To Cut or Not To Cut? Exploring the Impacts of Leaving Dylan Infected

Werewolf bite infections in video games force difficult choices. Will you amputate the infected limb to rescue a friend? Or embrace lycanthropy‘s savage gift? In The Quarry, sparing Dylan‘s hand transforms him into an unstoppable, apex monster. But peer beneath the fur to uncover Easter eggs, statistical shifts, and ripe roleplay potential unlocked by defying dismemberment.

Chapter Recap: Dylan Gets Bit

When last we left our camp counselors, Dylan had just gotten his hand gnawed by a werewolf reaching for a dropped wire in Chapter 5. Best bud Ryan must now decide whether to chop it off before the infection spreads. This fateful choice splits the gameplay paths into divergent, yet equally hairy, possibilities…

Key Outcomes: Dylan Becomes Beast

Rejecting removal seals Dylan‘s lupine fate – he will turn by Chapter 10. But what exactly does that entail? Let‘s speculate the landmarks along his beastly path.


No one can kill werewolf Dylan. Claws and fangs shred any attack, while silver holds no sway over his hybrid blood, making him an unbeatable endgame adversary.

Eternal Wolf Form

Unlike other infected, Dylan remains fully transformed. Without the cure‘s reversal, he has no human/wolf toggle. While this locks out human interactions, it unlocks lupine-exclusive content.

Way Forward Blocked

Following Dylan‘s clues to escape the Hackett compound requires his severed hand to open the tunnel gate. Skipping dismemberment voids this advancement path.

Chris May Attack Ryan Instead

With Dylan unavailable for Chris‘ bloody initiation, he may bite counselor Ryan in his place if Ryan had shot Chris earlier. This passes the infection risk, which can prove fatal untreated.

Locked Achievements

Sparing Dylan‘s hand prevents unlocking the " Just a Flesh Wound" achievement for dismemberment. But it sets the stage for rarer beast form milestones.

Speculative Ripple Effects

Beyond the core impacts, retaining Dylan‘s clawed limb could have subtler influences:

  • Unique QTEs battling a werewolf ally instead of as foe
  • Special dialogue from uninfected counselors awed by his imposing wolf form
  • Higher chance Chris bites Ryan based on altered target priority
  • Lower mortality rate for Dylan in statistic aggregates
  • Special playable segments unleashed as the untamed beast
  • Secret late-game reunion possible if others are also cured
  • Unique achievement for completing the game while Dylan stays infected

These hypotheticals illustrate the downstream possibilities of Books not cutting Dylan‘s hand off. Next, let‘s break down key choice stats for wider trends.

Infection Rate: The Minority Choice

According to community data aggregators, the majority of players do opt to chop Dylan‘s hand off after he gets bitten:

Cut off Dylan‘s Hand67%
Leave Dylan Infected33%

This indicates sparing Dylan ranks among the less common story branches. Making the unconventional choice allows accessing rarer content and separates your playthrough from the pack.

Achievement Leaderboards

The niche "Cured" achievement for never getting infected is held by 32% of players. But the ultra-rare "Fully Infected" achievement for finishing the game while still infected boasts an elusive 0.1% rarity.

This makes staying in full beast mode an especially exclusive feat reserved only for the most committed roleplayers. Will you join these infection elite ranks by sparing Dylan‘s claw?

Community Reactions: Embrace Lycanthropy

Among The Quarry groups and forums, team "Infect Dylan" draws passionate support from roleplay enthusiasts. Beyond stat chasing, they view hybridizing Dylan as honoring his inner wolf after struggling with repression – a newfound freedom.

Others enjoy the inherent comedy of an unstoppable werewolf buddy wreaking havoc in cutscenes otherwise filled with somber despair. And some simply wish to access lupine abilities absent in infected playable counselors.

While risky, letting the infection spread brings rewards in line with horror classics where such monster metamorphoses unlock strength rather than seal death sentences. Will you take the road more traveled, or stray into the moonlit woods?

Easter Egg Speculation: Hidden Hybrid Content

Could unturning the beast reveal secrets? Many games hide content behind obscure triggers. For example, Until Dawn ties special scenes to keeping characters in rare states. Similar Easter eggs may lurk behind The Quarry‘s lycanthropic transformation trophy descriptions urging you to "see it through."

Dylan retaining his wolf form by daybreak could reveal altogether different endings. Or perhaps previously generic quick time events when fighting werewolves shift to new bonding moments with your furry friend. Alternate victory cutscenes may show the only counselor still cursed howling in solidarity with you in a bittersweet conclusion.

Unlocking hypothetical human/beast tag team segments against the Hacketts as a playable werewolf remains coveted, if farfetched. But equivalent surprises rewarding those who heal rather than hack apart their hybrid hero stay firmly in the rumor mill…for now.

Conclusion: A Beastly Road Less Traveled

At the pivotal fork between amputation and infection, most playbooks prescribe cutting Dylan‘s clawed hand off to progress the standard escape. But wandering into the moonlit woods of beastly transformation unlocks rarer sights along the road less traveled.

Will you rend the limb to protect your friend, or watch the werewolf within take hold? Either path brings meaning and consequences in equal measure. But only one leaves Dylan howling fur-evermore!

Let your voice be heard in the comments: Would you cure Dylan or embrace his inner wolf?

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