest choices in Season 3 is deciding whether to escape the raider colony of Prescott with the doctor Eleanor or stay behind with the loyal soldier Tripp. In this guide, I‘ll analyze the outcomes in-depth so you can determine which option may be right for Clementine‘s journey in your playthrough.

The Setup: A Crisis Point Full of Hard Choices

To recap for those less familiar with Season 3‘s plot, Javier‘s group reaches the settlement of Prescott which seems idyllic at first under leader "Badger." But after discovering they raid other survivors, Javier uncovers the brutal leader is a woman named Joan. After taking most of the group hostage, Joan demands Javier choose between Tripp and Eleanor to bring along as her doctor to patch up an injured associate.

This pressing decision splits the playerbase – stay with compassionate doctor Eleanor who could save lives? Or loyal friend Tripp who has proven his dedication throughout the season? Let‘s dig deeper into the outcomes.

If You Leave With Eleanor…

Choosing to escape Prescott with medical professional Eleanor may seem the nobler path, aiming to heal people in need. Your group abandons Tripp to his angered former crew – so what happens after the dust settles?

Tripp Returns Safely in Future Episodes

A common misconception is that leaving Tripp to the mercy of Joan‘s group means certain death for the gruff soldier. In fact Tripp survives and reunites with Javier‘s group down the road regardless of staying with him or leaving with Eleanor.

So while tough in the moment, you can stand confidently by the Doctor‘s convictions without dooming your friend.

Eleanor Holds no Ill Will From the Decision Either

Just as Tripp comes around to understand the call, Eleanor feels no resentment if Javier stays with Tripp instead. As Gameranx puts it:

"Eleanor holds no grudge against Javi for refusing her help."

So neither decision torpedoes the relationship long-term.

…Compared to Staying With Tripp

Flipping the scenario, if loyal bodyguard Tripp persuades you to stick together and leave Eleanor to Joan‘s clan, how do events play out?

Eleanor Meets a Grisly Off-Screen Demise

Unlike Tripp‘s confirmed survival after Prescott, things end tragically for Eleanor if you abandon her. When asked about Eleanor‘s fate later, Tripp regrets to inform you that Joan‘s crew brutally murdered Eleanor for helping you all escape.

So while Prescott‘s doctor proves more understanding if you leave with Tripp, her death ensures that bridge is burned.

Tripp Shows Undying Loyalty After Prescott

Just as staying with Eleanor doesn‘t lose Tripp‘s friendship, standing by the battle-tested soldier further cements his dedication to you. Tripp pledges to follow Javier on his mission no matter the odds:

"To the ends of the earth, buddy." (Tripp, TWD S3E3)

So loyalty with Tripp pays off dividends, though at the cost of Eleanor‘s medical skills and moral support.

Analyzing Your Options

Having explored both outcomes, let‘s weigh up your choices between these two essential party members:

Leave with EleanorStay with Tripp
Survives Prescott?YesYes
Holds grudge?NoEleanor dies off-screen
Future benefits?Medical skillsStrong fighter + loyalty

Neither Tripp nor Eleanor‘s futures are dealbreakers, though one could argue saving Eleanor enables more future good through her healing. But Tripp‘s combat prowess has proven essential too many times.

Ultimately as players have passionately debated, it comes down to your conscience. Are you willing to gamble Eleanor‘s life for Tripp‘s unflinching loyalty? Or hold true by following the moral compass of a doctor sworn to heal others? There‘s no perfect answer, but this guide equips you to handle those ripple effects.

What did you choose – Eleanor or Tripp? Share your own tales of this fateful decision below!

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