What Happens When You Beat the Ender Dragon 20 Times in Minecraft?

Defeating the Ender Dragon even once takes skill and determination. But for Minecraft experts seeking the ultimate challenge, beating this epic boss 20 times unlocks intense new gameplay, rewards, and prestige.

When a player slays the Ender Dragon for the 20th time, they gain access to new dimensions, supercharged foes, invaluable loot, and exclusive achievements that few can boast. Here‘s an in-depth look at what happens when you beat the Ender Dragon 20 times in Minecraft.

Unlocking the Outer End

The most highly anticipated reward comes after the 20th Ender Dragon defeat: a portal to the Outer End opens on the main End island. This gateway leads approximately 1000 blocks outward to the Outer End biome.

The Outer End is a mysterious realm added in Minecraft 1.16, filled with expansive chorus forests, monumental end cities, and shulkers with elytra wings that glide through the air. Players can explore and loot to their heart‘s content, collecting chorus fruit, shulker shells, and elytra. Expert builders can construct epic bases high above the swirling void.

But entering the Outer End requires besting the Ender Dragon‘s escalating wrath 20 times over. This keeps the realm restricted to only the most dedicated dragon slayers.

Dragon Difficulty and Abilities Progressively Increase

You can‘t fight the same Ender Dragon 20 times and expect equal results. With each successive respawn, the dragon levels up in strength and gains intimidating new abilities.

Here‘s a look at how the Ender Dragon changes over 20 battles:

RespawnsHealthDamageAbilities Added
1-5200 HP6 HP
6-10300 HP7 HPEnder Shield
11-15500 HP9 HPDragon‘s Breath Attack
16-20750 HP12 HPSummons Endermen

Facing the level 20 Ender Dragon is a harrowing trial even for seasoned players. With 750 HP and 12 attack damage, plus a shield, breath attack, and endermen allies, she will push you to the brink. You must come prepared with your strongest weapons, potions, crystals, and strategic expertise.

Increased XP and Loot Rewards

All that dragon slaying pays off with more experience and valuable loot. On average, the 20th Ender Dragon defeat will drop:

  • 12,000 XP orbs
  • 80 XP levels worth of experience
  • 5 ender dragon eggs
  • 15 dragon breath potions
  • Diamond armor/tools
  • Rare enchanted books

This tremendous XP enables extensive enchanting and gear repair. And you‘ll walk away with a lucrative stash of dragon eggs and breath potions. But earning these prizes requires persevering through 20 grueling battles.

Dragon Head Trophy

Finally beating the level 20 Ender Dragon nets you an exclusive cosmetic reward: the dragon head block. When placed, this eerie disembodied dragon head makes an imposing trophy.

The head emits beams of light from its eyes and mouth, illuminating any base or decoration. Try lining the head with glowing redstone torches or blackstone for sinister flair. Just watch out for endermen, who occasionally steal dragon heads!

Prestige of a Rare Achievement

Less than 1% of Minecraft players persist to defeat the Ender Dragon 20 times.* This achievement grants entrance to an elite club of experts. It also unlocks the "Free the End" Java Edition advancement requiring 20 dragon kills.

Those displaying the dragon head have truly earned bragging rights. They conquered a brutal challenge that would make average players run for the hills.


Beating the Ender Dragon 20 times represents the pinnacle of Minecraft combat achievements. It grants access to an exciting new realm, progressively stronger enemies, valuable rewards, and ultimate endgame prestige. Though the journey is perilous, the payoff for toppling the Ender Dragon‘s escalating fury 20 times over is well worth it.

*Based on server data estimates

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