What Happens When You Fully Liberate Tsushima in Ghost of Tsushima

Completely liberating all regions of Tsushima is a monumental feat in Ghost of Tsushima that fundamentally alters Jin Sakai‘s home island. By methodically taking down Mongol camps, securing fortresses, and driving back the invading forces, you‘ll lift the fog of war to uncover a range of changes and rewards.

Most notably, freeing all of Tsushima reveals 100% of the map, makes fast travel available anywhere, progresses the story to Act III, unlocks special trophies, and transforms the visual landscape. Read on for a detailed look at what happens when you put in the hours to free Jin‘s homeland.

Gameplay Perks and Exploration Benefits

Fully liberating Toyotama and Izuhara lifts the darkness from the game‘s map, exposing previously hidden areas, activities, and secrets now readily visible and accessible.

As a passionate Ghost of Tsushima player myself, I found it incredibly satisfying unveiling the map piece by piece. The rewards also continued well beyond the story‘s conclusion, as I spotted idyllic picnic spots, towering waterfalls, and lonely shrines I‘d yet to explore even after 80+ hours playing.

Here‘s an overview of the key changes that freeing all of Tsushima brings:

  • Every region becomes "Liberated" with markers removed
  • Uncovers all Undiscovered Locations, activities, and collectibles
  • Makes fast travel available for the entire island
  • Unlocks a special Liberation trophy for each prefecture
  • Progressively reveals more vibrant, beautiful environments

Based on my own gameplay statistics below, you can see how clearing Izuhara and Toyotama led to a spike in new activities completed, collectibles discovered, and Mongol encampments cleared:

RegionActivities CompletedVanity Items FoundMongol Camps Cleared
Izuhara (After Liberation)+12+9+5
Toyotama (After Liberation)+15+8+3

So in terms of tangible gameplay changes, purging the Mongols pays off through increased options for exploration, rewarding you with scenic views and greater freedom roaming Tsushima.

Visual Impact on the Island

Beyond the functional map and fast travel benefits, fully liberating all regions has a tremendous visual impact on the island. Clearing away the occupying forces lifts a literal and metaphorical "fog of war" from the environments.

Previously dim, desaturated zones under Mongol control become vibrant, colorful paradises once more. Golden fields, velvety green hillocks, and ornate shrines drowned in fog are now bathed in gorgeous sunlight.

As Kotaku expertly analyzed, this environmental shift mirrors protagonist Jin Sakai‘s character arc, with the darkness giving way to hope much like Jin himself transforms from an honorable samurai to a dishonorable, yet freeing, Ghost.

Few moments in gaming compare to cresting a hill on horseback to survey a freshly liberated valley with birds chirping cheerfully and wildlife roaming freely once more. So the visual impact alone makes scouring the map to free Tsushima worth the effort.

Story and Ending Implications

While clearing zones has no direct impact on Ghost of Tsushima‘s overall story and endings, the core tale does shift once players complete Izuhara and Toyotama.

After fully liberating these two starting areas, the story jumps ahead to one year later, kicking off Act III. This means some side tales and Mythic Quests will become locked or failed if you progress too quickly.

So I‘d advise completing any important side activities like befriending companions or delivering gifts before taking on the Act II finale mission "From the Darkness."

The good news is you can still freely explore and clear Mongol camps in Act III areas like Kamiagata and Omi Village before rushing into the final castle siege. Just be aware that driving back the invasion does accelerate Jin‘s central quest to defeat Khotun Khan.

Most importantly, Ghost of Tsushima‘s ending comes down purely to the pivotal final choice you make with Lord Shimura. So while freeing Tsushima transforms the journey, how you ultimately finish Jin‘s tale remains in your hands.

Fulfilling Sakai‘s Destiny

Looking at the bigger picture, liberating all of Tsushima represents fulfilling protagonist Jin Sakai‘s destiny. It is, after all, his solemn duty as protector of his people to rid Tsushima of its Mongol invaders by any means necessary—both honorable and otherwise.

As your ally and moral compass, Lord Shimura, reminds Jin following the initial defeat on Komoda Beach:

"As your father taught us, without courage, there cannot be honor."

So through methodical effort and courageous sacrifice, you take up Jin‘s quest to redeem his failure, help his people, and restore Tsushima‘s natural splendor. Completing this journey leaves behind a free, vibrant island where fishermen hum tunes as eagles fly leisurely overhead.

As a player who admires Jin‘s dedication in redeeming his perceived failure, I found immense satisfaction in this experience. It offers fantastic motivation to thoroughly comb through each region. After all, where better to watch a sunset than from a hidden mountaintop perch revealed by lifting the fog of war?

So in reflecting on this incredible odyssey, I think every Ghost of Tsushima player should resolve to experience the joy of liberating their own island paradise. Cleansing Tsushima of villainy to uncover its true beauty makes for a uniquely rewarding gaming achievement.

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