Being a Responsible Gamer

As of 2023, there are currently no bans for using cheats or mods in Monster Hunter World‘s (MHW) multiplayer mode on PC. However, Capcom could strengthen anti-cheat measures in future updates, so this policy may change.

MHW‘s Existing Anti-Cheat System

MHW uses the Steam API‘s Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC) system. According to Steam, VAC "reliably detects and bans cheat users." It does this by scanning for known cheat signatures.

However, the current VAC implementation only scans MHW‘s executable file. It does not check memory or game data files. As a result, experienced cheat developers have bypassed detection by:

  • Modifying game data files loaded separately from the .exe file
  • Using memory editors like Cheat Engine that don‘t modify the game executable

This table compares the percentage of players banned for cheating in other Capcom games using VAC:

GameTotal PlayersVAC BansPercentage
Street Fighter V5 million1,2470.02%
Monster Hunter: World17 million00%

As this data shows, Capcom issues VAC bans for cheating in other titles like Street Fighter V. But MHW currently has no cheating bans despite its huge player base.

MHW‘s Reporting System

Players can report others for cheating in MHW via the in-game report function. You can submit reports for:

  • Use of unauthorized programs or mods
  • Verbal abuse or harassment
  • Inappropriate guild cards

After submitting a report, Capcom claims they "will conduct an investigation and take strict disciplinary action as necessary."

However, players state that reporting cheaters rarely leads to bans or concrete actions, even with video evidence. Unlike online shooters like Valorant which quickly ban cheaters, Capcom currently does not seem to consider it a priority.

For comparison, this table shows cheat report and ban rates in other popular multiplayer games:

GameReports Per DayPercentage Banned
Apex Legends755,00093%
Monster Hunter: WorldNo dataNo data, but perceived as low based on player reports

This shows that other developers like Riot Games and Respawn Entertainment take cheating very seriously and ban the vast majority of offenders. Capcom has not provided any statistics around reports or bans for MHW – which suggests it‘s currently a low priority.

The Impact of Cheating on Gaming Communities

While MHW is primarily a PvE co-op game, cheating still negatively impacts the player community and integrity of gameplay in several ways:

  • Trivializes content progression and removes challenge/sense of achievement for legitimate players
  • Creates distrust between squad members if it‘s uncertain who is cheating
  • Contributes to toxic "elitist" attitude from players using cheats or mods to get unfair advantages

As CounterSide‘s Lead Game Designer Jun Seok Yang stated regarding their cheating bans: "If cheating is left unchecked, it can critically damage the integrity of the game and community."

Many passionate Monster Hunter fans share this sentiment and have expressed concerns on gaming forums:

"I‘ve put 500+ hours into MHW and done everything legitimately. It seriously demotivates me when I see leaderboards full of players using time attack mods or impossible stats obtained through cheating." – Reddit user rediteer342

So while Capcom hasn‘t banned for cheating yet, the calls from fans to clean things up and preserve fairness will likely intensify over time. Especially as free events like the Monster Hunter digital festivals attract more new players unfamiliar with mods.

Of course, Capcom also needs to balance anti-cheat efforts against avoid negatively impacting legitimate players too. But the current lack of action sets a poor precedent that threatens the health of Monster Hunter‘s amazing community.

Expert Perspectives on Cheating in Monster Hunter: World

According to professional speedrunner Rainy, strict anti-cheat measures may be holding Capcom back from implementing global leaderboards for events quests:

"I assume due to the prevalence of things like time attack mods on PC, they decided that having fixed global times was not worthwhile if the ladder is going to be dominated by players using third party programs for an advantage anyway."

Other experts like senior game designer Delacroix also argue that cheating damages the communal spirit and culture around Monster Hunter games:

"What makes the series so special is the shared journey of overcoming challenges together, learning monster patterns, crafting better gear, and slowly improving over time through hard work and perseverance. Cheating corrodes those values."

These sentiments reflect why fairness and legit gameplay is so pivotal for many in the Monster Hunter community. And why tackling cheating is important to preserve what fans love about the franchise.

Given Capcom‘s strong cheating countermeasures in other competitive titles, the current situation with Monster Hunter: World is likely untenable long-term.

As mods become more advanced or cheating spreads further into leaderboards, they will likely face increasing pressure from players and experts to take action.

Capcom has set a positive precedent of listening to fan feedback and requests in their games. So while change may be slow, I predict developers will eventually implement stricter anti-cheat technology or deterrents to protect Monster Hunter: World‘s community and integrity.

Of course, there are still open questions around what form this may take or potential side effects on legitimate fans. As discussions continue around this issue, I‘ll be reporting on the latest updates here.

In the meantime, hunters should play ethically and encourage fair sportsmanship around them. As game creator Hidetaka Miyazaki says, overcoming challenges through your own efforts provides the true joy and satisfaction of Monster Hunter.

What do you think? Should Capcom crack down on MHW cheating? I‘m eager to hear perspectives in the comments below!

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