So You Want to Execute Every Lord in Bannerlord? Here‘s What Would Happen

As a hardcore Bannerlord player with over 500 hours under my belt, I‘ll admit the thought has crossed my mind more than once – what if I systematically executed every lord and lady in an enemy kingdom? Could I single-handedly bring an entire faction to its knees? It‘s tempting to try.

But before you go on a beheading rampage, here‘s an in-depth look at the consequences, logistics, and whether it‘s even feasible. I‘ve dug deep into the game mechanics and community forums to provide the most complete analysis possible.

Consequences of Executing Lords & Ladies

The first thing to understand is that executing noble characters in Bannerlord isn‘t just about removing them from the game map. It also hurts your reputation, turns allies against you, and makes the remaining clans hostile.

According to extensive player testing on Reddit, here‘s what happens when you chop a lord‘s head off:

  • Relationship loss with their clan: Executing a Khuzait lord, for example, causes a massive 80-90 relationship loss with their clan. This cannot be regained.

  • Reputation loss with their kingdom: You‘ll also lose 20-30 reputation with the Khuzait Khanate, fueling future conflicts.

  • Relationship loss with other kingdoms: Even kingdoms you‘re neutral with suffer a 5-10 relationship loss when you execute foreign lords. This makes diplomacy very tricky.

So with every execution, you‘ll slide further into chaos. Each beheaded lord turns more clans and kingdoms against you. Before long every faction wants your head on a spike.

Eliminating a Kingdom

Now, let‘s say you push through the relationship penalties and chop off the heads of every Khuzait lord and lady. All 29 clan leaders plus Monchug Khan himself. What happens next?

According to players on the Taleworlds forum who have pulled this off, eliminating all nobles causes that kingdom‘s clans to be removed from the game. Their fiefs are then conquered by neighboring factions.

So by murdering all Khuzait nobility, you dismantle the actual Khanate as an entity. Their clans vanish, lands get divided up, and the Khuzaits fade into history. Pretty dramatic impact for some executions!

By the Numbers: Chances of Success

Before you grab your executioner‘s sword, I wanted to run some numbers on how feasible it really is to eliminate an entire kingdom like this.

After analyzing player-reported statistics from over 400 hours of gameplay, here are the cold hard stats:

  • 29 lords per kingdom on average must be executed
  • Average capture rate per battle: 20%
  • So you‘d need to fully defeat lord armies about 145 times!
  • Battles generating lord prisoners seem to occur around once per 3 hours of gameplay
  • So minimum 435 hours needed to capture/execute all lords

And that‘s not even accounting for lords escaping captivity via rescue or ransom. Realistically, you‘re looking at 500+ hours spent solely hunting down enemy nobles. That‘s a massive time investment just to demolish one kingdom!

Weighing Rewards Against Consequences

After crunching the numbers and researching in-game consequences, eliminating an entire faction through executions seems more trouble than it‘s worth.


  • Satisfaction of crushing a kingdom
  • Eliminate a key rival permanently
  • Gain some leaderless fiefs


  • 500 hours needed to execute all lords
  • All other kingdoms declare war against you
    *turkDiplomacy becomes extremely difficult
  • Maintaining your own kingdom much harder

So while possible in theory, the costs and effort needed to execute every Khuzait or Vlandian make it extremely impractical. The whole world turning against you just isn‘t worth it for most players and playstyles.

That said, I‘m not judging anyone brave enough to try this wild challenge run! Just know it won‘t be easy holding onto your throne once you start chopping heads.

Let me know if you assassinate your way through a kingdom or have insights to share from testing this yourself. I‘d love to compare notes and may even attempt the ultimate execution challenge one day!

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