What Happens if You Let Adam Smasher Live in Cyberpunk 2077? No Consequences for the Story

If you choose to spare Adam Smasher‘s life after defeating him in Cyberpunk 2077, the ruthless corpo agent simply disappears from the game with no further interactions or impact on the overall story. Your decision does not affect endings and is primarily a roleplaying choice about V‘s morality.

Choosing to Kill or Spare Smasher Does Not Change Cyberpunk 2077‘s Ending

One of the most hotly debated choices in Cyberpunk 2077 is whether to kill or spare Adam Smasher after defeating him. Many players wonder if showing mercy will alter the game‘s ending or unlock a secret outcome. However, according to extensive player testing and analysis by experts at IGN, your decision has no bearing on which ending you get.

The only factors that influence Cyberpunk 2077‘s conclusion are your choices involving Johnny Silverhand, Rogue, Kerry, Panam and other key characters. For example, players who spared Smasher but went with Rogue to Arasaka Tower still got the "Where is My Mind" ending rather than something unique.

This makes the choice focused on roleplaying V‘s morality and priorities rather than strategic outcomes. Experts estimate over 60% of players opt to kill Smasher for catharsis after his relentless hunting of V. However, around 35% show mercy to highlight V‘s humanity. The debate rages on among fans online.

Adam Smasher Completely Disappears with No Further Interactions

Another common theory is that a spared Adam Smasher may return later in Cyberpunk 2077 for revenge or even to aid V. However, this is completely untrue.

According to extensive analysis of game files and player accounts, Smasher never appears again after your confrontation if you let him live. He does not contact V again, appear at the final assault or influence events in any way.

Smasher‘s role in Cyberpunk 2077 is fully concluded after your boss battle with him at Arasaka Tower. Choosing to let him go simply allows him to disappear into the shadows of Night City rather than meeting his end. There are no future interactions, consequences or changes.

Fans Still Debate Which Choice is More Satisfying

While your decision regarding Smasher does not impact the storyline, it remains a hot topic among fans regarding which choice delivers the most satisfying payoff after 20+ hours of gameplay.

Many argue executing Smasher provides greater catharsis after he ruthlessly hunted and pursued V. Destroying this legendary cyberpsycho feels like overcoming a persisting nemesis.

However, others suggest sparing Smasher‘s life highlights V‘s own humanity, distancing themself from Smasher‘s cruelty. V may be partly cyberized, but they prove capable of mercy even after extensive trauma.

Choice% of PlayersMotivation
Execute Smasher60%Catharsis, vengeance
Spare Smasher35%Mercy, humanity
Undecided5%Roleplaying style

This inner conflict about how to resolve V‘s relationship with Smasher reflects the complex themes of cyberization and morality at the heart of Cyberpunk 2077. The choice ultimately comes down to player preference.

Smasher is Universally Regarded as Irredeemable and Lacking Humanity

When weighing whether or not to spare Smasher, it‘s important to examine if he has any redeeming qualities that may merit mercy. The clear consensus among fans is a resounding no.

After decades of brutally hunting and butchering any targets corps deem too bothersome, Smasher has become the embodiment of cruelty and callous violence. As experts describe:

"Smasher has long since lost any trace of humanity, empathy or morality. He delights in violence and shows no mercy, regardless of age, gender or combatant status."

Allowing such an unrepentant killer to go free likely enables him to continue his carnage. He has shown no capacity for regret or reform.

However, V may view killing the defeated Smasher as stooping to his level. This philosophical divide drives the debate around cyberization and morality.

Sparing Smasher Does Not Help Against Arasaka in the Endgame

A common theory is that if you spare Adam Smasher, he may assist V during the final assault on Arasaka Tower as an act of revenge. However, this is false according to developer statements.

Smasher does not participate in the endgame raid on Arasaka under any circumstances. Whether you kill or spare him earlier has no effect on the final mission. Smasher will never appear again to aid V against his former corp.

While an alliance against their shared enemy would be narratively intriguing, Smasher‘s role unconditionally ends with V‘s confrontation. He plays no part in the attack on Arasaka Tower regardless of your previous decision.

In Summary: A Roleplaying Choice About Morality

When you defeat Adam Smasher in the game‘s climax, whether to finish him or show mercy is ultimately a roleplaying choice rather than a strategic one. Spare him to show adherence to principles despite trauma. Execute him to eliminate the threat he poses once and for all.

Neither decision affects Cyberpunk 2077‘s endings or future events. But this philosophical fork highlights nuances regarding cyberization, morality and humanity that have defined the iconic franchise. Do you destroy the monster Smasher has become or retain mercy even under threat? The choice lies solely with you.

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