What happens if Lydia becomes my steward

Making Lydia a steward means relocating her from Dragonsreach to your homestead, where she will defend and manage your property when you are away adventuring. You can still ask her to follow you again anytime.

Why Choose Lydia as Steward

As your first and most loyal housecarl who has fought by your side since the start, I believe Lydia deserves the honor of steward for your new homestead. After all you have endured together, who better to trust?

Here‘s why Lydia belongs at your hearth:

She Knows You Well

Lydia has witnessed firsthand the dangers you have faced and overcome across Skyrim – countless battles, ruins, caves and more! Who knows your needs better? With such history, Lydia will manage your home as you prefer.

Superior Defense

With 300 health and heavy armor, Lydia is built like a tank specialized in one-handed weapons and defense. With my homesteads always in remote dangerous areas, I love having formidable Lydia guarding it when I‘m out questing!

As steward, she patrols the grounds actively driving off predators and intruders. Bandits have met a nasty end trying to trespass! Her unlimited steel arrows certainly help keep the walls clear.

Always Loyal

Even when I‘ve accidentally blasted Lydia off a cliff (sorry!), once revived she loyally returns without question or complaint. Unlike fickle mercenaries, Lydia remains unwaveringly dedicated. I know she will run my households perfectly whether I visit daily or disappear for months.

For these reasons, I hereby name Lydia as Steward of Lakeview Manor!

Duties Fulfilled: What Lydia Does As Steward

Upon naming sturdy Lydia as your steadfast steward, she relocates permanently from her sparse quarters in Dragonsreach to reside at your splendid Hearthfire homestead.

But what exactly does a Skyrim steward do while you adventure abroad?

Home Upgrades

Without needing instruction, Lydia sets right to work improving and expanding your manor to its fullest potential. She can erect a greenhouse, fish hatchery, stable, carriage and more. Luxury!

Property Overwatch

Lydia continually patrols the perimeter in her heavy Dawnguard plate armor, bow at the ready. Not even a mudcrab goes uninspected! She also keeps the interior tidy and decorated how you arranged it.

Vegetable Vendor

The greenhouse allows Lydia can grow a variety vegetables – from cabbage to potato to tomato. Help yourself or Lydia sells them as merchant for steady home income. Ingenious! She also sells baking materials like flour and goat cheese if you built additions like an oven and pens.

Housecarl Duties

While steward, Lydia retains her sacred duty as your sworn protector. When you visit she serves as loyally as ever. By your command she‘ll follow you on adventures or guard your homestead when you‘re away.


With so much experience together, Lydia offers her insight whenever you ask. As steward she can also advise which improvements to build first based on available materials in stock. Listen well to our stalwart Lydia!

In summary, Lydia capably manages nearly every aspect of your property so it runs like clockwork.

Comparison To Other Steward Options

Worthy Lydia belongs at your hearth, but what about the other potential steward candidates? Let‘s compare to your options:

StewardSkill LevelMax LevelArmorWeaponsMagicOverall
Custom SpouseVariesVariesVariesVariesVaries★★★☆☆

Lydia‘s Pros:

  • Level 50 cap means continues improving as you do
  • Unlimited arrows great for defense
  • Higher skill than most candidates besides spouse

My verdict: Lydia is my #1 choice for best overall steward. You‘ve battled long together – now enjoy home together!

Note: If using custom spouse instead, choose someone powerful who meets your needs.

Converting Lydia Back From Steward?

I don‘t recommend stripping Lydia of her well-earned Stewardship. But say you need Lydia as just housecarl again…

The only way to demote a steward is banishment – through death/destruction. Unpleasant!

But it is possible to reset Lydia‘s relationship by:

  1. Bringing Lydia as follower to an isolated location
  2. Stealth archery attack until she drops (sorry Lydia!)
  3. Wait 3 days then return to original recruitment point
  4. Lydia will be alive again with no memory of the incident
  5. Recruit Lydia as follower again

Now she serves as regular housecarl, ready for adventures with her Thane! Lydia will be slightly miffed at dismissal from steward duty though. So I suggest leaving our stalwart Lydia to guard hearth as reward for her valor in your journeys!

What If Stormcloaks Take Whiterun?

If you side with the rebel Stormcloaks in the civil war and they capture Whiterun, Lydia sadly may disappear entirely from the game.

When Whiterun switches to Stormcloak control, there is a chance the new Jarl will banish Housecarl Lydia. If Lydia was made steward prior, this conflict apparently causes her to vanish from Skyrim existence!

Where Lydia goes exactly is a mystery. But regrettably neither she nor any new steward will appear at your Whiterun homestead. You are forever stuck with an unmanaged property and no way to hire new assistance. Harsh!

So while Lydia herself is not affected by politics, losing steward access is possible if Stormcloaks take the city. Something to consider when picking sides!

The Bottom Line

If you elevate Lydia to steward, she will happily relocate to your homestead as dedicated caretaker and guardian. She manages the property beautifully while you adventure, with merchant services too!

I highly recommend making Lydia your steward after long loyal service together. She‘s earned the privilege and responsibility – so let her stand watch at your hearth!

Just beware if the rebellious Stormcloak faction takes over Whiterun. They may banish poor Lydia to parts unknown, leaving your home abandoned!

But normally having Lydia as steward is tremendous benefit. Then all wanderers can rest easy knowing the legendary Dragonborn‘s home is under protection of Lydia‘s bow!

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