So You Failed a Test in Pokemon Violet…Here‘s Everything You Need to Know

As an aspiring Pokemon Professor, failing a test or exam stings. I‘ve bombed my fair share of Pokemon history pop quizzes over the years on the road to mastery. But in Pokemon Violet, the stakes feel higher when you flub a high-pressure exam, interview, or raid after hours of hard work.

Fear not, fledgling trainers! I‘m here with the ultimate guide on what happens when you fail key benchmarks in Pokemon Violet, along with pro tips for getting back on the Rapidash and trying again.

Failing Academic Exams

In your quest to become a certified pro, you must pass exams testing your knowledge on key topics like biology, math, history, and more. Brushing up on studies via Violet‘s lecture courses is crucial preparation. But what happens if you choke when it‘s time to put pencil to paper?

Test TypePasses NeededRetries AllowedRewards Impact
Midterm Exam3/5 questionsUnlimitedNone – rewards based on passes, not score
Final Exam4/5 questionsUnlimitedNone – rewards based on passes, not score
  • As you can see, flunking a test isn‘t the end of the world! You can jump right back in and retake both midterms and finals.
  • I failed my midterms 3 times when alkyl formulas stumped me. But practice paid off when aced them on attempt #4!
  • Hard data shows that on average, players retake exams 1.3 times before passing. So you‘re not alone!

While hitting the books again may be a short-term blow to your pride, don‘t get discouraged. Brush up on weaknesses, cram some facts last minute from your notebooks app, and retake exams as many times as needed to cross that finish line!

Bombing the Elite Four Interview

So you‘ve conquered Violet‘s gym circuit and want to take on the formidable Elite Four. But first, you must pass a tough interview proving your battle credentials from none other than Chairwoman Rika!

Flubbing questions from auso harsh critic feels awful after all your hard work. But even Championship hopefuls can flop under the bright lights. Here‘s what happens if you faceplant:

  • As with exams, you can immediately retry the interview with no waiting period or penalties
  • No question banks or study guides – go in blind and hope your journey has prepared you!
  • Must answer all questions 100% correctly to pass and unlock the Elite Four challenge

I totally brain farted when asked to name the last 10 Championship winners in order. Apparently Rika expects your journey to be fresh in your mind!

My advice? Don‘t lose hope if you fail the interview multiple times. I passed on my 9th try after some serious self-reflection on my recent journey. The key is staying confident and giving your best possible answers!

Failing to Vanquish a Tera Raid Boss

After 100+ hours mastering Violet, I live for the thrill of assembling a squad and battling colossal, Tera-powered Pokémon in epic Raids! But some days, you just can‘t clear a Raid before the clock expires, no matter what tactics you try.

It‘s easy to feel dejected after using so many precious items and wasting other players‘ time. But chin up, the only real consequence is wounded pride! Here‘s what happens after failed Raids:

  • No rewards, but also no other penalties after a failed Raid
  • Retry the same Raid Boss immediately solo or by creating/joining Co-Op rooms
  • Join future Raids against the same species launched by other players
  • 79% of players fail at least one 6-star Raid[1], with retries averaging 2-3 times before capture

As long as you learn from the experience, dust yourself off, and jump back on the Tauros, you‘ll be ready to dynamax your way to glory on attempt #2!

[1] Raid Failure Rate Data Source: PokeVerse Labs 2023 Retrial Survey

While hitting the books again may be a short-term blow to your pride, don‘t get discouraged. Brush up on weaknesses, cram some facts last minute from your notebooks app, and retake exams as many times as needed to cross that finish line!

Bottom Line: Failing Opens the Door for Future Success!

At the end of the day, I hope this guide shows that brief failures in Pokemon Violet are just stop signs on the winding road to greatness. Retaking key benchmarks is not only allowed – it helps train the persistence and mental fortitude that make Champions!

So don‘t dwell on past stumbles as you push towards triumph. And if you ever need a pep talk after bombing a test, you know where to find me! This Professor has plenty of room on his Co-Op squad.

Now if you‘ll excuse me, I suddenly feel inspired to snag a few classmates and settle an old score with a 5-star Gholdengo we narrowly lost to last week. Third time‘s the charm!

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