Don‘t Handcuff Joseph Seed? The Secret Ending of Far Cry 5 Explained

Imagine confronting the main villain at the very start of a game, ready to initiate the climactic boss battle. But instead of pulling your gun, you stand there doing nothing as the credits abruptly roll signaling the end! This shockingly premature and almost comical conclusion is exactly what happens if you avoid handcuffing the antagonist Joseph Seed towards the beginning of Far Cry 5.

As an avid gamer and Far Cry expert, I was stunned when I first stumbled upon this secret ending. In this guide, I‘ll cover everything you need to know about Joseph Seed, the handcuff choice, the implications of the early conclusion, contrasting decisions in other Far Cry games, theories on Joseph‘s true motives, and why this seemingly small player choice has such a significant impact.

Who is Joseph Seed and What Does He Want?

Before analyzing the consequences of not arresting him, it‘s important to understand who Joseph Seed is and what drives his cultist ideology. Joseph Seed is known as "The Father" – the main villain and charismatic leader of an extremist doomsday cult called The Project at Eden‘s Gate. They await the coming "collapse" of civilization which Joseph claims he was chosen by God to save people from.

By examining his impassioned speeches, we gain more insight into his worldview. Joseph believes that he must rescue people from their sinful ways with violence if necessary before the inevitable End Times arrive bringing nuclear war, global warming disasters, societal breakdown, etc. His cult documents an apocalyptic vision filled with biblical imagery of fire, floods, and the Four Horsemen.

The Fateful Handcuff Decision

When you first confront The Father on his cult‘s compound, you play as a rookie sheriff‘s deputy who along with US Marshalls gets the job of trying to arrest Joseph and put a stop to his violent activities. After a tense helicopter ride filled with cryptic monologues from the cult leader, you come face-to-face with him ready to initiate the boss fight…or so you think.

As Joseph dramatically stretches his tattooed arms out wide almost welcoming martyrdom, you receive an on-screen prompt to pull out your cuffs and restrain him. Most players naturally follow these commands expecting it to transition into confrontation. However, if you avoid pressing the handcuff prompt for around 5-10 minutes, resisting arrest for reasons unknown, an intriguing surprise occurs – the credits abruptly roll signaling the end of the game right at the start!

Clearly this option was intentionally designed by the developers, but why include such an odd diversion from traditional game narratives? While some may see it as underwhelming, I believe the early ending sets the tone for player agency and underscores how every decision no matter how small has consequences…

The Implications of Joseph‘s Premature "Arrest"

Allowing the credits to roll by avoiding the quick time handcuff event completely subverts player expectations. Most games would transition seamlessly into an action set piece against the lead villain. However, Far Cry 5 uses this assumption to pull the rug out from under you instead. It signifies that the player is more than just an actor following a script even if the choice leads to an unexpected outcome.

Some may see Joseph‘s unprompted surrender as a narrative weakness or lackluster payoff after the initial buildup. But I view the early conclusion as a brilliant tone setter for the chaos and unpredictability that follows when facing off against his cult. Just like his followers, sometimes you must embrace the collapse rather than resist.

This secret ending also encourages deeper analysis and reveals the theme of choice and consequence central to the game. It compels players to restart and reexamine Joseph‘s motives while actively engrosses them into his cryptic vision. And each time you replay the scene, more fascinating secrets emerge…

How Far Cry 5‘s Choice Stands Apart from Others

The Far Cry franchise is known for presenting players with pivotal decisions that shape the rest of the experience. However, most choices center around obvious branching storylines, multiple endings, or major characters‘ fates.

GameKey ChoiceOutcomes
Far Cry 4Kill or spare Pagan MinTwo radically different endings and post-game states
Far Cry 3Resist Citra or kill alliesDetermines ending and relationship status

As the table shows, Far Cry games often integrate decisions tied to morality, alliances, and conclusions. The option not to put Joseph in handcuffs stands out as a more subtle diversion that triggers the credits instantly. It subverts both systematic gameplay cues and standard narratives making the choice wholly unique.

The Theories Behind Joseph Seed‘s Master Plan

Let‘s speculate deeper on what sinister machinations or end goals Joseph Seed might have had if not for the bombs interrupting his apocalyptic visions. Some of the most compelling analysis here centers around clues found in the Book of Joseph. These texts outline The Project at Eden‘s Gate doctrine in detail and offer illumination to Joseph‘s philosophy.

A few prevailing theories circulating amongst Far Cry fans like myself include:

  • Joseph hoped to fully isolate and in-doctrinate the player inside his cult after capture to maintain control post-collapse. This builds on his God complex and shepherd symbolisms.
  • He secretly knew about the hidden nuclear bunker (Dutch‘s Island) and planned on repopulating the world with his followers after the war and disasters abated.
  • Capture was never the true endgame – Joseph willingly sought out martyrdom and orchestrated becoming a symbol for the cult to rally behind in his inevitable absence.

No one can say for certain what The Father‘s vision entailed beyond vague prophetic imagery. But the ascendant lore and connecting clues keep me endlessly theorizing on Reddit forums late into the night…

On my first playthrough, I gasped aloud when the credits suddenly started rolling at the very beginning after resisting the urge to restrain Joseph Seed. At first, I was confused why my screen faded to black so early, but then appreciation dawned. This unconventional twist cemented how in Far Cry 5 every decision no matter the scale alters events going forward.

Avoid arresting the charismatic cult leader sets an unsettled tone where no conventions apply. While less climactic for some, it reinforces central themes around player agency, consequences, resisting assumptions, and confronting the collapse. So next time you boot up Far Cry 5, try waiting a bit before handcuffing Joseph. You may be surprised where the story goes…or ends!

Have you experienced this secret premature ending? Did you willingly embrace Joseph‘s arrest or feel underwhelmed? I want to hear from others who have taken the road less traveled into his prophetic den. Share your stories and interpretations of enigmatic Father Seed with me below!

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