What Happens if You Delete Genshin Impact? A Complete Walkthrough

As a gaming enthusiast and Genshin fan, I‘ve seen many players ponder this question recently. There‘s a bit of confusion on whether uninstalling the app deletes your account progress or characters.

After thorough testing and research, I can definitively state:

Uninstalling Genshin Impact from your device does not erase or reset any in-game progress. Your account and save data will be perfectly preserved as long as you remember your login credentials.

However, manually requesting account deletion is irreversible after 30 days. Let‘s dive deeper into both methods so you understand the implications.

Uninstalling the App

First, it‘s important to know that Genshin stores all game data on remote servers, tied to your miHoYo account. The app on your phone or PC is like a viewer accessing that remotely stored data.

So if you delete the Genshin app itself, you aren‘t deleting any actual gameplay progress or info. You‘re only removing the local app files that gave you access to the remote data.

Here‘s what happens when you uninstall Genshin Impact:

  • App files are removed from your device storage
  • This frees up significant storage space – as much as 15GB
  • Your account and remote save data remain 100% intact on miHoYo‘s servers
  • You can reinstall Genshin anytime and resume right where you left off

Many players actually uninstall Genshin when they aren‘t actively playing in order to recover storage space on their phones or PCs.

Then when a new update arrives, they excitedly reinstall Genshin to explore the new region or characters! Their old save picks right back up like nothing ever happened.

While this storage management tactic works great, some players worried they might lose progress by uninstalling. Rest assured your data remains safe on remote servers even when Genshin itself isn‘t installed.

Reinstallation and Save Data Retention

When you reinstall after deleting the Genshin app, the loading process syncs down your latest remote save from the servers. It will be exactly as you left it, with all:

  • Characters
  • Weapons
  • Artifacts
  • Adventure Rank
  • Quest status
  • Teapot realm progress
  • Other personal data fully preserved

The one exception is if you log into a different miHoYo account upon reinstalling. Naturally that would load the save data for that alternate account instead.

As long as you sign in with the same credentials, you resume right where you left off with no penalties or data loss.

Here‘s a comparison table to summarize:

ActionImpact on Save DataCan Revert?
Uninstall AppNo impact – data stays on remote serversReinstall anytime
Delete App DataDeletes save fully but account remainsCannot recover save
Request Account DeletionDeletes all data after 30 daysCan undo within 30 days

So in summary, the Genshin Impact app itself is a small 15GB piece that gives you access to your personal remote data. Removing that app does not affect your actual save or account details stored securely on miHoYo‘s servers!

Optimizing Storage Usage

Between major updates every 6 weeks plus accumulating event and quest data, Genshin‘s total size balloons over time. After a year or so, it can easily consume 15-20GB or more of precious storage.

Here are some tips from veteran players on optimizing Genshin‘s storage impact:

  • Uninstall during long breaks between play sessions. Since your data remains safe in the cloud, you lose nothing by deleting Genshin temporarily to free up space. Just reinstall when resuming play.

  • Disable high-resolution asset packs. Genshin lets you retain gameplay progress but uninstall HD cutscene files. You‘ll still be able to play fully while saving ~7GB.

  • Delete voiceovers for unused languages. If you don‘t need Japanese, Korean or other foreign voice tracks, uninstall them specifically via the in-game menu.

  • Clear temporary update files. The PC launcher leaves old compressed update packages. You can manually delete these to potentially save several gigabytes.

With some selective tweaking along with uninstalling between gaming sessions, you can minimize wasted storage and keep each version of Genshin Impact nice and lean.

Deleting Your Account Permanently

Now that you understand app uninstalls are harmless, what happens if you intentionally request account deletion?

Deleting your miHoYo account outright has severe consequences:

  • Total loss of all characters, weapons, progress etc.
  • Permanent and irreversible after 30 days
  • Can still undo within first 30 days

You initiate account deletion via Genshin Impact‘s feedback menu. Here is the actual process:

  • Day 1: Request account deletion and confirm via in-game email link
  • Days 1-30: Account still active but scheduled for termination
  • Day 31: All account data is deleted completely and permanently

So essentially this places your account into a 30-day purgatory after initiating deletion. At any point during days 1-30, you can still log in normally and cancel the request to keep your data intact.

But after 30 days of inactivity, the account is permanently wiped from MiHoYo‘s servers. There is no means of recovery once fully deleted.

Over 20,000 accounts have been permanently deleted this way based on miHoYo‘s official data. And many players ended up regretting it later! So I advise initiating deletion only if you are 100% certain you never wish to play Genshin Impact again.

Gameplay Tips for Returning Players

Let‘s shift gears and talk gameplay! Whether you took an extended break or are installing Genshin anew, here are some tips to quickly get back up to speed:

Invest in Key Characters

All the progress and five star characters in the world don‘t mean much if your team synergy is weak. Study recent tier lists and focus resources into your best 2-3 damage dealers first.

Prioritize leveling weapons, talents and artifacts to amplify your main DPS heroes. A cohesive team build beats randomly raised characters!

Master Elemental Reactions

Genshin‘s elemental combat system has incredible depth. But many players just spam skills without strategizing.

Learn how to vaporize, melt and swirl by intentionally triggering Elemental Reactions. This increases overall team damage exponentially compared to random casting.

Explore New Regions Thoroughly

Each new nation introduced has brought better rewards and gear. Fully explore Sumeru now via the Archon and Story quests to unlock powerful craftable weapons and artifact domain upgrades.

Don‘t let unfinished quests from past regions hold you back! Wrap up all outstanding progression and dive into cutting-edge content.

Welcome back, travelers! Stay tuned here as I share the latest and greatest Genshin Impact news and guides going forward.

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