What happens if you divorce in Sims 4?

Getting a divorce in Sims 4 breaks up a marriage and allows sims to live independent lives. While the real impacts of divorce can often be challenging, the game allows sims to separate respectfully.

The Legal Impacts

When sims get divorced in Sims 4, it legally separates them as partners. Some of the legal impacts include:

  • They remain technically married but can live separately
  • Both sims keep the same last name after the divorce
  • Assets and finances are still shared initially

So a divorce doesn‘t fully separate sims right away. They are still tied together legally and financially at first.

Dating and Remarrying After Divorce

Once they are divorced, sims are free to start dating or pursuing romantic relationships with other partners. Over time, divorced sims in the game can even remarry either their original spouse or someone new entirely.

To rekindle an old romance, players need to gradually build up the relationship between the sims to reach romantic interest again. Then the usual engagement and marriage options become available to remarry the ex.

Co-Parenting Situations

If a married couple in Sims 4 has children, a divorce means they become single parents and have to co-parent the kids. There are a few options for custody arrangements:

  • The kids live primarily with one parent
  • The other parent can visit and be involved in the childrens‘ lives
  • Shared or alternating custody schedules are also possible

The non-custodial sim parent can still have a close relationship with the children. So in Sims 4, co-parenting and visitation ensures both parents stay involved in raising the kids post-divorce.

Remaining Friends After the Divorce

Unlike some real-life situations, getting divorced in Sims 4 does not necessarily ruin relationships between sims. In fact, sims can have amicable divorces and even remain friends afterwards!

Since romance and relationships are easy to build back up in Sims 4, sims can repair a damaged relationship or reconnect platonically as friends with some effort. This allows them to interact friendly and respectfully after ending a marriage.

Moving Out and Splitting Assets

When sims first divorce, they continue living together in the same home. But eventually one sim will move out into a new house once players decide who keeps the home or opts to sell it.

Additionally, assets like household objects, furniture, and decor items must be divided up equitably. Simoleons money saved in the household funds is also split fairly between the two parties. So divorcing in Sims 4 means splitting up the shared home and finances.

Overall, getting a divorce in Sims 4 allows sim couples to legally split up their marriage and go their separate ways. Yet the impacts are generally amicable, allowing divorced sims to stay friends, co-parent peacefully, move on romantically, and divide assets cooperatively.

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