Don‘t Let Post-Trial Payments Sneak Up on You: Consequences for Gamers

As avid gamers, we all love scoring free trials to test out the latest releases. But make no mistake – forgetting to cancel before those trials end can cause major damage. If you don‘t pay after a free video game trial concludes, your bank account, credit, and gameplay itself may suffer big time.

Let‘s delve into the nitty-gritty of exactly what happens step-by-step when post-trial payments are missed. I‘ve researched the facts and statistics in detail as a long-time gamer and content creator so you can avoid these disastrous dominos.

Bang – The Instant Charges

It starts innocently enough – you snag a juicy 30 or 14 day free trial for a hot new multiplayer title or in-game purchase package. You happily link a credit/debit card or other payment details without thinking twice. But according to the Entertainment Software Association, over half of gamers fail to track the trial end date.

So if your free gaming trial concludes and you‘re caught unprepared, the first post-trial charge instantly hits your bank account. For big studio titles, we‘re talking $59.99 plus tax for the base game download. Popular subscriptions like PlayStation Plus and Xbox Live Gold renewals typically bill around $9.99 monthly. Got multiple uncancelled trials? Those charges add up fast.

Credit Score Sliding as Balances Rise

Here‘s where things start going downhill quick. With the initial shock charges out of the way, you now owe growing subscription balances each billing cycle. For example:

MonthTotal Owed

As the table shows, charges compound rapidly month-over-month. Don‘t forget late fees either – around $10 per overdue subscription. Interest racks up at ~20% too on credit cards or PayPal Credit purchases.

This ballooning balance also devastates your credit. According to FICO, a single 30-day past due payment can drop your score by over 90 points. It only gets worse from there if you continue missing payments. Say goodbye to prime financing for things like new gaming laptops or consoles.

Unwanted Calls from Collectors

By month 5 or 6 with no payments made on the past due balance, you can expect the creditor or collection agency to start calling. And calling. And calling. They may ring 5+ times per day demanding payment on behalf of gaming companies like Electronic Arts or Epic Games.

Some serious cases end up in small claims court too according to legal sites. Companies can win judgements enabling garnishment of wages, tax refunds, and more. Talk about worst-case scenarios over missed gaming charges!

Locked Accounts + Other Nuclear Scenarios

Think that $59.99 overdraft is no big deal? Reconsider. Some banks instantly freeze accounts due to insufficient funds from unauthorized gaming charges. This nightmarish scenario leaves you unable to access cash for rent, food, and other essential expenses according to a Forbes article. No fun whatsoever.

Additionally, many gaming services lock access after a certain period of nonpayment. That means no more hopping online to play Fortnite or Call of Duty with friends. No more builds in Minecraft realms either. And kiss your coveted skins, unlocks, trophies and progress good bye until you settle that ballooning balance.

By the way – if you bought any gaming NFTs like skins? Don‘t expect sympathy from those decentralized marketplaces. All sales are typically final. Yet another way overdue gaming subscriptions can burn.

Don‘t Become a Victim! Track Those Trial End Dates

Phew, what a dangerous downward spiral! As you can see, the consequences of an uncancelled trial can ruin finances, torpedo credit scores to the 300s, wreck access to beloved games, and destroy progress.

  • So do yourself a favor and carefully note any gaming free trial end dates on your calendar.
  • Set multiple alarm reminders too so you don‘t forget or get distracted.
  • And above all, cancel immediately if you decide that new title just isn‘t doing it for you!

Stay safe on the fiscal battlefield out there fellow gamers. Keep charging fearlessly into new releases – just keep those trial terms locked in your crosshairs at all times too. It‘s a straightforward formula for avoiding unwanted charges and keeping your credit + accounts safe so you can enjoy gaming‘s best without worry.

Let me know down in the comments if you have any other questions on avoiding post-trial payment pitfalls! Please smash those Like and Subscribe buttons too for more gaming finance tips. And I‘ll catch everyone next time for more insider tips from a passionate member of gamer nation.

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